Course practices and online tools for studying September 2016 Orientation Course practices and online tools for studying September 2016
Today’s schedule 9-10 General info about course practices Online tools for students 11-13 Exercises in small groups (check your group and room) Course registration etc. AFTERNOON: 14.00 MSc programme welcome meeting (full degree students) Avaa orientaatio ohjelman toinen sivu 21.9.2018
Course practices 1/3 Course registration is done separately for each teaching period opens 28 days before the start of the period closes 7 days after the start of the period Except for courses where number of participants is limited or course arrangements require earlier registration -> registration closes 7 days before the start of the period -> to be safe; it is recommened to register for courses early Also remember to unregister if you decide to drop a course! 21.9.2018
Course practices 2/3 Exam registration is done separately from course registration and it is compulsory! opens 60 days before the exam closes 7 days before the exam MARK both the exam days and their registration days IN YOUR CALENDAR! Exams can be retaken However students are adviced to take the first exam offered Assignments etc. are valid until the course is organized next time Affects the number of retake possibilites Failed courses will not apper on transcript of records Courses that are taught in Finnish but can upon request be completed in English: request the exam in English well in advance and remember to inform the teacher if you cancel Viimeinen koskee vain kursseja, joiden kurssikuvauksessa mainitaan että on mahdollista suorittaa englanniksi. 21.9.2018
Course practices 3/3 Make sure you complete ALL required parts of the course, e.g. assignments, lab works, learning diaries, exam etc. In some laboratory courses you need to inform the teacher about the number of lab exercices you intend to complete, otherwise the credits will not be reported. Pay attention to the difference between personal assignments and group work: you can work on personal assignments with friends but two students cannot hand in identical assignments 21.9.2018
Attendance in courses Commonly a course consists of Lectures (theory part) Exercises (practice part) Also written assignments, reports, group work etc. Requirements for completing a course will be described in the first lecture and in MyCourses Attendance in lectures is generally not compulsory but exceptions are possible (e.g. language courses) Exercise sessions are usually optional but submitting the weekly exercises is compulsory Students decide if they want to work on the exercises on their own or in the exercise sessions Nämä on yleisiä käytäntöjä, mutta käytännöt voi vaihdella kurssien välillä, joten tärkeää mennä ekalle luenolle tai muuten selvittää jokaisen kurssin omat käytännöt. Aina voi kysyä suoraan opettajalta! 21.9.2018
Managing overlapping course schedules Due to the wide variety of selected courses, overlaps in timetables are hard to prevent Flexible attendance requirements usually allow the completion of two overlapping courses First you should get familiar with the courses’ requirements and workload You can register for several courses and drop extras. If you drop out, inform the teacher. Otherwise the course may be graded as fail. Then prioritize the more difficult/interesting/time-consuming course Erityisesti ongelma vaihtareilla. Tutkareilla ei pitäisi olla ekana vuonna päällekkäisyyksiä ainakaan pakollisissa kursseissa. 21.9.2018
Turnitin Some courses use Turnitin submission box for assignments Checks texts against comparison databases for similarity web pages student papers library databases publications Turnitin is a tool for enhancing skillful writing and preventing plagiarism! It’s possible to do originality checks independently Using Turnitin Originality Check is regulated by Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity 21.9.2018
Online tools for students
Online Learning Services WebOodi MyCourses Into Course Information Portal Study Management Website University & Studies Information Portal Course and Exam Registrations Course News and Results News from University and Schools Official Study Register Course materials and online exercises Study Guides Personal information Virtual Learning Space Turnitin
Into – how Aalto works? Make sure you are always reading the ELEC page to get the correct information! 21.9.2018
MyCourses – Course Portal and Virtual Learning Environment Overview: schedules, calendar, staff details Course material lecture slides assignment details, etc. Exercise submission, group-work spaces etc. Course news and communication General news posted by teacher Possible discussion areas Exam and course results, feedback 21.9.2018
WebOodi – Official Study Register Register for courses, exams, mid-term exams, etc. Make a personal study plan = Oodi HOPS (full degree students only) View completed courses and grades Update personal information Order an unofficial transcript for an official transcript, contact Student Services WebOodi 9/21/2018
Check your registrations Your student number Check your registrations Your status 21.9.2018
Completed studies Check your completed studies. Your professor has 4 weeks time to announce your grades Grades 0-5 Pass or 0 *(S or 0) *Sometimes a letter “S” might appear instead of “Pass” in your WebOodi. These are the same thing! (S is just Finnish for pass) 21.9.2018
Search for courses (You can serach by course name or code) When you find the right course, go to the registration page 21.9.2018
Registration is done to study events! ELEC-0.0001 Example course Course Teaching events Course autumn 2016 Exam 31.10.2016 Exam 14.12.2016 Course autumn 2017 Course Exam Exam Course Study events Lectures Lectures Registration is done to study events! Excercise group 1 Excercise group 1 Excercise group 2 Excercise group 2
Study Event Example Building and classroom (click for more information) Registration checkbox Event type Registered students / Maximum number of students 21.9.2018
Course feedback When a course ends, you’ll receive an email with a link to a course feedback survey. Some teachers may give extra points for giving feedback. It’s important that you give feedback! 21.9.2018
Questions? Presemon tuotoksia 21.9.2018
IT Excercises 11:00 Exchange students: Otakaari 1, U256/U257 Full degree Master’s students: Master’s Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering: Otakaari 1, rooms Y344 and Y342a Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Informarion Sciences (CE, SSLP and AAT): Otakaari 1, room U351 Master’s Programme in Nano and Radio Sciences and ITMO, Master’s Programme in Life Science Technologies and Space Master: Otakaari 1, room U344 21.9.2018