Junior Parent Night While you are waiting: Sign up for Remind: Counseling class of 2019 TEXT to the number: 81010 the class code: @62789c
Post-Secondary Options Two/Four Year Colleges & Universities Technical/Vocational/Business Schools Apprenticeship Training Programs Military Services GAP Year Program Tonight we will be focusing specifically on the college planning process
College Applications? Testing? Essays? Career Plans? Financial Aid? Recommendations? Applications? Career Plans? Testing? Essays? Financial Aid?
Tonight’s Topics Develop An Identity Research a Good Match Apply to Schools Financing Education
Tonight’s Topics Develop An Identity Research a Good Match Apply to Schools Financing Education
WHAT is a Transcript? and WHY is it important?
Note: “Work In Progress” is listed with senior year classes Note: Grades EVERY semester from 9th grade to present Note: “Work In Progress” is listed with senior year classes
Student Input Form
Junior Student Counselor Meeting (winter/spring) …more input: Junior Student Counselor Meeting (winter/spring) Students schedule at their convenience (Optional) Parent Letter or Parent Input form
Career Preparation Programs Naviance: Career Cluster Finder Career Interest Profiler “Do What You are” South Grad
TESTING ACT SAT I-II State test-April AP (don’t forget finals)
College Entrance Exams ACT Still accepted from all colleges across US Be sure to register for the ACT with writing Register online www.actstudent.org SAT I and II (reasoning & subject tests) We will register South students for April state tests Additional tests you register for online Carefully review prospective college application reqmts Only take SAT subject tests if schools require them www.collegeboard.org
2018 AP Exam Schedule Pre-registration pay online in August through the school If your student is going to be absent from the scheduled AP testing date(s) for unavoidable reasons, notify the Records Clerk in the Counseling Center as soon as possible so that alternate accommodations can be made. If your student is receiving special accommodations for the SAT and want the same for the AP exams, notify the counselor.
Essay Writing Answer the question … honestly. Watch the humor. Answer the question … honestly. Watch the humor. Watch the content. Show it to an English teacher. Write the essay yourself. Reduce, reuse, recycle a well written essay. Write only on the weekends.
Teacher Letters of Recommendation (timeline: Spring after APs) FIRST Check to see if your schools require a letter of recommendation Face to face request is important (NOT e-mail) Choose a core academic teacher that will best represent you as a student. Give at least two weeks notice Request officially via Naviance Thank the teacher Ask the Teacher Request in Naviance Thank You Note in Two Weeks
Tonight’s Topics Develop An Identity Research a Good Match Apply to Schools Financing Education
College Search Personal Reflection on Ideal Qualities Soul Searching Personal Reflection on Ideal Qualities Listing Priority Qualities Web Search Naviance online college match Resources on South Counseling page Great Books Colleges that Change Lives by Loren Pope College is Yours 2.0 by Patrick O’Connor Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be by Frank Bruni
Campus Visits Just do it! Make it official Call ahead for a tour Get a feel for the place Plan & combine them Make it official Call ahead for a tour Get documentation for attendance freebie Prepare Ask questions Learn unique features Personalize to your interests
Tonight’s Topics Develop An Identity Research a Good Match Apply to Schools Financing Education
College Application Process To Do: Research Visit Check Web/Print resources on colleges Prepare for applications Reference the College Application Timetable handout Review basics of what will be done junior year (met with kids, PSAT, Results) Use PSAT results to estimate scores and pinpoint standardized Test Preparation Access online and print college search resources Use CRC website & counseling center Visit the schools while they are in session (more on this later) Preview actual college applications in late spring/early summer to prepare college essays
Electronic Applications Paper Applications The Common Application www.commonapp.org
Where will my student’s credentials take him? Approximations ONLY Most competitive schools like : University of Michigan 3.9 GPA 30 ACT Highly Competitive schools like: MSU, Hope, K-Zoo 3.5 GPA 26 ACT Very Competitive schools like: Albion, Hillsdale, GVSU 3.0 GPA 22 ACT Competitive schools like: Oakland, WSU, WMU 2.75 GPA 21 ACT Aquinas, EMU, U of D 2.5 GPA 21 ACT Less Competitive schools like: SVSU, LSSU, Ferris 2.0 GPA 19 ACT
Five good reasons to choose Community Colleges MONEY – CCs cost a fraction of a four year college and can be a great way to get the basics out of the way WEAK GRADES or TEST SCORES – if you can’t get in to your top school you may well be able to transfer in after a couple of semesters at a CC WORK or FAMILY OBLIGATIONS – CCs allow flexible scheduling with weekends and evenings so you can juggle your family and work life. CAREER CHOICE DOESN’T REQUIRE A BACHELOR’S DEGREE – Many service and technological careers do not require a four year degree. NOT SURE ABOUT GOING TO COLLEGE - A lot of high school students have a sense that they should go to college, but they aren’t sure why and aren’t really fond of school. If this describes you, CC can be a good option. You can try out some college-level courses without committing years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars to the experiment.
Tonight’s Topics Develop An Identity Research a Good Match Apply to Schools Financing Education
Financial Aid and Scholarships
CRC FAFSA Private FAST WEB Scholarships
Visit the South CRC Webpage
College Resource Center (CRC) next to Counseling Center College Resource Center (CRC) next to Counseling Center Monday through Friday 7:45 am – 10:45 am or by appointment at other times Contact: Liz Naporano 432-3675 Visit the CRC website! Naviance, college representative visits, financial aid, college videos & catalogs, summer programs, vocational school information, service information, College Night, Financial Aid Night
Going Green with handouts Look for the following helpful handouts online in Naviance in the document Library Test Calendar 2017-18 Time Table for Juniors and Senior Year Financial Aid Resources Early Decision vs. Early Action …And much more Use your Parent Portal Password to access the program for the first time