Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Scotland’s Towns Partnership Jean Robertson Scottish Borders Council Tuesday 16th September 2015
Presentation Overview SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Presentation Overview What is SLOG? Purpose of the network Achievements Overview of my role at a local level in the Scottish Borders Contact Information.
Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group What is SLOG? Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group All 32 Scottish Local Authorities are represented (with a maximum of two officer per Authority). Individual Local Authorities deliver their funding function independently – SLOG is a networking forum
Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Purpose of Network The overall objective of SLOG is to provide a forum for external funding officers in local authorities to interact with one another, funders, partners and other relevant organisations on all matters relating to external funding.
Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Key Objectives 3 key Objectives: SLOG is a pro-active group, sharing information and experience SLOG has developed good relationships with funders SLOG has developed networking opportunities for members through our (topic related) working groups SLOG’s activities encompass: awareness raising; informing debate; and networking.
What we do Small Management Team Quarterly meetings Regular interaction and exchange of information – meetings, e-mail, events, sub groups. Input from an array of speakers at quarterly meetings Opportunity to discuss key issues, new developments, consultations
What we do Raise awareness of issues and contribute towards influencing policy developments with funders. Good links with funders across Scotland and SLOG is used and valued by them. SLOG’s activities encompass awareness raising, informing debate and networking Topic related Working Groups
Achievements Typical attendance 18-20 Local Authorities Location issues - video conferencing facilities and/or teleconferencing where possible Webpage & Information sharing – Knowledge Hub Information Sharing Forum
Achievements SLOG Champions / representation Liaison with COSLA The Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group (SLAED) Scotland’s Funders Forum (SFF) Scotland’s Funders Forum Frontline Group (SFFFG) Big Lottery Fund European Funding Information tools Monitoring and Evaluation / Harmonising Reporting Social Enterprise Mapping Exercise
Achievements Neighbourhood Watch national AGM Involved in: Neighbourhood Watch national AGM Starter for 10. – Part of the BIG/Scottish Grant Making Trusts Delivery Planning Group for Starter for 10 and development of the funding toolkit. Inspiring Impact seminars Funding event for Faith Groups Consultation responses SLOG internal survey on Council funding to the Third Sector and a subsequent report on SLOG activities to SCVO, the Scottish Government and COSLA as part of their national survey of funding to the Third Sector.
Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Overview of Local Role Funding and Projects Officer: focus on National Lottery funding external funding investment (National Lottery, SGRCGF, Trusts and Foundations local funding leverage (Community Grant Scheme, Landfill Communities Fund, Common Good Funds etc) project planning – pre application support , procurement, insurance advice etc post funding project support (larger projects, public asset transfers) co-ordinating Council services in support of funded projects support SBC as an applicant as well as voluntary sector
Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group SLOG Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group Contact Information Jean J Robertson Funding and Project Officer (Chief Executive’s Department) Scottish Borders Council Council Headquarters Newtown St Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA Tel: 01835 826543 Mobile: 07805736845 E-Mail: