Large, great Long (in extent or duration) Enlarged or elongated Macro- Large, great Long (in extent or duration) Enlarged or elongated
-mania, -manic Mental disorder
Large, big, great, powerful Mega- Large, big, great, powerful
meter-, metr- Measure
Micro-, micr- Small, tiny A decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurement
miso-, mis- Hater, hated, hatred
Mne- Memory To remember
Mono-, mon- One, alone, single
Shape, form, figure, appearance Morph- Shape, form, figure, appearance
nau- Ship, sailor
neo- Recent, current, young
odon/odont tooth, teeth
like, resembling, similar to, form -oid/-ode like, resembling, similar to, form
few, small, abnormally few or small olig- few, small, abnormally few or small
right, straight, correct, true; designed to correct ortho-/orth- right, straight, correct, true; designed to correct
thick, dense, large, massive pachy-, pacho-, pach- thick, dense, large, massive
pedo-, ped- Child Note: The British tend to use “paed-” while those in the United States tend to use “ped-.” Remember that the Greek ped- means “child” while the Latin ped- means “foot.” Don't confuse this Greek element with another Greek pedo- that means “ground, soil, earth.”
pan-, panto-, pant- all, every
feeling, sensation, perception, suffering, patho-, -path-, -pathy feeling, sensation, perception, suffering, Note: in medicine, it usually means “one who suffers from a disease of, or one who treats a disease”
around, about, near, enclosing peri- around, about, near, enclosing
petro-, peter- stone, rock
phag- eat, consume, swallow
philo-, phil- love, friendly to, fondness for, attraction to, strong tendency toward Note: under some circumstances, -philia means “unwholesome-sexual attraction” to something or someone, as in pedophilia.
-phobia, -phobe, -phobic Extreme fear, irrational fear or terror
-phon, -phony, -phonic Sound; voice
-photo, phot-, Light
pod- Foot or feet
City, method of government polis-, polit-, poli- City, method of government
poly- Many, much; too many, too much, excessive
-poly, -pole, -polism, -polist Sale, selling; one who sells; pertaining to selling
Before Forward For, in favor of In front of In place of, on behalf of Pro-, por- Before Forward For, in favor of In front of In place of, on behalf of
False Deceptive Counterfeit Pseudo- False Deceptive Counterfeit
Psycho-, psych- Dealing with the mind or mental processes *Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as breath, life, soul, spirit, mind, and consciousness
pyro-, pyr- Fire, Burn, Fever, Heat EXAMPLES: pyre, pyrology, pyromania, pyrotechnology
sarco-, sarc-, -sarc, -sarcoma Flesh, Meat EXAMPLES: sarcasm, sarcoid, sarcophagus
Lizard EXAMPLES: dinosaur sauro-, saur- Lizard EXAMPLES: dinosaur
see, view, sight, look at, examine scop-, scept-, skept- see, view, sight, look at, examine
shake, earthquake, move violently seism-, -seism, shake, earthquake, move violently
soma-, -soma body; mass
Greek: wise, wisdom; knowledge soph-, -soph Greek: wise, wisdom; knowledge
Greek: solid, firm, hard; three-dimensional stereo-, stere- Greek: solid, firm, hard; three-dimensional
syn-(sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-) Greek: together, with, along with By extension, syn- may also mean: together, with; united; same, similar; at the same time.
Greek: fast, speed, swift, rapid tacho-, tach-, tachy- Greek: fast, speed, swift, rapid
techn-, tect-, Greek: art, skill, craft
tele-, tel-, telo-, -telic, -telical Greek: far away, far off, at a distance Don’t confuse this tele- with the teleo- that means “end, last”.