Why do you believe what you believe? Lecture 3 Why do you believe what you believe?
“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.” --Blaise Pascal (17th century French philosopher)
Why do you believe what you believe? SOCIO-LOGICAL REASONS Parents Friends Society Culture Geography Community Peer Pressure PSYCHO-LOGICAL REASONS Comfort Peace of mind Meaning Purpose Hope Identity Feelings or Intuition RELIGI-OUS REASONS Scripture Pastor/Priest Guru Rabbi Imam Church Tradition Mysticism PHILO-SOPHICAL REASONS Consistency Coherence Completeness BIBLICAL TRUTH Accurate Exegesis Biblical, Theological Systematic Coherence Adapted from: James Sire, “Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All” in Telling the Truth, D.A. Carson, ed.
One goal of Systematic Theology is to (1) expose inadequate justifications for belief and (2) provide a solid basis for validating or invalidating truth claims.