The Renaissance HOW DID THE RENAISSANCE CHANGE government and society in EUROPE AND THE WEST?
What do you remember about the Middle Ages/Medieval Times? Warm Up: What do you remember about the Middle Ages/Medieval Times?
Before we get into the Renaissance… Think about the struggles in the Middle Ages: Feudalism (Kings, Queens, Lords, Ladies, etc.) Powerful Church Black Death Living for the afterlife Little freedom and social mobility Question Government and Religion
Take 5 video notes as we watch the video Video: The Black Death Take 5 video notes as we watch the video After: Pair-Share your findings
The beginnings Rebirth of Greek and Roman art and writings Humanism- The intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievement Focus on the individual Started in Italy Merchant class became wealthy
Who Participated in the Renaissance The Renaissance did not suddenly begin and end Most people carried on their daily lives like in the Middle Ages The Rich and Powerful were the most effected
City-States and Merchants Lots of Trade More Wealth and People Cities Ideas Northern Italy Urban, most of Italy=rural Plague killed up to 60% of some cities Merchant class grew because there was a high amounts of trade More money, more problems (and power)
The Godfathers of the Renaissance The Medici Family became extremely powerful Bank of Medici Unofficial Dictators of Florence Medici Video: Take Notes during the video AFTER: pair-share
Back to Ancient Greece and rome How did ancient Greek and Roman ideas become popular again? 1. People studied Greek and Roman Ruins architecture and art 2. Studied ancient Latin manuscripts 3. After Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453, Christian scholars fled to Rome with Greek manuscripts
Classical and Worldly Values Humanism: Studied ancient Greek values Secular: Having any attitudes, activities, or beliefs that have no spiritual or religious basis Middle Ages- Daily Sacrifice and piety Renaissance- Show your wealth and intelligence The Arts: Merchants and Church leaders funded the arts/artists Wealthy people demonstrated their own importance
Renaissance Men and Women Renaissance Man: Trying to master every area of study Be good at pretty much everything (Write, draw, sing, dance, wrestle, etc.) Renaissance Women: Upper class women Little to no influence on politics Be artful, but not create it Isabella d’Este
Renaissance Group Project and Presentations 1. Leonardo Da vinci 2. Raphael 3. Donatello 4. Michelangelo 5. Copernicus 6. Galileo 7. Machiavelli 8. Petrarch
As a group: You will Research your Renaissance figure Tell me: Their background, what they are known for, examples of their works, and the significance of the person (what’s so important about them) Each Group will present their Renaissance figure to the class (PowerPoint, Posters, or whatever you want) Each Group is teaching the CLASS about their figure
Talk about how to present your findings Each Group: Select 1 leader Talk about how to present your findings On a blank sheet of paper, Write down: Your Team Name, your group member’s names, and Create a chart that looks like:
Productivity: How well did my group use the class time? Equity: What did each group member do to contribute? Overall Grade: How do you think your group did overall? Why?