Unit I: Revolution Means Change! The Colonies Come of Age- Enlightenment, Great Awakening, and the French and Indian War
The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in which philosophers valued reason and scientific methods Started in Europe (Renaissance) Looked beyond religion for answers Careful observation and rational thought Earth revolves around the sun Earth is governed by fixed mathematical laws, not just the will of God Resisted by many religious institutions
The Enlightenment Spread to the United States Ben Franklin- experimentation and reason Spreads through books and pamphlets Puritans supported literacy- backfires on them Impacts political thought Thomas Jefferson- man is born with certain rights Many Americans begin to question the authority of the British monarchy
The Great Awakening By the early 1700s, the Puritans had lost some of their influence Required to practice religious tolerance Could no longer limit voting privileges Some Puritans enjoyed indulging their tastes The Great Awakening was an attempt in restoring the intensity and dedication of the early Puritan church
The Great Awakening Some preachers preached that people must do more than come to church (you needed to fear God) Restored some people’s faith, but challenged established churches Traveling preachers New denominations take membership from established churches People began questioning religious authorities
The French and Indian War Both the French and British were expanding in North America Come into conflict with each other Wars started in Europe come over to the colonies, but inconclusive French settlers More interested in exploiting land than settling on it Need Native Americans in fur trade- develop good relationships
French and Indian War 1754- French build Fort Duquesne in the Ohio River Valley Land had already been given to planters by the Virginia government Virginia sends militia to evict the French, war breaks out French crush the Virginia militia, including their commander, a 22 year old George Washington
French and Indian War 1755- British General Braddock (with Washington as an aide) attack Fort Duquesne again Get ambushed by French and Native American forces British soldiers turn and run Weakness of the British Army surprises Washington Washington brave (two horses shot out from him, four shots through his coat) He and other colonists begin to question the competency of the British Army
French and Indian War 1757- Under William Pitt, the British begin winning and align with the Iroquois 1759- British climb the walls around Quebec and defeat the French in a surprise attack 1763- War officially ends with the Treaty of Paris
French and Indian War Britain claims Canada and all of North America east of the Mississippi Britain takes Florida from Spain (French ally) Spain does get to keep some land (including New Orleans) Native Americans resent the growing British influence Proclamation of 1763- No American settlement west of the Appalachians (ignored by the colonists)
French and Indian War Effect on the Americans First time the colonies are united Begin to question British military dominance and authority Britain is deeply in debt, which means they are looking to raise taxes on the colonies