Guided Choices Process 2018 - 2020
Dreams and Aspirations Students will want to enjoy the next two years. Students, parents (and us) want the best chances of achieving the best qualifications. Future courses, employment and….. salary.
OUR Guided Choices Broad and balanced curriculum –statutory subjects are required to be taught by law. A group of optional subjects to provide a personal guided choice. Enable ALL to SUCCEED.
KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Curriculum
What subjects are there? ‘Familiar’ subjects studied in Key Stage 3. e.g Geography, Languages, Technology ‘New start’ subjects e.g Enterprise and Marketing, Media Studies – assembly next Monday Curriculum Support
What has happened nationally? New GCSEs now graded 9 – 1. Demands of these GCSEs has increased in terms of content. Reduced opportunities for coursework/controlled assessments to ‘bank’ marks ahead of the final exam. Reduced funding from central government to enable schools to offer courses.
What has happened nationally? English Baccalaureate – ‘breadth and strength’ and awarded for students gaining 9-5 in GCSE - English Lang - Two Sciences - Maths - History or Geography - Spanish, French or German
What has happened nationally? English Baccalaureate covers what Russell Group universities call the ‘enabling subjects’ Some universities have a language at GCSE as a requirement for some courses.
What has happened nationally? English Baccalaureate - Government are keen for as many students as possible to take this pathway – but not for everyone. Targeted those students who we are confident it will be for. No-one is being prevented from taking these subjects.
How are pathways allocated? Personalised handout explains the suggested pathway for you based on: Prior attainment Recent performance Preferred style of learning Ensure best chances to pass both English and Maths No easy option – all subjects will be challenging
6 or 7 GCSEs or equivalents I’ve got really involved and made new friends. Pathway 1 Core Maths English Language Science Ethics Core PE Pool A Work Skills Pool B Booster English and Maths Pool C ICT Pool D Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Its really enjoyable - going outside gives you some time out and chill time. I have had less behaviour points this year. This course gives you lots of activities and different things to do. 6 or 7 GCSEs or equivalents
Students must pick Curriculum + in pool B or pool C. Pathway 2 Core Maths English Language English Literature Science Ethics Core PE Pool A History Geography German Media Studies Photography Pool B Curriculum + French Geography History PE RE Pool C Curriculum + Enterprise and Marketing Geography History ICT Music Spanish Pool D Art Drama Engineering Food and Nutrition Geography History Materials Textiles 8 or 9 GCSEs Students must pick Curriculum + in pool B or pool C.
Students strongly encouraged to select a language in one pool. Pathway 3 Core Maths English Language English Literature Science Ethics Core PE Pool A History Geography German Media Studies Photography Pool B French Geography History PE RE Pool C Enterprise and Marketing Geography History ICT Music Spanish Pool D Art Drama Food and Nutrition Engineering Geography History Materials Textiles 9 or 10 GCSEs Students must pick either History or Geography in one pool. Both subjects can be chosen if students wish. Students strongly encouraged to select a language in one pool.
Two or more of these subjects can be chosen if students wish. Pathway 4 Core Maths English Language English Literature Science Ethics Core PE Pool A History Geography German Media Studies Photography Pool B French Geography History PE RE Pool C Enterprise and Marketing Geography History ICT Music Spanish Pool D Art Drama Food and Nutrition Engineering Geography History Materials Textiles 9 or 10 GCSEs Students must pick either History or Geography or a Language in one of the pools. Two or more of these subjects can be chosen if students wish.
Bad reasons Good reasons I am good at this subject. I really enjoy this subject. My friend is doing this subject. My older brother/sister did this subject. I have researched this subject. I am good at doing things involved in this subject. I like the teacher who currently teaches me this. This is a new subject to me, so it must be good. This subject may help me when I’m older. This subject complements others I’m doing. Other people want me to do this but I don’t enjoy it.
What next? 11th Jan– Guided Choices Evening, 6pm – 8pm Wk comm 15th Jan– Yr 9 Focus Week (Assemblies and information in lessons) Thurs 18th Jan– Yr 9 Subject Evening and issuing of reports Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February – Guided Choices Evening Term 4/5 - Students and parents informed of final choices Term 6 - Students complete a ‘Passport Project’ in option subjects
Common Questions Who makes the decision? Ultimately it is the family’s decision. The school is guiding the choice based on our educational experience and professional judgement about what would be the most successful route for the students. Will I get all my first choices? We try our very best to do so but this will depend on the numbers of students that opt for the courses. On occasions there are not enough students opting for a subject to make it viable.
Common Questions What happens if I want to do more than one subject in a pool? The pools have been created based on historic student choice. The pools for the current year 9 would have enabled over 95% of previous students to gain their combination of first choices. There is sometimes the possibility of some subjects moving pools after all the forms have been submitted but this is based on the critical mass of students. For example if 28 students wanted to pick German and Photography in Pool A there could be some changes. This would not be possible if 3 students in total requested this change.