Latin America's Independence
I. 3 Reasons why Latin Americans revolted I. 3 Reasons why Latin Americans revolted against their European colonizers A. Revolutionary spirit in the Western Hemisphere 1. United States - 1776 2. Haiti - 1804
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The best show on television! After, they’ve found a dead body, what steps are taken by the detectives to try determine who committed the murder?
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B. Rigid Social Order (social ladder) 1. peninsulares Creoles mulattoes and mestizos Native Americans and African slaves 2. Creoles were prohibited from holding the highest governmental positions 3. Creoles led the revolutions against the peninsulares
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C. Napoleonic Wars in Europe 1. European countries who had possessions in Latin America could not commit the necessary resources to maintain control Short little Frenchman
II. Revolutionary Leaders A. Jose de San Martin All three guys had different motives than most of the Creoles
II. Revolutionary Leaders A. Jose de San Martin 1. born to a Spanish army captain in Argentina in 1778 2. fought for the Spanish in the Napoleonic Wars in Europe 3. sympathies were always with the maltreated colonials 4. 1812 - he resigned from the Spanish army and became the leader of the revolutionary movement in Argentina 5. helped liberate Argentina, Chile and Peru before giving control of his forces to Simon Bolivar
B. Bernardo O’Higgins 1. born in Chile to Spain’s governor for Chile and viceroy for Peru in 1778 2. fought with San Martin (whom he met in Spain) to liberate Chile and Peru 3. instituted reforms such as the abolition of black slavery andredistribution of land among colonials There is a Chilean Seismological Station in Antarctica named after O’Higgins
C. Simon Bolivar The Liberator
C. Simon Bolivar 1. born to a noble Spanish family in 1783 2. called “The Liberator” of Latin America 3. credited with freeing Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia 4. became president of Gran Colombia (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador) and instituted reforms similar to O’Higgins
III. Common Problems A. The geography of Central and South America was not conducive to communication B. Latin Americans had little practice at self-governing C. Power was in the hands of the executive branch of government D. The Creoles took the place of the peninsulares