Copyright David E. Hollowell 2002 EDUCAUSE 2002 Student Services at the University of Delaware Copyright David E. Hollowell 2002
The University Founded in 1743 Chartered in 1833 21,000 Students find jazz .wav file $560 million operating budget Public or Private ?
In 1988 Perception of uncaring staff Lack of teamwork among offices Student Services Students given run around Perception of uncaring staff Lack of teamwork among offices Lack of tools to get the job done
1988 Priorities Improve administrative operations Improve services Student Services Students given run around Perception of uncaring staff Lack of teamwork among offices Lack of tools to get the job done Improve administrative operations Improve services Improve efficiency Develop necessary tools
Cross-functional Team Student Services Registrar (Chair) representatives of: Admissions Financial Aid Billing Institutional Research Housing Internal Audit MIS Six month goal to: Develop specs Assess marketplace Assess MIS ability
Executive Sponsorship Student Services Areas involved report to four different VPs Project under Exec VP with full support of President Results expected Support for change & implementation
Goals Emphasis on quality and efficiency of service Student Services Emphasis on quality and efficiency of service Team orientation of management & staff Fully integrated, comprehensive, on-line student information system
Objectives 1. Apply technology to its fullest advantage Student Services 1. Apply technology to its fullest advantage Fiber optic network Data base environment Integrate 5 redundant systems into a single system Ubiquitous access
Objectives 2. Teamwork is design critical Student Services 2. Teamwork is design critical Cooperation among units crucial Focus on institutional goals over individual unit considerations Be willing to reorganize if necessary
Objectives 3. Aim for high quality services Student Services 3. Aim for high quality services Never accept past practice without question Change archaic policies Streamline procedures Become “user friendly” “Think of yourself as a student”
Results New SIS system implemented in stages starting in fall, 1990 Student Services New SIS system implemented in stages starting in fall, 1990 Fully operational to college/departmental offices by the fall of 1992
Opportunity Student Services Student service departments scattered, not organized to provide optimum service Central location became available Only enough space for “front-of-house” activities
Design Process Analyze services required Student Services Analyze services required How to deliver most efficiently “Zero or one” concept Use technology to fullest advantage Process design before architecture Building staff enthusiasm
Service Analysis Self-Help (20%) (70%) Routine Assistance (60%) (20%) Student Services Self-Help (20%) (70%) Routine Assistance (60%) (20%) Specialized Assistance (20%) (10%) Branch Bank Model
Resulting Design Concepts Student Services Self-Help (20%) (70%) Routine Assistance (60%) (20%) Specialized Assistance (20%) (10%) Branch Bank Model Lobby Info, Kiosks, Web Generalists Specialists Peak Time Services and Staffing
Student Services Building Opened in 1992
What’s Been Happening Since 1992 Student Services
What’s Been Happening Since 1992 Student Services World-wide secure access using campus “intranet” & WWW applications Kiosks e-business
Current Projects Re-Design of Web Front End e-Business Concepts Web Portals Campus Card Enhancements
Focus on Student as Learner 1. Uses of Technology to Enhance Learning 2. Faculty Use of Technology in Teaching 3. Classroom design with technology built in
Publications Planning for Student Services: Best Practices for the 21st Century ( Technology Driven Planning: Principles to Practice (