RTI 10 Week 3
Tuesday Bell Ringer: “The Perfect Date” Answer questions 1-3 ONLY Explain your reasoning!
Answers: “The Perfect Date”
Agenda: Bell Ringer Inferring Notes
Inferring Notes: Inferring is like reading between the lines to find out what the author is trying to tell you without “telling” you. Confusing I know, but it’s easy: Take what the author states, add your schema (your brain, your background, the stuff you already know) and you get your inference. Basically, if you are able to support your inference with facts from the author and your own schema, you normally aren’t wrong!
Next… On the following slides are riddles. Use your schema to figure out what the riddle is about.
A Riddle: I taste sweet and juicy I feel rough I look like a bumpy ball What am I?
Another few: Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze What animal walks on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening? What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I? You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will, And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I? Stop Light A human A towel A hole Corn Tomorrow
Your turn: Pick an object and try describing it similarly to the poems/clues we just did. Best one wins. Make sure you put the answer on the back. Hang on the board, but spread them out!
Article reading: Read the title of the article and create a question that you have about the text. After we read, write down anything you know from the text and what you know from your own brain about the question. Finally answer the question.
Wednesday Bell Ringer: “The Perfect Date” Question 4-6 only! Explain your answer!
SSR Wednesday: We will be heading to the library. Then, quickly find and check out a book. Ms. Miskell and Mrs. Webster can check them out for you. Then, find a spot to read and begin! Do not waste your time. Make sure you fill in the Reading Log (I will let you know when you have about 5 minutes left) PROJECTS DUE FRIDAY!!!
Thursday Bell Ringer: “The Perfect Date” Answer question 7 & 8 Explain your answers.
Answers: “The Perfect Date”
Agenda Finish Tuesday Work Fluency Friday begin
Magazine Ads On a piece of paper, write down 1-10. On the board are 10 magazine ads. The topic is covered up. Infer what the article is advertising. Explain why
“Justifying a Mission Trip” Read the passage at your desk for 5-10 minutes. Write your name on the board when you are ready to read the passage to me. Remember, once you read through it, put your name on the board. You can answer the questions while you wait to come up OR after you come up! WHILE YOU WAIT: Pick 4 SSR Projects from the blue binder. Put a Post-It with your name on it! I will call you up. When finished, please finish the vocab, comprehension, and questions. Make sure you have at least two questions that you created from the Blooms Taxonomy.
Friday BELL RINGER 10 x 10 Get a pencil please! Turn in your reading projects!
Fluency Friday Agenda: Bell Ringer Finish passage from yesterday Begin Roundtable Pg 19-20 Reading Intervention U-V
As I finish the last read outlouds: Make sure you have a decent answer to each of my questions. Make sure you have really good questions about the passage. Work on your SSR Reading Log and Project Reading Projects due Friday Sept. 30th Four of them will be due! Turn the desks into a circle. Wait patiently and quietly to begin read around. Prepare to ask your questions. And answer mine.
Read around: The point of a read around is for you and your students to communicate and discuss the passage you read. I will start with one question. You will answer them. I will not respond to your question. Your peers will. To keep the discussion moving, ask your questions. Keep the round table open. Do not be hateful or disrespectful. Only positive comments! Keep the round table going for as long as possible.