OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Background: Budget Process Challenges for the Department Foreign Policy Challenges Corporate Challenges Human Resources Infrastructure Finance
DEPARTMENT BUDGET PROCESS Policy direction by the Minister Developed Four Options Cabinet Lekgotla Decisions Departmental Budget Committee Reprioritisation within Baseline
BACKGROUND A draft set of priorities was presented to the January Lekgotla by the Minister Priorities revised taking into consideration the Lekgotla deliberations and the State of the Nation Address Priorities will now be integrated into the Business Plans of the various Business Unit at Head Office and Missions Priorities seek to ensure focus on specific areas and a targeted use of resources in a given year
DFA SRATEGIC PRIORITIES Conduct and co-ordinate South Africa’s international relations and promote its foreign policy objectives Monitor international developments and advise government on foreign policy and related domestic matters Protect South Africa’s sovereignty and territorial integrity Provide consular services to South African nationals abroad Provide a world class and uniquely SA Protocol service Maintain a modern, effective and excellence driven department Contribute to the formulation of international law and enhance respect for the provisions thereof
PRIORITIES FOR 2004 - 2014 Global Governance Consolidation of the African Agenda South-South Co-operation Political and Economic Relations Human Resource Development Support Services
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE UN Reform Reform of the international financial architecture WTO negotiations Implementation of the outcomes of major Global Agreements Millenium Development Goals WSSD WCAR Kyoto Terrorism Disarmament Conflict Resolution (Middle East) Transnational Organized Crime
CONSOLIDATION OF THE AFRICAN AGENDA Strengthen the AU and its institutions Economic integration on the basis of the REC’s Ensure Peace and Stability on the continent Strengthen AU-EU Co-operation Promote Asia-Africa Co-operation Regional political and economic integration through SADC and SACU Sustainable Development and poverty alleviation
SOUTH-SOUTH CO-OPERATION Strengthen South-South Co-operation for increased market access, overall trade and investment benefits Consolidate relations to advance the Agenda of the South Strengthen relations with countries of the Pacific Rim, and the Caribbean around ACP and Commonwealth issues Strengthen economic relations with countries of South and Central America, Indian Ocean Rim and Central Europe Enhance the capacity of IBSA, and facilitate its role in advancing the interests of the South Strengthen ties with CARICOM Host AASROC and participate in the Summit in Bandung Host the Brazil-Africa Forum
POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS Expand tourism opportunities Review the Visa Regime, especially for key markets in Africa, Asia, South America, Russia, expanded Europe and Central Europe Negotiate Aviation Bill for the creation of sufficient airlift to and from South Africa Opening of new markets especially in Central Europe Conclude Framework Agreements for FTA’s with China, India, MERCOSUR, and the US Support the bid for the Square Kilometer Array Consolidate SA’s bid for the 2010 Soccer World Cup Implement the International Programme for the 10 Year Celebrations
HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Facilitate support and transfer of needed skills to South Africa and Africa
PROGRAMME STRUCTURE CURRENT STRUCTURE Prog. 1: Administration Prog 2: Foreign Relations Prog 3: Public Diplomacy & Protocol Services Prog 4: Foreign Affairs Properties Prog. 5: Auxilliary & Associated Services NEW STRUCTURE Prog 1: Administration Prog 2: Foreign Relations Prog 3: Public Diplomacy & Protocol Services Prog 4: International Transfers
CHANGES TO PROGRAMME STRUCTURE The following changes were effected to the programme structure: Programme 4: Foreign Properties is now a subprogramme of Programme 1: Administration. The management of properties is a support function of the Department, hence it is better placed in Programme 1.
CHANGES TO PROGRAMME STRUCTURE (Cont…) Sub-Programme Administration Support provides assistance to staff transferred abroad, including medical aid, hotel costs, airfreight charges, import and export priviledges and storage costs. This sub-programme has been moved from Programme 4: International Transfers to Programme 1: Administration. Presidential Inauguration has been a sub-program of Programme 4: International Transfers and is now a sub-program of Programme 3: Public Diplomacy and Protocol Services.
CHANGES TO PROGRAMME STRUCTURE (Cont…) The above changes resulted in the reduction of the Department’s programmes from five to four.
New missions opened 2002/03
New Missions Opened in Africa 2002/03 Bamako Lubumbashi 2003/04 Khartoum Yaounde Antananarivo Bujumbura Moroni/ Comores ( to be opened before financial year- end)
Thank you