PBL ON ELK POPULATION Vee, Jake, Drake, Luis G. 8th
HISTORY Europeans came and settled in the mid to late 1800’s. They hunted elk for meat to sell to the market in Denver. They hunted elk to the point of extinction; In 1890, there were very few elk to go around. In 1913-1914 before Estes park was a park, the U.S forest service moved 49 elk to the rocky mountains so elk can reproduce. At the same time settlers hunted down predators such as wolves and grizzly bears to prevent livestock lost. Because of this, elk became over populated due to the loss of predators and the lack of hunting in the park.
ecosystems IN ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK ALPINE TUNDRA: -Elevation of 11000-11500 -Shrubs are willow, alpine blue grass, alpine bistort -”Area of extremes” -Cold temp. -Strong winds -Few plants and trees because of weather conditions are harsh and cold Animals: -Elk, bobcat, chipmunk, etc.
MONTANE: -Elevation 5600-9500 feet -shrubs and plants huckleberries, Devil’s club, bitter brush, Oregon gape -Dry south-facing slopes -Stands of large ponderosa pine -North-facing slopes escapes some of the suns drying action ANIMALS: -Banana slug, Black bear, moose, big horned sheep, rubber boa, ect.
WHAT HAPPEN TO ECOSYSTEM DUE TO OVER POPULATION -Animals began to disappear (beavers is one) -Willow and aspen decreased -Over graze -Don’t leave enough resources to go around for other animals -Block traditional migration routes -Back up space -Decrease winter forage (food supplies) and habitat
FACTS ON ELK -Weight is 875 pounds (Average) -Over eat -National geographic says they tour at nine feet at average -Mating seasons takes place September-October
GROUP OPINIONS -Environmentalist of rocky mountain national park say that it was the most natural way to decrease the elk population. -People that live in the Estes park area are concerned about losing livestock and are also concerned about their children's safety. -Business owners are concerned that the wolves will eat their livestock. They are also concerned about their children. -Tourists are scared for their safety.
WOLF FACTS Average life span 6-8 is years Most packs are 6-7 members a pack (some times 30 in a pack) Have 5-7 pups anywhere from january-april (mating season) Very shy Main predator of elk
PROS AND CONS TO ALTERNATIVE PROS: -Reduce elk population -Open up more space -Unblock traditional migration routes -Decrease winter forage and habitat CONS: -Can over populate -Attack humans (rarely) -Can invade public grounds -kills livestock -WOULD TAKE 7-MILLION DOLLARS TO SHIP A PACK OF WOLVES FROM YELLOW STONE TO COLORADO
Food web if wolves came back Wolverine, coyote, garter snake, black bear Elk, beaver, deer, moose, Willow, aspen, grass, trees
GROUP OPINIONS Jake: Our alternative is best because bringing the wolves back is the most natural way for nature taking its course. Drake: The reason that bring back wolves is a good thing because it can reduce the population of elk only ( plus we can hunt for sport and trap them and taze them) Luis: I believe that bringing back wolves is a great idea but I'm concerned for the tourist who want to visit the park. Vee: I support my group members for the most part when they say “bringing back wolves is the most natural thing to do”. I think we have messed with nature too much and we must not play with it anymore.