By: Jordan, Mikey, & Stephen Wetlands By: Jordan, Mikey, & Stephen
Animals Most animals have to adapt warm and cold waters Most animals have to adapt by defending themselves When animals are born it’s hard for them to get used to their natural habitat
Plants Most flowering plants produce seeds inside a fruit When animal eats a fruit, the seeds pass through the creatures digestive system and are deposited Within a year, each sapling has developed its own tangle of prop roots
Geographic Location Wetlands are found all around the world Swamp They’re mostly found in Florida Swamp wet, boggy ground which is always soft Marsh a low wet place were the ground is wet and swampy Bog an area of wet spongy ground, consisting chiefly decayed or decaying matter
Climate The water in most wetlands come from rain Many bogs develop only where there is plenty of rain all year Tropical wetlands rarely see snow or ice,but other catastrophic wheathers can affect them Durring a dry season lightning can trigget wildfires,even in wetlands
The End Thanks for watching our wet preview!!