The three essays, thesis writing, and the WDBQ specifics… AP World History The three essays, thesis writing, and the WDBQ specifics…
The AP Exam Thursday, May 15th 2014 8 am 70 Multiple choice questions (50% of AP score) 55 minutes 3 Essays (50% of AP score) 2 hours total
The Three Essays They are: Document Based Question (DBQ) Comparison Essay Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT)
So what makes a good essay?
#1 a good thesis statement do Takes a stand Answers the question Previews the argument
Thesis Write a thesis statement that outlines what you plan to address in your essay. The thesis statement is not a restating of the question. It is an introduction that includes a careful constructed paragraph that lays out what you will write about.
Thesis Statement If your thesis statement starts , “some things are similar and some things are different;” that is not a thesis statement. If you begin to write your essay in the introductory paragraph, you have not written a good thesis statement.
Thesis Statement Example of a good thesis statement: “Two of the most important early civilizations were those of Mesopotamia and Egypt. They developed strong political and social systems that were structured around a strong emphasis on religion. Yet the development of both civilizations was shaped through each one’s environment and resulted in two uniquely separate cultures.”
Writing the Essay Once you have written a strong thesis, you have an outline to help guide your essay. Don’t include details in your thesis paragraph. You do that in the body. Conclusion needs to restate the main ideas of your essay. In other words - tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them with details that support your thesis and sum up by a strong conclusion.
Document Based Question (DBQ) Essay You will be given between 4 and 10 documents to group and analyze. You will be given 10 of reading time and then 40 minutes to write the essay Documents may include maps, pictures, and charts.
How do you analyze the documents? You must look for and state three (3) points of view (POV’s). Answer the question: Why was THIS person producing THIS piece of information at THIS time or in THIS manner?
Document POV’s What is the main idea or topic being said in the document? Why would this person be saying/creating this document at this time and place? How does the document help me answer the question that is being asked?
Scoring the DBQ There are a total of 9 points for the DBQ. The basic core consists of either 6 or 7 points. The expanded core will make up the rest of the total points. YOU MUST SCORE ALL BASIC POINTS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE EXPANDED CORE POINTS.
Components of the DBQ Essay – Core Points (MANDATORY) Thesis statement that is not just a restating of the question. Using all of the documents in your essay. Grouping and thoughtfully analyzing the documents. DON’T LIST DOCUMENTS! Stating the point of view/perspective on minimum of three (3) of the documents Using the documents to support your thesis. Adding an additional document that would help support your thesis.
Components of the DBQ Essay – Expanded Core Extremely strong thesis statement. Adding more than one additional document to your essay. Completely and thoroughly answering the question. Remember, you must score all basic points in order to receive expanded core.