Lecture 20 CSE 331 Oct 15, 2010
HW 5 due today I will not take any HW after 1:15pm Q1 and Q2 in one pile Q3 in another pile I will not take any HW after 1:15pm
Mid term In class on Monday Will start at 1pm: so come on time Most of your mid term questions will be answered by the blog post
Unclaimed HWs/solutions Today hours-a-thon Unclaimed HWs/solutions Atri: 2:00-3:30 (Bell 123) Jeff: 3:30-5:00 (Commons 9) Alex: 5:00-6:30 (Bell 224)
Graded HW 4 and HW 5 solutions End of the lecture
Solutions to Sample Mid-term Posted on the webpage/blog
Directed graphs Model asymmetric relationships Precedence relationships u needs to be done before v means (u,v) edge
Directed graphs Adjacency matrix is not symmetric Each vertex has two lists in Adj. list rep.
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) No directed cycles Precedence relationships are consistent
Topological Sorting of a DAG Order the vertices so that all edges go “forward” Topological sorting DAG
HW 5 due today I will not take any HW after 1:15pm Q1 and Q2 in one pile Q3 in another pile I will not take any HW after 1:15pm
Today’s agenda DAG topological sorting