Northern Cancer Alliance


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Presentation transcript:

Northern Cancer Alliance Patient Engagement & Involvement Jo Mackintosh – Engagement & Co Design Project Manager 9th January 2018

What is a Cancer Alliance? A Cancer Alliance is simply a way of organising local stakeholders to improve cancer outcomes for patients. Cancer Alliances do not remove the statutory responsibilities of individual organisations. Their aim is to increase cancer survival rates. There are 16 Cancer Alliances in England. In addition, 3 National Cancer Vanguards “testing” potential new ways to deliver cancer services in the future.

Cancer Alliances Cancer Alliances must take the following into account: Meaningful patient engagement and involvement. Health inequalities, reducing variation and improving patient experience wherever possible. Strong emphasis on how working together as organisations and across organisational boundaries supporting local areas to carry out their programme of work.

Cancer Taskforce Strategy A taskforce consisting of national experts was asked to deliver the vision set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View.  The strategy is called Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020 and was published in July 2015. The aim of this strategy is to prevent as many people as possible from experiencing cancer and improve survival rates of those with cancer. Cancer Alliances are responsible for carrying out a programme of work to improve outcomes agreed by the National Cancer Transformation Board

Northern Cancer Alliance (NCA)

NCA Delivery Plan NCA has produced a work plan covering 2017- 21. The aim of the plan is to address and improve cancer outcomes with a number of key objectives. Objectives include; increasing uptake of screening: especially within more vulnerable groups and offering all patients and their families ‘living with and beyond’ cancer support to live well. A key part of the plan is the involvement of patients and the wider public.

Patient & Public Voices Integral to the improvement of cancer outcomes in our region is the involvement of patients and the wider public. This can involve a number of approaches including representation at key meetings and active involvement in service redesign and improvement in partnership with health professionals. NCA currently have a number of opportunities available for patients and the wider public to become involved in improving cancer outcomes in our region.

Thank you for your time and attention today – do you have any questions or comments? For further information relating to involvement opportunities please contact Jo Mackintosh: Mobile: 07730379671

Auditing a Quality Indicator 2017 / 2018

Auditing our processes… Part of our mandatory requirements “The External Auditor should undertake ‘sample testing’ on two mandated indicators, and one local indicator selected by the Council of Governors”. The Auditors are not testing how well the Trust have performed; they are testing how reliable the data is that is used by the Trust, so the indicators need to be measurable. They will test indicators to ensure the Trust: Follows national definitions and guidance (for mandated indicators only) Gains an understanding of the data used Check the Trust’s calculations and the way the data has been interpreted  

Choosing something to audit … Quality Metrics Pressure Ulcers – reducing the number of pressure ulcers Falls – reducing the number of falls and harm from falls Complaints – responding in a timely way Mortality – reduction in avoidable deaths Sepsis – early recognition and management Key National Priorities and Indicators: Cancer waits Percentage of diagnostic tests undertaken within 6 weeks Cancelled operations – 28 day breaches Improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT): People with common mental health conditions referred to the IAPT programme will be treated within 6 or 18 weeks of referral Percentage of VTE risk assessments undertaken

Melanie Johnson – Director of Nursing Our Quality Strategy Melanie Johnson – Director of Nursing

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Our Strategic Framework And others…

Our Quality Strategy Modelled on Quality Accounts Inclusive of Quality priorities Focus on Patient Safety Patient Experience Clinical Effectiveness

Patient Safety also known as aligning the Quality Priorities…2018/19 Reducing avoidable Deaths Falls Healthcare developed pressure ulcers Improving DNACPR documentation (Do Not Attempt Cardio Respiratory Resuscitation) Fluid management and documentation Management of patients with dementia Positive Patient Experience

Patient Experience To our patients and their families and carers we will Listen and respond to their feedback Communicate throughout their healthcare journey Deliver compassionate care and ensure respect, privacy and dignity Meet all essential physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs Provide a safe, secure, clean, comfortable environment Recognise individuality, involving teams in decisions and enable active participation in their care making any reasonable adjustments where required Deliver consistent and coordinated care

Clinical Effectiveness Assessment and management of sepsis VTEs (Venous Thrombolytic Emboli) Avoidable cardiac arrests Compliance with National Audits Compliance with National Surveys Compliance with National NICE Guidance

Key Enablers Our patients, their families and carers Our staff and staffing levels Leadership Learning Building QI (Quality Improvement) capacity and capability Understanding variation Health Informatics Regulatory Requirements

Measuring Success – work in progress Need a clear understanding of: Baseline position Target Measurement Outcome

Timescales December 2017 January 2018 February March 2018 April 2018 Shared with Executive and senior management team January 2018 Share with Council of Governors Governance Committees Clinical Governance Steering Groups February Share as part of Team Brief / Staff Briefings Update to Governance and Executive Committees March 2018 Final draft April 2018 Seek Board Approval and launch