RPC Configuration DataBase Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples RPC Barrel I.N.F.N. Naples HV system ~ 480 channels config. param. = 8 cond. param. = 11 LV system ~ 750 channels Temperature ~ 300 channels Front End ~ 4680 Front-End Boards config. param. = Threshold & Width cond. param. = Rate/Occupancy histograms 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
9.360 Threshold + 9.360 width + 4.680 temp. Front-End Board Data I.N.F.N. Naples Barrel FEB is equipped with 2 front-end chips (8 strips each) and 1 temperature sensor. For each chip there are: 2 threshold value (hardware defaults of 200 mV); 2 width values (hardware defaults of 100 ns); 1 temperature value. How many operations/bytes do we need to read/write this parameters ?? Read width/thresh. 2 write + 1 read 5 bytes Read temperature 2 write + 1 read 5 bytes Write width/thresh. 3 write 6 bytes TOTAL number of FEB parameters are 9.360 Threshold + 9.360 width + 4.680 temp. 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
RPC Barrel configuration Data I.N.F.N. Naples Barrel RPC detector is equipped with 480 HV channels and with 780 LV channels. To configure the detector we need to set: Vset, Vmax, Iset, Imax, Trip, Rup, Rdown, On/Off. HV & LV configuration requires about 1260 ch * 8 par. = 10.080 par * 2 bytes = 20 KB FEB configuration requires about 3.4 Kbytes per Link Board corresponding to 2 MB. 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
RPC configuration states I.N.F.N. Naples The RPC detector will have “at least” 3 different configuration states (data, calibration, “injection/safe”); Plateau calibration needs from 5 to 7 runs with different configuration parameters (HV set-points) when the others muon systems are working/triggering in “normal mode”. Noise calibration runs (?) needs few runs with different FEB thresholds but fixed HV set-points. 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples DCS connection Schema I.N.F.N. Naples SY1527 20 CANbus lines XDAQ PVSS 12 CANbus lines splitter HV crates LV + Temp LB crate Detector LV + Temp LB crate I2C I2C FEB 1 optical fibers per Master Link Boards ~ 300 fibers (barrel) LV + Temp LB crate LV + Temp LB crate I2C I2C FEB 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples Link Board Schema 21/09/2018 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels Electronic architecture barrel sectors 5 MasterLinkBoards 8 SlaveLinkBoards 1 SLB 1 SLB RB4 96 channels 96 channels 1 MLB 1 MLB RB3 96 channels 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels RB2 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels RB1 1 MLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels Box MLB SLB Sec 4-10 1 5 10 Other sec 8 Wheel 12 60 Barrel 300 500 5 optical links/sectors 60 optical link/wheel 300 optical link barrel