Fabens Elementary Welcome to 3rd grade!
3rd grade daily schedule Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30-7:45 Bell Work/ Announcements 7:45--8:15 Writing – Empowering Writers 8:00 – 9:00 Math Test 8:15-9:00 Word Study/ Word Work 9:00-9:30 Word Wall Test 9:00-9:45 Shared Reading 9:30-10:30 Reading Test 9:45-10:30 Guided Reading 10:30-11:30 10:30-1100 Social Studies/ Science 11:00 – 11:30 Sharon Wells Math Problem Solving 11:30-12:10 Lunch 12:15-1:00 P.E/Computers/ Music/Art P.E 1:00-1:45 Concept Science/Social Studies 1:45 – 2:30 Math Interventions Review Math test 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:15 Read Aloud
Absences and Leaving early As you can see from our weekly schedule mornings and all day Friday are important times for our students to be in class. Please schedule all appointments Monday-Thursday in the afternoons after 2:45.
Start and End Times Arrive promptly by 7:30, students begin preparation at this time and instruction begins at 7:45. Some students are picked up very late afterschool. Dismissal is a 3:15 p.m. We are asking that you limit tardy arrivals, frequent absences, or leaving early.
Sharon Wells Math The third grade curriculum includes the Sharon Wells Math. Monday – Thursday: -Concept -Problem Solving -Skills -Basic Facts **Fridays Are TIMED TEST DAYS!! **Problem solving is an important part of success on the STAAR. All students are taught to use the Problem Solving Plan to ensure comprehension.
Sharon Wells Example
Math Intervention Added support, all third grade students participate in math intervention. 6 monolingual groups are formed based on Friday Math Tests. The purpose is to reteach, review, and enrich the prior week’s lesson.
Reading Balanced Literacy- It is a balanced approach for teaching Reading, Writing, and Language Arts holistically. The teacher models a skill, the student and the teacher try it together, and then the responsibility is slowly released to the student. Components of Balanced Literacy *Word Study/Word Wall *Guided Reading *Shared Reading *Independent Reading *Daily 5 * Accelerated Reader *Shared Writing *Independent Writing
Conference Times All 3rd grade teachers have the same conference period. Conference period- 12:15-1:00 (except Wednesday) Please call the office to make an appointment to ensure we are available to meet with you.
Classroom Parties The only designated party days for our classroom are Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and end of the year. Birthdays will only be celebrated from 3:00-3:15, and this will be done during our dismissal time. Please leave cupcakes at front office. Due to Allergies Any edible items which are brought to school MUST be store bought in sealed packages.
Parent Support Please remember that your support at home is vital to the success of our students. Please have your child read every day. Thank you!