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Presentation transcript:

Ticket In *Tape in your Study Island Login Card into your folder *Log into Study Island and explore student perspective

By the end of the Cluster Meeting, teachers will enhance their knowledge and understanding of Study Island to be implemented into the classroom. *Learn about Study Island and Purpose for implementing at PEC *Understand Technology-enhanced items designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry *Explore Study Island from student perspective Objective Connection: Activities and Materials

What is Study Island? Study Island provide students to master state-specific, grade-level academic standards in a fun and engaging manner. Study Island combines rigorous content that is highly customized to specific state standards in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies with interactive features and games that engage students and reinforce and reward learning achievement Online resource used in 3rd-5th grades that provides student opportunity to master state-specific, grade-level academic standards in fun and engaging manner.

Topic (Alignment) Map TAKE A LOOK IN FOLDER- for Alignment Map for your grade level. Teacher View- Select Core Program and you will be able to see Alignment Map of Common Core standards for Arizona. Positive- customize and re-organize for your scope and sequence (choose topic for students- Could be whole group instruction if desired) or Choose to have students work independently or at their own pace Both teacher and student have access to view state standards

Study Island also provides instant feedback (students have access to reports and receive stars after completing assignments). Also, students have built in remediation. If a student does not pass (in this case 70% or higher) than they are automatically given a foundation skill to complete. It will continue to remediate until able to complete. Symbols on Student Topic map give feedback and inform about remediation

Real-time progress monitoring- students and teachers have access to student performance. Content built directly from state and Common Core standards (Topic map- standards and built from) Real-time progress monitoring (Reports setting) Built in remediation (get any of the topics read aloud- text to speech feature they can access) Instant Feedback- Students given stars and now if problem is correct

Study Island is built using the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) guidelines, these item types ensure that each question is written to the appropriate difficulty and DOK level and students are exposed to the appropriate content. What is the purpose? ALSO comment how Study Island address Blooms Taxonomy. We know that the Arizona Career and College Ready Standards were adopted in 2010 to improve rigor. Thus, state testing also increased depth and rigor. Why now?

Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry http://info.edmentum.com/10ItemTypes_OnDemand_Presentation.html?aliId=412362654 ALSO posted on my Weebly website *www.edmentum.com Resources- On Demand Webinar- Search Study Island- 10 types to promote critical thinking ( 8 minutes long)

Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry Examples in the background (left) are directly taken from the AzMerit Practice Test for Grades 3-5 Multiple-Choice

Open Response Question Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry Students construct a response using evidence from the question or reading passage to support their view (goes along with Clusters and learning) Open Response Question

Evidence-Based Selected Response Items Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry This type of item has multiple parts. All parts of the question should be answered and passage is on the left side of screen Evidence-Based Selected Response Items

Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry Multi-Select Problem

Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry Hot Text items require you to either click on a response option or drag a response option to another location. Other great technology enhanced types of questions used to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry include: Cloze (drop down menu), Audio and Video Hot Text Items

Technology-enhanced item types designed to promote higher-order thinking and inquiry TAKE A LOOK IN FOLDER for 21st century Types of Items

Getting Started (Student) *View student perspective by answer questions in game mode and practice mode *If you want a guided view- website 4:05-12:00

*Each student in class will log into Study Island and complete diagnostic test by January 25th. (10 weeks until AzMerit- March 28th) Homework

*What is the purpose of implementing Study Island here at PEC? *How was the student perspective helpful in learning about Study Island? Ticket Out Door