Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire
Chapitre 2 Lesson 1 Le vocabulaire
L’anglais (m.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. The (m) stands for masculine noun.
Le baladeur MP3 Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
MP3 Player
Une bande dessinée (une BD) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UNE shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Comic Strip/Comic Book
Le chocolat Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Un crayon Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Un crayon de couleur Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Colored Pencil
Un dessin Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
L’école (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. The (f.) shows that this word is feminine.
Les écouteurs (m.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (M) states that it is a masculine word.
Le français Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LE shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Les frites (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F.) refers to this noun being feminine in gender.
French fries
La glace Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Ice cream
Un journal Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Un magazine Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. Le shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Les mathémathiques (maths) (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F) shows that it is feminine in gender.
La musique classique Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Classical Musical
La musique moderne Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Modern music
La radio Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Un roman Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Un SMS (un texto) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. UN shows that this is a masculine/singular noun.
Instant Message
Les vacances (f.) Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LES shows that this is a plural noun. The (F) shows that this is a feminine word.
La voiture de sport Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea. LA shows that this is a feminine/singular noun.
Sports car