Healey School Site Council Confirming the Initial Plan for 2012-2013 Arthur D. Healey Elementary School Excellence * Joy * Openness * Creativity Healey School Site Council Confirming the Initial Plan for 2012-2013 Jill Geiser * Catherine Tighe * Eva Vinson
Agenda Welcome and Introductions (4:00-4:05) Healey SSC Operations (4:05-4:25) Context: Relationships among School Improvement Plan, Unification Plan, and SSC Implementation Plan (4:25-4:30) Topics for the 2012-2013 SSC Implementation Plan (4:30-5:00) Essential Experiences – Touchpoint on Nature’s Classroom (5:00-5:10) Healey Community Website Governance (5:10-5:20) Dates, Roles, and Agenda Items (5:20-5:30) 9/21/2018
Healey SSC Operations SSC Norms and Procedures Walk through handout Discuss Confirm SSC Norms and Procedures with vote SSC Member Roles and Expectations Transition… …from role of doing the work of Action Teams… …to role of liaison to various Action Teams Expectations for SSC Members: Commit to preparing for, attending, and engaging in SSC Meetings Commit to being the SSC Liaison for several Action Teams OR Commit to being a working member of at least one Action Team Should we identify an SSC Coordinator to work with Coordinating Group? Purpose: to broker with faculty those proposed events/activities that could affect teaching time. Confirm SSC Member Roles and Expectations with vote 9/21/2018
Context: Relationships Among Plans Healey Unification Plan A multi-year plan focusing on desired cultural, instructional, structural, and community norms for the Healey School as a result of the bringing together of what were previously four programs into a single school. School Improvement Plan An annual plan submitted to DESE that includes both the kinds of cultural, instructional, structural, and community improvements prescribed in the Unification Plan and specific “inside the building” improvement goals and commitments that will be measured with standard State and District methods. SSC Implementation Plan An annual plan focusing on those aspects of the Unification Plan and the School Improvement Plan that fall into the purview of the School Council and can be accomplished in a year, as well as other current school issues (selection of administrators, input to School Committee, etc.) that arise. 9/21/2018
Context: Relationships Among Plans School Improvement Plan Unification Plan SSC Implementation Plan Topics Common to all Plans 9/21/2018
Topics for 2012-2013 Implementation Plan An Initial Set of Topics for SSC to Focus on This Year We can add/change as the year unfolds Unification Plan Context – Includes more work than can be done in a year (we proved that!) Lives as a multi-year plan and source for SSC Implementation Plans Tri-Chairs Proposed a Topic List Based on: Work in progress from last year Teacher feedback on how many Instructional Model-related changes we can successfully roll out at the same time Healey 2012 Survey feedback on priorities for future planning 9/21/2018
Topics for 2012-2013 Implementation Plan Instructional Model-Related Topics Implemented Last Year that Need Refinement Project-Based Learning Instructional Model-Related Topics to be Implemented This Year Service Learning Arts Integration Grade Structures – Near-term focus on how to bring the intended benefits of Mixed-Grades to this year's 5th and 6th graders (as committed and approved at SSC last year) Other Topics to be Implemented This Year Welcome Events Parent and Student Handbooks Community Communication Enhancements Healey School Operations Document Healey 2012 Checkpoint Surveys 9/21/2018
Topics for 2012-2013 Implementation Plan Instructional Model-Related Topics to Continue in Discovery/ Preparation for Future Implementation Theme-Based Learning Differentiated Instruction Essential Experiences Grade Structures – Long-term focus on bringing intended benefits of Mixed Grades to Healey students (as committed and approved at SSC last year) After School Solutions 9/21/2018
Feedback So Far on Proposed Topics Things in Unification Plan that Aren’t Here: Balanced Metrics Positive Behavior Management Core Values Promotion [Include with Communication?] Community Wall [Include with Communication?] Grade Clusters All School Meeting Model Steering Committee Things in Proposed List that Don’t Go Far Enough: Differentiated Instruction Afterschool Solutions Maybe there are Higher Priority Items than What Was Most Popular 9/21/2018
Discussion of Topics for Initial Plan Amount of Topics in the Plan Which Topics Should Be in the Plan Confirm Initial Topics List for SSC 2012-2013 Implementation Plan with a Vote 9/21/2018
Essential Experiences – Nature’s Classroom Plan Essential Experiences/Nature’s Classroom as a Community Forum topic ASAP At Community Forum hear from Essential Experiences group, with focus on Nature’s Classroom Nature’s Classroom Trip Coordinator from last time Teachers from Grades 3-6 Community Bring Results of Community Forum back to SSC for Decision on Next Steps 9/21/2018
Healey Community Website Governance Discussion Need for a Governance Approach Relationship Between Governance and Management of Website/Longer Term Solution Can SSC Be/Include the Governing Body? Confirm Next Steps for Healey Community Website with a vote 9/21/2018
Planning for Next Meeting Set Dates/Times for SSC Meetings Identify Note-takers and Time-keepers Homework: Think about which Topics you are most interested in, and whether you want to go deep into a single Topic or take on a liaison role for several topics Email the Tri-Chairs with your preferences Tri-Chairs start identifying other teachers and parents to work on topics Tri-Chairs do ramp-up meeting with new SSC members Tri-Chairs prepare Action Team Kickoff Packages Agenda Items for Next Meeting: Innovation Schools Walkthrough of Action Team Kickoff Packages Others? 9/21/2018
Other Concerns and Comments? 9/21/2018
Focused Action Teams for Each Item Background: Working on evolving toward a simpler Community Org structure Trying a new term – Action Team: Any small group of parents/teachers/staff doing any kind of work on something to be implemented at the Healey School Rationale: We need people from outside the SSC to work on these topics Share the thinking Share the burden – the work! Focused groups for each topic (more or less) Let people focus on what they are interested in Let us do more things concurrently by distinct groups Hope to "seed" the Action Teams with known interested teachers and parents early in the school year. 9/21/2018
Healey Community Organizations Action Teams: Research, Propose, Implement Coordinating Group Healey Faculty Healey Action Team Healey Action Team Healey Action Team Healey Action Team Healey Action Team Healey Action Team ILT Full Community: Listen, Discuss, Collaborate, Share PTA Faculty Inter- national Parents Group Parents Parents Faculty Healey Community Forum Friends of Healey PTA Inter- national Parents Group Admin, Site Council: Plan, Decide, Approve, Steer Healey Admin Healey School Site Council 9/21/2018
Process and Toolkit for Action Teams Vision: Goal And Plan Current State Discovery Desired State Community Feedback Rollout Tracking Evaluation Goal and Plan Proposal to SSC Current State Summary Research Summary/ Assessment Design Rubric Presentation to Community Final Rollout Plan Tracking Checklist Evaluation Results: Confirm Goal Desired State Proposal to SSC Assessment Approach Rollout Proposal to SSC Toolkit for Teachers Healey Playbook Target Rollout Plan 9/21/2018
Preliminary Plan and Schedule Each Action Team fleshes out a plan for their work Together, they form a master Implementation Plan and Schedule managed by the SSC tri-chairs Based on this schedule, we can plan for When Action Teams can be ready get feedback from Community Council for feedback When they will come to the SSC with recommendations Plan for various Action Teams to be ready to present proposals and recommendations at each SSC Meeting, where possible 9/21/2018