Purpose for Curriculum Mapping References: Mapping the Big Picture: for Integrating Curriculum and Assessment in K – 12 by Heidi Hayes Jacobs A Guide to Curriculum Mapping by Janet A. Hale Book reference: Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12 By Heidi Hayes Jacobs, 1997. ASCD.
Essential Questions for Curriculum Mapping How can curriculum mapping improve student performance? What are initial mapping tasks? How can we organize our work into a comprehensible plan?
Our roles as curriculum mappers… Researchers Designers Writers Editors Assessment Writers
What is Curricular Mapping? Calendar based curriculum mapping is a procedure for collecting a data base of the actual delivered curriculum at a school site. It provides the basis for authentic examination of that curriculum. It allows multiple teachers to provide guidance and direction for a grade level curriculum.
Who are YOUR learners? Really think about who your audience is. What specific needs do they have? How can you best help THEM?
What information do we collect on the Curriculum Map? Content Assessment Skills/Thinking Processes Standards Essential Questions Objectives Best Instructional Practices Resources
Why Curricular Mapping?
Types of Curriculum Recommended – Standards as defined by experts in their field. Written – State standards, local goals and objectives (ie., curriculum binders). Supported – Curriculum for which materials are actually available, such as textbooks and software.
Types of Curriculum, cont. Tested – What is actually assessed at the state and local level. Taught – The content that teachers actually deliver. Learned – The content that students learn.
Curriculum Mapping Attempts to: Create a “snapshot” of the educational activities of every classroom within the school/grade level/content area. Capture the content skills and assessments taught by every teacher in the school/grade level/content area. Organize this information into an easily accessed visual that presents a timeline of instruction by teacher and course.
Maps are never finished; they are a work in progress! Documentation Examination Revision Examination Revision Examination Revision Documentation Revision Documentation Documentation Examination
Mapping is a Communication Tool for Staff Between teachers in a school site. Between teachers in feeding and receiving sites. For future teachers. For a new/revised curriculum.
Mapping is a Planning Tool For curriculum reform. For meeting date/unit standards. For ordering materials, software… For coordinating events. For planning assessment and data review.
Mapping is a Pedagogical Tool For the new teacher. For the special education teacher. For the new student. For seeing the operational program. For designing staff development.
Mapping needs to be tailored to your school site The school and district culture. The decision making process. A deliberate timetable. Available time. Leadership at each site.
Sample Curriculum Map Essential Questions Content (noun) Skills (verb) Assessment Activities August September October November December
Essential Questions… Focus on a broad topic of study. Have multiple answers and perspectives. They address “why” or “how”. They are “mental Velcro” that helps ideas stick in students’ minds.
Essential Questions Examples Which is more important – water or air? What is change? What if Shakespeare were a woman?
Skills Skills are key abilities and processes students will develop related to specific content. Skills are written beginning with a verb.
Skills Examples Reading a map Writing a play Analyzing non-fiction text Writing persuasive essays Matching words and pictures
Assessment Assessments are the products or performances that demonstrate student learning. Assessments are what the student does (the actual product or performance), not the evaluation tool used to assess the product.
Assessment Examples Group presentation Brochure Research Paper Essay exam Puppet show Debate Periodic Assessments Teacher Created Tests/Quizzes
Activities Key activities that lead to acquisition of knowledge and skills. Describe the "how" for the knowledge and skills.
Activities Examples Writing persuasive letters to local government Water analysis of local river Critique a work of art Create a 50 states quilt
Other Sections Other sections of a curriculum map can include: Objectives/Goals for the unit Best Instructional Practices for the unit Resources and text selections for the unit Standards ranked by weight/assessment weight
Curriculum Map Samples The following slides will include some examples of curriculum maps. Keep in mind that not all of the sections are included or required.
Your curriculum map reflects what actually occurs in your classroom Remember... Your curriculum map reflects what actually occurs in your classroom Reality is “messy” May not be a “pretty” document That’s ok!
Some Guidelines... Include enough specifics to make the map useful (so it “tells” you something upon reflection) Use specific vocabulary vs. vague/generic terms
Benefits as an individual teacher... Can review timing, sequence, level of instruction Serves as documentation of successful instructional activities Assists in monitoring types of instructional methods used (ex., cooperative learning, direct instruction, etc.)
Benefits as a group of teachers of the same grade level or course... Can share activities and assessments (both successful and unsuccessful) Collaboration enhances “team” feeling Can serve as a guide for new teachers
As a group of teachers of varied grade levels or varied courses within a department... Can examine for “gaps” in the curriculum Can note “repetitions” in the curriculum Provides opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across grade levels and courses
--------> How does our school get from here... to here? Standards of Learning --------> Student Achievement
Curriculum Alignment, Pacing, and Mapping Can Put You On Target for Success!