The European Aviation Safety Agency: latest developments, future tasks Patrick GOUDOU Executive Director
Growth of the Agency Recruitment September 2003: 1 staff Today: 120 staff 50% of EASA staff works on Certification activities End 2005: more than 200 staff Recruitment process ongoing (check EASA website) End 2006: more than 300 staff in house
Certification Major projects Airbus A380, Boeing 787 Approvals to foreign organisations Total of 11.500 approvals issued in 2004
Fees and Charges 1 June 2005: Fees & Charges Regulation in force Applications are sent directly to EASA (no longer to NAAs) Fair and transparent charging system, revision possible Contractual agreements with NAAS 10 contracts signed More to come Transition period → 2007 Full staff employed 95% of work internal
New tasks Air Operations, Flight Crew Licensing & third countries aircraft Opinion submitted to the Commission in December 2004 Legislative process should start in summer 2005. Timeframe: end 2006 – early 2007 Airport operations & ATM Timeframe: 2010
International co-operation Strong co-operation with the FAA Working arrangements Between the Agency and non EU CAAs (general and product specific) Already concluded: Canada, Brazil, CIS, China, Israël Bilateral agreements Between the EU and foreign countries Support to the European Commission Current negociations with Canada & USA Technical co-operation With many countries
Conclusions WE ARE the centrepiece of a new regulatory system in Europe OUR MISSION is to set and achieve highest standards in aviation safety and environmental protection in civil aviation WE BELIEVE in strong international partnership