GIS Day Site Layout Optimization Using GIS Sulyn Gomez Mohd Samrah I like to call this lecture spatial analysis that consists of query and geoprocessing Sulyn Gomez Mohd Samrah Jenan Almullaali
What should be considered in a site layout? Safety - Site accessibility Information signs Security Accommodation Offices Water supply & sanitation Material handling Storage & site cleaning Batch plant & fabrication shops (if required) Transport routes, walkways etc
Site Layout Planning Materials Equipment Space Safety and Health Safety Improvement Productivity Improvement Saving Travel Time & Cost Space Utilization Improvement Construction Schedule Safety and Health Materials Equipment Space Site space is considered a limited resource in construction projects In practice, construction object (as equipment, material, temporary support, facilities, buildings, lay-down areas, working areas, and generally objects that must be located on site) allocation is conducted routinely based on human judgment using a first-come-first-served method or by utilizing the construction manager's experience.
Site Layout Planning In practice, construction object (as equipment, material, temporary support, facilities, buildings, lay-down areas, working areas, and generally objects that must be located on site) allocation is conducted routinely based on human judgment using a first-come-first-served method or by utilizing the construction manager's experience.
Site Selection with GIS Site space is considered a limited resource in construction projects Establish criterion Slop conditions (Flat?) Near some specific buildings or other TF Far from specific TF the optimization goal is to determine temporary facility layouts that would minimize onsite transportation costs, without compromising the safety or accessibility of the site. Failure to plan the site layout in advance can increase the overall cost of a project substantially. In the absence of a precise site layout plan, various problems may occur. TF Layout: Minimize cost Without compromising safety
Distance to specific points Site Selection with GIS Slope Distance to specific points Different analysis can be made based on users’ needs Use GIS (overlay analysis) to combine the characteristics of several datasets into one. Find specific locations or areas that have a certain set of attribute values - match the criteria you want: Suitable locations.
Site Selection with GIS Proximity Analysis Basic questions in GIS is "what's near what?" How close is my job site to a warehouse? What is the distance between two locations? What is the nearest or farthest distance to some points? What is the shortest street network route from some location to another
Site Selection with GIS Weekly Performance Performance Weeks Travel Time: 25-40%
Site Selection with GIS – Case Study
Site Selection with GIS
Decision Variables Optimization Site Selection with GIS – Case Study Spatial location Number of TF Type of equipment Optimization Objective function: Minimize cost (Travel time) and maximize productivity
Site Selection with GIS
Site Selection with GIS Cost distance take into account that distance can also be measured in cost, and that travel cost can vary with terrain, ground cover, or other factors. Proximity Relationships - buffer features: Service area
GIS for placing Tower Cranes Poor decisions Negative effects Additional Costs Delays Many mathematical models have been developed over the past 20 years for solving tower crane problems Tower cranes, on today’s typical building construction sites, are the centerpiece of production, hoisting and transporting of a variety of loads. Overlapping work zones and under time, cost and labor constraints. Geographic information systems (GIS) facilitate the analysis of large amounts of spatial data used in the process of location optimization for tower cranes. Limited attempts based on a graphical environment
GIS for placing Tower Cranes Input data: Spatial Data (GIS) Shape, position and spatial characteristics of the loads and obstacles Geometric layout of loads Process: Optimal number of tower cranes Location Mainly focus on outdoor environment Geospatial data is georeferenced, objects are defined in a physical world GIS can perform different spatial operations GIS Output: Wide range of spatial data Develop a crane location model i.e. Lowest possibility of conflict: Set a crane conflict criteria (Others can be in terms of cost or time) Monitor cranes movement to prevent collision This spatial data is mainly used in the process of location optimization for tower crane(s), which is possible to be analyzed in large amounts by geographic information systems (GIS) + Visualization techniques -> Integration with BIM
GIS for placing Tower Cranes 1 Determine: - Geometric layout of supply and demand points -Maximum load -Type of available tower cranes 2 Generate feasible areas for locating the tower cranes 3 Group tasks into separated classes based on closeness relationship Minimum number of tower cranes 4 Optimize location of tower cranes based on its service area and its load chart that specifies lifting capacity Coverage of all demand and supply points as key criteria for locating a group of tower cranes. The output of the GIS model includes one or more feasible areas that cover all demand and supply points, which is then linked to the BIM tool and generates 3D models to visualize the optimum location of tower cranes. As a result, potential conflicts are detected in different 3D views in order to identify optimal location of tower cranes.
Closing Construction site space needs to be planned and assigned to these temporary facilities in order to achieve various planning objectives while complying with all operational and safety constraints. For example, congested construction sites impose serious planning challenges for planners because of the scarcity of site space. On the other hand, large construction sites have abundant space availability and accordingly the positioning of site facilities with respect to each other will greatly influence the travel time and productivity of construction equipment and personnel moving between these facilities. ArcSite demonstrates that GIS is a promising tool for solving construction layout problems and, thus, opens up a new way of thinking in the management of spatial information for construction planning and design.
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