Processes Chapter 8 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Key concepts in chapter 8 Non-preemptive scheduling: first-come-first-served (or first-in-first-out), shortest-job-first, priority Preemptive scheduling: round-robin, multiple round-robin queues Policy versus mechanism Deadlock and starvation Remote procedure calls Synchronization Semaphores Monitors 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
FCFS at the supermarket 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
SJF at the supermarket 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Everyday scheduling methods First-come, first served Shorter jobs first Higher priority jobs first Job with the closest deadline first Round-robin 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Round-robin scheduling 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Process flow in an OS 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Round-robin scheduling Preemptive: processes lose the processor before they are finished using it Time-slice or quantum: time of each turn 5 to 100 milliseconds could be adaptive and change with the load Performs poorly if the load is heavy 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Round-robin time slice 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Two-queue scheduling 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Three-queue scheduling 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Policy and mechanism in scheduling We can parameterize the three-queue scheduler and make it into a range of scheduling algorithms Scheduling policy shifts through the day so schedulers should have settable parameters the scheduler is the mechanism 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
A scheduling example Job 1, 10 seconds, priority 3 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
A scheduling example 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Scheduling in real OSs All use a multiple-queue system UNIX SVR4: 160 levels, three classes time-sharing, system, real-time Solaris: 170 levels, four classes time-sharing, system, real-time, interupt OS/2 2.0: 128 level, four classes background, normal, server, real-time Windows NT 3.51: 32 levels, two classes regular and real-time Mach uses “hand-off scheduling” 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Two-process deadlock 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Deadlock When two or more processes are waiting for each other to finish using resources This causes the system to come to a halt Deadlock is a problem if you don’t take steps to prevent or detect it. Message deadlock: ProcessA { receive(B, msg); send(B, msg): } ProcessB { receive(A, msg); send(A, msg): } Could result from a message being lost 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Conditions for deadlock Resources cannot be preempted. Resources cannot be shared. A process is holding one resource and requesting another. Circular waits are possible. 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Dealing with deadlock Three solutions Prevention: place restrictions on resource request to make deadlock impossible Avoidance: plan ahead to avoid deadlock. Recovery: detect when deadlock occurs and recover from it 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Deadlock prevention Allow preemption Allow sharing Avoid hold-and-wait this is not easy Allow sharing sometimes you can create multiple, virtual copies of the resource Avoid hold-and-wait require all resources to be acquired in one request Avoid circular wait require resource to be acquired in a fixed order 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Deadlock avoidance There are algorithms for this But the have problems e.g. the Banker’s algorithm But the have problems they are slow they do not account for resource failure or loss 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Deadlock recovery The usual solution There are algorithms to detect deadlock but they are slow timeouts are another solution 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Two-phase locking Each process has two stages acquire all resources you will need if a resource is locked, then release all resources you are holding and start over Stage 2 Use the resources Deadlock is prevented (no hold-and-wait) 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Starvation When a process is unlucky and cannot get a resource it needs for example, in a random queue calling in to a number that is usually busy Most common when you are requesting two resources together 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Variations in message-passing Using PIDs as message addresses less flexible than indirection through queues Non-blocking receives if there is no message, receive returns an error more flexible but require busy waiting for a message Blocking sends send, receive, reply model less flexible but avoids OS message buffering 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Addressing messages to processes 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Design technique: Indirection Indirection: going through an intermediate object to get to an object Examples sending a message to a queue then another processes receives it from the queue access a private variable in an object using set and get functions Advantage: you get control just before the object is accessed 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Monitoring two message queues simultaneously 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Design technique: Adding a new facility Three ways to do it Example: receiving from two messages queues 1. use an existing facility create threads to listen on each queue 2. create a new low-level primitive and use it add a non-blocking receive and poll with it 3. create a new high-level primitive to do the job add a system call to receive from two queues 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Send-receive-reply model 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Remote procedure calls (RPCs) Remote procedure call (or RPC) another IPC technique RPC uses the familiar procedure call model Calling a procedure in another address space looks the same as calling a local procedure Implemented with stubs 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Remote procedure call flow of control 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Implementing RPCs: Client-side stub retValue = RemoteService( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); // client-side "stub" procedure int RemoteService( int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 ) { MessageBuffer msg; msg[0] = RemoteServiceCode; msg[1] = arg1; msg[2] = arg2; msg[3] = arg3; SendMessage( RemoteServer, msg ); ReceiveMessage( RemoteServer, msg ); return msg[1]; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
RPC implementation issues An RPC is not really procedure call arguments must be by value (no pointers) server must be found server can fail messages can be lost RPC libraries are provided to allow reuse of most of the RPC mechanism 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Synchronization Synchronization is processes (or threads) waiting for each other, basically signaling In the OS we used various methods: disabling interrupts, spin locks, kernel-mode processes In user processes we have seen only messages, which combine data transfer with synchronization, but they can be separated 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Semaphores Basic synchronization problems: mutual exclusion signaling Semaphores are a shared-memory synchronization primitive that solves these two problems 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Semaphore operations int AttachSemaphore( int global_id) a global, numerical ID (global_id) it returns a local identifier for the semaphore int Wait(int local_id) local_id from the AttachSemaphore int Signal(int local_id) int DetachSemaphore(int local_id) local_id from the AttachSemphore 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Binary semaphore implementation void Wait( int sema_id ) { Semaphore * sema = GetSemaphoreFromId( sema_id ); Lock( sema->lock ); if( !sema->busy ) { sema->busy = True; } else { sema->queue->Insert( current_process ); Block( current_process ); } Unlock( sema->lock ); } void Signal( int sema_id ) { Semaphore * sema = GetSemaphoreFromId( sema_id ); Lock( sema->lock ); if( sema->queue->Empty() ) { sema->busy = False; } else { process = sema->queue->Remove(); Unblock( process ); } Unlock( sema->lock ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Two-process mutual exclusion // This is the code for process A or B void main( int argc, char * argv[ ] ) { int mutex_sema = AttachSemaphore( FMutexID ); if( ThisIsProcessA() ) Signal( mutex_sema ); // Initialize the semaphore to not busy while( 1 ) { DoOtherThings(); // The critical section Wait( mutex_sema ); UseFileF(); Signal( mutex_sema ); } DetachSemaphore( mutex_sema ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Two-process rendezvous void main(int argc,char *argv[]){ // Game player A int a_sema = AttachSemaphore( GPAID ); int b_sema = AttachSemaphore( GPBID ); // Tell B that A is ready to go. Signal( b_sema ); // Wait until B is ready to go. Wait( a_sema ); DetachSemaphore( a_sema ); DetachSemaphore( b_sema ); } void main(int argc,char *argv[]){ // Game player B int b_sema = AttachSemaphore( GPBID ); int a_sema = AttachSemaphore( GPAID ); // Tell A that B is ready to go. Signal( a_sema ); // Wait until A is ready to go. Wait( b_sema ); DetachSemaphore( a_sema ); DetachSemaphore( b_sema ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Producer-consumer Buffer buffer; void main() { // The Producer int empty_buffer = AttachSemaphore(EmptyBufferID); int full_buffer = AttachSemaphore(FullBufferID); while( 1 ) { Wait( empty_buffer ); FillBuffer( buffer ); Signal( full_buffer ); } DetachSemaphore(empty_buffer); DetachSemaphore(full_buffer); } void main() { // The Consumer int empty_buffer = AttachSemaphore(EmptyBufferID); int full_buffer = AttachSemaphore(FullBufferID); Signal( empty_buffer ); while( 1 ) { Wait( full_buffer ); ConsumeBuffer( buffer ); Signal( empty_buffer ); } DetachSemaphore( empty_buffer ); DetachSemaphore( full_buffer ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Counting semaphore implementation void Wait( int sema_id ) { Semaphore * sema = GetSemaphoreFromId( sema_id ); Lock( sema->lock ); if( sema->count > 0 ) --sema->count; else { sema->queue->Insert( current_process ); Block( current_process ); } Unlock( sema->lock ); } void Signal( int sema_id ) { Semaphore * sema = GetSemaphoreFromId( sema_id ); Lock( sema->lock ); if( sema->queue->Empty() ) ++sema->busy; else { process = sema->queue->Remove(); Unblock( process ); } Unlock( sema->lock ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
N-buffer producer Const int MaxBuffers = 20; Queue<Buffer> buffer_queue; void main() { // The Producer int use_buffer_queue = AttachSemaphore(UseBufferQueueID); int empty_buffer = AttachSemaphore(EmptyBufferID); int full_buffer = AttachSemaphore(FullBufferID); Buffer buffer; while( 1 ) { FillBuffer( buffer ); Wait( empty_buffer ); Wait( use_buffer_queue ); buffer_queue.Insert( buffer ); Signal( use_buffer_queue ); Signal( full_buffer ); } DetachSemaphore( use_buffer_queue ); DetachSemaphore( empty_buffer ); DetachSemaphore( full_buffer ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
N-buffer consumer void main() { // The Consumer int use_buffer_queue = AttachSemaphore( UseBufferQueueID ); int empty_buffer = AttachSemaphore(EmptyBufferID); int full_buffer = AttachSemaphore(FullBufferID); Buffer buffer; Signal( use_buffer_queue ); // Buffer queue free for( int i = 0; i < MaxBuffers; ++i ) Signal( empty_buffer ); while( 1 ) { Wait( full_buffer ); Wait( use_buffer_queue ); buffer = buffer_queue.Remove(); Signal( use_buffer_queue ); Signal( empty_buffer ); ConsumeBuffer( buffer ); } DetachSemaphore( use_buffer_queue ); DetachSemaphore( empty_buffer ); DetachSemaphore( full_buffer ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Semaphores and messages are basically messages with no content they handle synchronization only data are transferred in shared memory Messages are more appropriate when there is no shared memory 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System constants and globals // system limits (we can change these) const int NumberOfSemaphores = 50; // system call numbers const int AttachSemaphoreSystemCall = 8; const int DetachSemaphoreSystemCall = 9; const int SignalSemaphoreSystemCall = 10; const int WaitSemaphoreSystemCall = 11; // semaphore data structures struct Semaphore { int allocated; int count; int use_count; int id; Queue<Pid> queue; }; Semaphore sema[NumberOfSemaphores]; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System initialization int main( void ) { // ... all what we had before, plus // initialize all semaphores to "not allocated” for( i = 0; i < NumberOfSemaphores; ++i ) { sema.allocated[i] = False; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System call handler (1 of 3) case AttachSemaphoreSystemCall: int sema_id; asm { store r9,sema_id } pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = AttachSemaphore( sema_id ); break; case DetachSemaphoreSystemCall: int sid; asm { store r9,sid } pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = DetachSemaphore( sid ); break; case SignalSemaphoreSystemCall: int sid; asm { store r9,sid } pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = SignalSemaphore( sid ); break; case WaitSemaphoreSystemCall: int sid; asm { store r9,sid } pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = WaitSemaphore( sid ); break; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System call handler (2 of 3) case SendMessageSystemCall: // get the arguments int * user_msg; asm { store r9,user_msg } int to_q; asm { store r10,to_q } // check for an invalid queue identifier if( !message_queue_allocated[to_q] ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -1; break; } int msg_no = GetMessageBuffer(); // make sure we have not run out of message buffers if( msg_no == EndOfFreeList ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -2; break; } // copy the message vector from the system caller's // memory into the system's message buffer CopyToSystemSpace( current_process, user_msg, message_buffer[msg_no], MessageSize ); 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System call handler (3 of 3) // put it on the queue message_queue[to_q].Insert( msg_no ); // notify any waiters that it is there SignalSemaphore( message_semaphore[to_q] ); // NEW pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = 0; break; case ReceiveMessageSystemCall: int * user_msg; asm { store r9,user_msg } int from_q; asm { store r10,from_q } // check for an invalid queue identifier if( !message_queue_allocated[from_q] ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -1; break; } WaitSemaphore( message_semaphore[from_q] ); // NEW int msg_no = message_queue[from_q].Remove(); TransferMessage( msg_no, user_msg ); pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = 0; break; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Attach semaphore int AttachSemaphore( int sema_id ) { int i, free_slot = -1; for( i = 0; i < NumberOfSemaphores; ++i ) if( sema[i].allocated ) { if( sema[i].id == sema_id ) break; else free_slot = I } if( i >= NumberOfSemaphores ) { // found sema_id? if( free_slot == -1 ) // found free slot? return -1; // No, so return an error code. i = free_slot; sema[i].allocated = True; sema[i].count = 0; sema[i].use_count = 0; sema[i].id = sema_id; sema[i].queue = new Queue<Pid>; } ++sema[i].use_count; return i; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Detach semaphore int DetachSemaphore( int sid ) { if( !sema[sid].allocated ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -1; break; } if( --sema[sid].use_count == 0 ) { sema[sid].allocated = False; delete sema[sid].queue; } return 0; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Signal semaphore int SignalSemaphore( int sid ) { if( !sema[sid].allocated ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -1; break; } if( sema[sid].queue->Empty() ) ++sema[sid].count; else { int pid = sema[sid].queue->Remove(); pd[pid].state = Ready; } return 0; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Wait semaphore int WaitSemaphore( int sid ) { if( !sema[sid].allocated ) { pd[current_process].sa.reg[1] = -1; break; } if( sema[sid].count > 0 ) --sema[sid].count; else { sema[sid].queue->Insert(current_process); pd[current_process].state = Blocked; } return 0; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
System initialization processTableSemaphore = AttachSemaphore( ProcessTableID ); disk_queue = AttachSemaphore( DiskQueueID); disk_free = AttachSemaphore( DiskFreeID ); 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Dispatcher int SelectProcessToRun( void ) { static int next_proc = NumberOfProcesses; int i, return_value = -1; // Get exclusive access to the process table. WaitSemaphore(processTableSemaphore); // NEW // ... use process table as before SignalSemaphore(processTableSemaphore); // NEW return return_value; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Disk I/O void DiskIO( int command, int disk_block, char * buffer ) { // Create a new disk request // and fill in the fields. DiskRequest * req = new DiskRequest; req->command = command; req->disk_block = disk_block; req->buffer = buffer; req->semaphore = pd[current_process].semaphore; // Then insert it on the queue. disk_queue.Insert( req ); // Wake up the disk scheduler if it is idle. SignalSemaphore( disk_queue ); WaitSemaphore( pd[current_process].semaphore ); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Disk scheduling void RealScheduleDisk( void ) { while( 1 ) { // NEW CODE WaitSemaphore( disk_free ); // NEW CODE WaitSemaphore( disk_queue ); // NEW CODE // Get the first disk request // from the disk request queue. DiskRequest * req = disk_queue.RemoveFirst(); // remember which process is waiting // for the disk operation disk_completion_semaphore = req->semaphore; // issue the read or write, // with disk interrupt enabled if( req->command == DiskReadSystemCall ) IssueDiskRead(req->disk_block,req->buffer,1); else IssueDiskWrite(req->disk_block,req->buffer,1); } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Disk interrupt handler void DiskInterruptHandler( void ) { if( current_process > 0 ) { // was there a running process? // Save the processor state of the system caller. // ... as before } // Notify the waiting process that // the disk transfer is complete SignalSemaphore( disk_completion_semaphore ); // Notify any waiters that the disk is free SignalSemaphore( disk_free ); // now run a process Dispatcher(); } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Monitors Another synchronization primitive more structured, monitors are modules Components of a monitor module variables: of any kind condition variables: for monitor signaling procedures: can be called from outside the monitor, they comprise the monitor’s interface 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Counter monitor monitor Counter { private: int count = 0; public: void Increment( void ) { count = count + 1; } int GetCount( void ) { return count; } } int main() { // one process while( 1 ) { // ... Do other things Counter.Increment(); // ... continue on int n = Counter.GetCount(); } } int main() { // another process while( 1 ) { // ... Do other things Counter.Increment(); } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Signal monitor monitor Signal { private: int IsSignaled = 0; condition SendSignal; public: void SendSignal( void ) { IsSignaled = 1; signal( SendSignal ); } void WaitForSignal( void ) { if( !IsSignaled ) wait( SendSignal ); } } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using the signal monitor int main() { // the Signal Sender // ... Do things up to the signal point Signal.SendSignal(); // ... continue on } int main() { // the Signal Receiver // ... Do things up to the signal point Signal.WaitForSignal(); // ... continue on when the signal is receive } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Bounded buffer monitor (1 of 2) monitor BoundedBufferType { private: BufferItem * buffer; int NumberOfBuffers; int next_in, nextout; int current_size; condition NotEmpty, NotFull; public: BoundedBufferType( int size ) { buffers = new BufferItem[size]; NumberOfBuffers = size; next_in = 0; next_out = 0; current_size = 0; } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Bounded buffer monitor (2 of 2) void Put( BufferItem item ) { if( current_size == NumberOfBuffers ) wait( NotFull ); buffer[next_in] = item; next_in = (next_in+1) % NumberOfBuffers; if( ++current_size == 1 ) signal( NotEmpty ); } BufferItem Get( void ) { if( current_size == 0 ) wait( NotEmpty ); BufferItem item = buffer[next_out]; next_out = (next_out+1) % NumberOfBuffers; if( --current_size == NumberOfBuffers-1 ) signal( NotFull ); return item; } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using a bounded buffer monitor BoundedBufferType BoundedBuffer; int main() { // the Producer while( 1 ) { BufferItem item = ProduceItem(); BoundedBuffer.Put( item ); } } int main() { // the Consumer while( 1 ) { BufferItem item = BoundedBuffer.Get(); ConsumeItem( item ); } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Counting semaphore monitor monitor Semaphore { private: int count = 0; condition NotBusy; public: void Signal( void ) { if( ++count > 0 ) signal( NotBusy ); } void Wait( void ) { while( count <= 0 ) wait( NotBusy ); --count; } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using a semaphore monitor int main() { // one process while( 1 ) { // do other stuff // enter critical section Semaphore.Wait(); // do critical section Semaphore.Signal(); } } int main() { // another process while( 1 ) { // do other stuff // enter critical section Semaphore.Wait(); // do critical section Semaphore.Signal(); } } 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Protected counter in Ada95 -- declare the interface to the task task Counter is entry GetCount( count : out integer ); entry Increment; private count : integer; end Counter; -- the implementation of the protected variable task body Counter is loop select accept GetCount( count_out : out integer ) do count_out := count; end; or accept Increment do count := count + 1; end; end select; end loop; end Counter; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using a protected counter task body OneProcess is begin loop -- do other things than incrementing the counter Counter.Increment; -- do other things Counter.GetCount( n ); end loop; end OneProcess; task body AnotherProcess is begin loop -- do other things than incrementing the counter Counter.Increment; -- do other things end loop; end AnotherProcess; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Signal in Ada95 task Signal is entry SendSignal; entry WaitForSignal; private IsSignaled : boolean := False; end Counter; task body Signal is accept SendSignal do IsSignaled := True; end; accept WaitForSignal do null; end; end Signal; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using signal in Ada95 task body SignalSender is begin -- get to point where event occurs Signal.SendSignal; -- go on to other things end SignalSender; task body SignalReceiver is begin -- get to the point where you need -- to wait for the event Signal.WaitForSignal; -- respond to event end SignalReceiver; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Bounded buffer in Ada95 (1 of 2) task BoundedBuffer is entry Put( x : in Item ); entry Get( x : out Item ); end BoundedBuffer; task body BoundedBuffer is NumberOfBuffers : constant integer := 20; buffers : array(1 .. NumberOfBuffers) of Item; current_size : integer range 0 .. NumberOfBuffers := 0; next_in, next_out : integer range 1 .. NumberOfBuffers := 1; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Bounded buffer in Ada95 (2 of 2) begin loop select when current_size < NumberOfBuffers => accept Put( x : in item ) do buffers( next_in ) := x; end; next_in := (next_in mod NumberOfBuffers) + 1; current_size := current_size + 1; or when current_size > 0 => accept Get( x : out Item do x := buffers(next_out); end; next_out := (next_out mod NumberOfBuffers)+1; current_size := current_size - 1; or terminate; end select; end loop; end BoundedBuffer; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Producer-consumer in Ada95 task body Producer is begin loop item := ProduceItem; BounderBuffer.Put( item ); end loop; end Producer; task body Consumer is begin loop BounderBuffer.Get( item ); ConsumeItem( item ); end loop; end Consumer; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Semaphore in Ada95 CountingSemaphore( StartCount : Integer := 1 ) is entry Wait; entry Signal; entry Count( count_out : out integer ); private CurrentCount : Integer := StartCount; end CountingSemaphore; task body CountingSemaphore is begin loop select when CurrentCount > 0 => accept Wait do CurrentCount := CurrentCount - 1; end; or accept Signal do CurrentCount := CurrentCount + 1; end; or accept Count( count_out : out integer ) do count_out := CurrentCount; end; end select; end loop; end CountingSemaphore; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Protected counter in Ada95 using protecting variables -- the interface to the protected variable protected Counter is function GetCount return integer; procedure Increment; private count : integer; end Counter; -- the implementation of the protected variable protected body Counter is function GetCount return integer is begin return count; end GetCount; procedure Increment is begin count := count + 1; end Increment; end Counter; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using a protected counter task body OneProcess is begin loop -- do other things than incrementing the counter Counter.Increment; -- do other things n := Counter.GetCount; end loop; end OneProcess; task body AnotherProcess is begin loop -- do other things than incrementing the counter Counter.Increment; -- do other things end loop; end AnotherProcess; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Signaling in Ada95 using protected variables protected Signal is procedure SendSignal; entry WaitForSignal; private IsSignaled : boolean := False; end Signal; protected body Signal is procedure SendSignal is begin IsSignaled := True; end SendSignal; entry WaitForSignal when IsSignaled is begin null; end WaitForSignal; end Signal; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Using signals in Ada95 task body SignalSender is begin -- get to point where event occurs Signal.SendSignal; -- go on to other things end SignalSender; task body SignalReceiver is begin -- get to the point where you need to wait -- for the event Signal.WaitForSignal; -- respond to event end SignalReceiver; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Bounder buffer in Ada95 protected type BoundedBuffer is entry Put( x : in Item ); entry Get( x : out Item ); private buffers : ItemArray(1..NumberOfBuffers); next_in, next_out : integer range 1..NumberOfBuffers := 1; current_size : integer range 0..NumberOfBuffers := 0; end BoundedBuffer; protected body BoundedBuffer is entry Put( x : in Item ) when current_size < NumberOfBuffers is begin buffers(next_in) := x; next_in := (next_in mod NumberOfBuffers) + 1; current_size := current_size + 1; end Put; entry Get( x : out Item ) when current_size > 0 is begin x := buffers(next_out); next_out := (next_out mod NumberOfBuffers) + 1; current_size := current_size - 1; end Get; end BoundedBuffer; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Producter-consumer in Ada95 task body Producer is begin loop item := ProduceItem; BounderBuffer.Put( item ); end loop; end Producer; task body Consumer is begin loop BounderBuffer.Get( item ); ConsumeItem( item ); end loop; end Consumer; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Counting semaphore in Ada95 using protected variables protected type CountingSemaphore( StartCount : Integer := 1 ) is entry Wait; procedure Signal; function Count return Integer; private CurrentCount : Integer := StartCount; end CountingSemaphore; protected body CountingSemaphore is entry Wait when CurrentCount > 0 is begin CurrentCount := CurrentCount - 1; end Wait; procedure Signal is begin CurrentCount := CurrentCount + 1; end Signal; function Count return Integer is begin return CurrentCount; end Count; end CountingSemaphore; 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Copying messages in an OS 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Copying messages in a network 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Longer messages Eight words is too small Paging (chapter 11) will allow us to pass long messages with no copying 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
IPC in Mach Task: Mach terminology for process Thread: execute in a task Port: a message queue only one receiver protected with access rights and capabilities Message: contains three types of information data: any number of bytes, copied out-of-line-data: part of the sender’s address space, not copied ports 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8
Signals Used in UNIX system for IPC An event notification 30 or so fixed signal (event) types Basically a software interrupt process defines the interrupt handler 9/21/2018 Crowley OS Chap. 8