Records Preservation: Past, Present and Future By JoAnn Constantini, MS, CRM June 11, 2013
Records preservation – a systematic approach to preserve and protect the information of the organization for the sake of posterity. Based on the retention requirements of the State of Florida as noted in GS-1 and GS-11 Schedules Florida Statutes Custodial requirements; maintenance, preservation, and retention of public records 1/10/2013 2
Life Expectancy (1) Length of time that information is retrievable in a system. (ISO ) (2) Length of time that information is predicted to be retrievable in a system under appropriate storage conditions as specified in ISO EXAMPLE: LE 100 indicates that information can be expected to be retrieved for at least 100 years. 1/10/2013 3
microfilm (rolls), aperture ca rds and Microfiche COM – computer output microfiche Three groups helped to make microfilm a standard in record keeping. Banking industry Eastman Kodak Company Library of Congress 4
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Legal Admissibility – Rule 1B (9)(a), Florida Administrative Code, states … An agency that designates an electronic or microfilmed copy as the record (master) copy may then designate the paper original as a duplicate and dispose of it using the retention requirement for duplicates in the schedule unless another law, rule, or ordinance specifically requires its retention 1/10/2013 6
Silver Halide film is the master version of camera film with a robust top coat. It is used as the master, from which further prints may be produced. The result is a negative copy. Preservation standards require a master negative, a duplicate negative, and a service copy (positive). Diazo duplicate film created in ammonia gives blue or black dye positive copies. The black image film can be used for further copying, or as the working copy. 7
` Vinegar Syndrome State of Florida requires an audit of film every two years. 1/10/2013 8
Use of Certificates of Authenticity It is essential that file integrity be maintained to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and legal acceptance of a microform which has been altered. It is also essential that the documentation authorizing any alteration should be kept for the life of the relevant microform. 1/10/2013 9
Documentation for an altered microform should consist of the order mandating the change (e.g., expungement) and the completed notice (see next slide). The documentation is inserted in place of the expunged document or precedes the replacement image or images containing deletions, corrections, or amendments. ISO TR /10/
ISO/TR 12036:2000(E) Expungement, deletion, correction or amendment notice When an order has been made a form should be completed and used for replacing the expunged, deleted, corrected, or amended information as ordered by the appropriate authority. The completed form should include the following information: - name of the authority issuing the order; - address of the authority; - name and title of the official presiding over the order; - date when the order was made; - name and address of the organization to which the order applies; - list of frames or files subject to the order; - official reference or number designated by the authority; - date the order was completed; and - name, title and signature of the person carrying out the order. 1/10/
Polyester rather than acetate film Not susceptible to Vinegar Syndrome Increases LE from 100 to 500 years Proper storage conditions- Temperature and humidity control Polysulfide treatment Protects against redox 1/10/
Availability and cost of film & effective retrieval systems When All Else Fails –When thats all there is… Getting financial and moral support to continue microfilming electronic records? The time & cost to recover records 1/10/
20th Century Fox has said it will phase out 35 mm film altogether by the end of 2013, and other production companies are expected to follow suit. Traditional film is expected to vanish over the next few years, Old 35 MM film is now difficult to use. The aging of the film causes problems with usage. There are very few machines available to blow it back. 1/10/
Electronic record management systems are are not designed or intended to preserve records. A backup procedure is not a preservation process. It merely copies what is currently on the host system. 1/10/
1/10/ It is important to note that a trustworthy system incorporates not only technology but also adherence to documented policies and procedures through all aspects of the design, development, and implementation project phases and be maintainable in an ongoing fashion after rollout into production.
(a)The trusted document management system must utilize both hardware and media storage methodologies to prevent unauthorized additions, modifications or deletions during the approved lifecycle of the stored information; 1/10/
1/10/ (b) The trusted document management system must be verifiable through independent audit processes ensuring that there is no plausible way for electronically stored information to be modified, altered, or deleted during the approved information lifecycle; Where the Two Worlds Meet (contd)
(c) The trusted document management system must write at least one copy of the electronic document or record into electronic media that does not permit unauthorized additions, deletions, or changes to the original document and that is to be stored and maintained in a safe and separate location. 1/10/
What have we learned from past experience? A more active preservation strategy is needed A validation process to assure the data is complete, correct & uniform WORM recording to prevent intentional or accidental over- writes A continuous auditing of the check sum to monitor trustworthiness A correction process to assure veracity & existence A notification process to maintain the integrity & performance of the system 1/10/
Redaction –redaction software does not in any way, alter the original – record. 1/10/
A proactive approach to electronic records preservation is needed. Standards and best practices have been developed. As film declines we need to become comfortable with electronic records preservation methods. 1/10/
Leadership – the important decisions made regarding records preservation must be made by those who know and understand the records systems and the records themselves. 1/10/