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Presentation transcript:


What is a Creed? A Summary of beliefs. 9/21/2018

What Creed do we recite when we begin the Rosary? Apostle’s Creed 9/21/2018

The Apostle’s Creed consists of? (Also known as “Articles of Faith”) Twelve Doctrines (Also known as “Articles of Faith”) 9/21/2018

The Creed is divided into how many parts? Three parts 9/21/2018

Part one Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? God the Father 9/21/2018

Who is God the Father? The first Person of the Blessed Trinity and the Creator of all that is seen and unseen 9/21/2018

Part two of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? Jesus 9/21/2018

The second Person of the Blessed Who is Jesus? The second Person of the Blessed Trinity 9/21/2018

Part three of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of the? Holy Spirit The source of our salvation 9/21/2018

What is Article One of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN ONE GOD, THE FATHER ALMIGHTY, CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.” 9/21/2018

How many gods are there? There is only one God. 9/21/2018

Who are the three persons in one God? God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit 9/21/2018

Three Persons in One God is called a _______ mystery? Supernatural Mystery 9/21/2018

What is a Supernatural Mystery? A Supernatural Mystery is something that is impossible for our human minds to comprehend. 9/21/2018

God is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. Who is God? God is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. God is the Cause of all that is seen and unseen 9/21/2018

God always was and will always be God Is? (four answers) The Supreme Being God is absolute love God is self-existing God always was and will always be 9/21/2018

What are the attributes of God? (four answers) God is infinitely perfect God is all powerful – He created all thing out of nothing by His own power God knows all, see all, hears all God is everywhere 9/21/2018

There are many false gods all around us. Are there false gods? There are many false gods all around us. 9/21/2018

anything we put before God False gods can include? (five answers) money ourselves power possessions anything we put before God 9/21/2018

What is Article Two of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, HIS ONLY SON, OUR LORD.” 9/21/2018

The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity Jesus is? THREE ANSWERS The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity God the Son True God and true man 9/21/2018

Jesus is only one person, yet he has two natures what are they? a divine nature and a human nature 9/21/2018

The mystery of God becoming man is known as the? Incarnation 9/21/2018

Jesus’ name means? Savior 9/21/2018

Christ means? Anointed 9/21/2018

Jesus being the Son of God and Son of Man was like us in all things, except? 9/21/2018

Who is the only other person to be born without sin and remained sinless during her life? The Virgin Mary 9/21/2018

Mary being conceived without original sin is called the? Immaculate Conception 9/21/2018

The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on? 8 December 9/21/2018

What is Article Three of the Apostle’s Creed? “HE WAS CONCEIVED BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY.” 9/21/2018

Whom did God send to ask Mary to be the Mother of his son? The Archangel Gabriel 9/21/2018

She would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit Mary asked the angel how this could be done, since she was a virgin. What did he tell her? She would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit 9/21/2018

“be it done tome according to your word.” When the Angel Gabriel told Mary that God wanted her to be the mother of His Son what did she answer? “be it done tome according to your word.” 9/21/2018

The angel Gabriel told Mary to name the baby? Jesus 9/21/2018

What is Article Four of the Apostle’s Creed? “HE SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE, WAS CRUCIFIED, DIED AND WAS BURIED.” 9/21/2018

Jesus suffered and died on the cross for? Our sins and the sins of the whole world 9/21/2018

The name of the Roman governor who condemned Jesus to suffer and die was? Pontius Pilate 9/21/2018

The place where Jesus died was? Mt. Calvary 9/21/2018

On what day of the week was Jesus crucified? Good Friday 9/21/2018

The sufferings of Jesus are called the? Passion of Jesus Christ 9/21/2018

The Sign of the Cross should remind us of the? Passion of Jesus Christ 9/21/2018

We recall the Passion and Death of Jesus in the? Stations of the Cross 9/21/2018

What is Article Five of the Apostle’s Creed? “HE DECENDED INTO HELL. ON THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAIN.” 9/21/2018

How long was Jesus in the tomb? Three days 9/21/2018

Jesus rising from the dead is called the? Resurrection. 9/21/2018

On what day do we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead? Easter Sunday 9/21/2018

What is Article Six of the Apostle’s Creed? “HE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN AND IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER.” 9/21/2018

What happened forty days after Jesus rose from the dead? He ascended body and soul into heaven 9/21/2018

The day Jesus ascended into heaven is called? Ascension Thursday 9/21/2018

Ascension Thursday is a? Holy Day of Obligation. 9/21/2018

What is a Holy Day of Obligation? That Catholics are bound to go to Mass, the same as on Sunday unless there is a valid reason, such as sickness, must work or some serious circumstances. Being on vacation is not a valid reason for not going to Mass 9/21/2018

What is Article Seven of the Apostle’s Creed? “FROM THENCE HE WILL COME AGAIN TO JUDGE THE LIVING AND THE DEAD.” 9/21/2018

At the time of our death we will be judged by God this is called the? Particular Judgment (our individual judgment) 9/21/2018

Heaven – Purgatory – Hell The way we have lived our lives determines our place in eternity. What are they? Heaven – Purgatory – Hell 9/21/2018

At our particular judgment if we die with no sin we will go to? Heaven for eternity 9/21/2018

At our Particular judgment if we have lived God’s laws and still have venial sin in our soul we will go to? Purgatory for a period of time determined by God to be purified of those sins, than we will go to Heaven. 9/21/2018

At our Particular Judgment if we have rejected God’s laws and have not repented of them and asked for God’s mercy and forgiveness we will go to? Hell for all eternity 9/21/2018

We ask his forgiveness with true contrition God has given us the ways to live without sin. He will forgive us our sins, even with our last breath, no matter how horrible they are, providing we have? We ask his forgiveness with true contrition 9/21/2018

At the end of the world all of the dead will be resurrected At the end of the world all of the dead will be resurrected. Christ will then judge all the peoples of every nation from the beginning of time. He will separate the good from the bad. This is called the? “General Judgment” 9/21/2018

What will cease to exist after the General Judgment and the souls that were there will go to heaven? Purgatory 9/21/2018

What is Article Eight of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.” 9/21/2018

Third Person of the Blessed Trinity Who is the Holy Spirit? Third Person of the Blessed Trinity 9/21/2018

The Holy Spirit proceeds from? The Father and the Son 9/21/2018

What is the Holy Spirit’s relationship to the Father and the Son? The Holy Spirit is equal to the Father and the Son 9/21/2018

What did the Holy Spirit do on the Jewish Feast of Pentecost ? The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire on Pentecost. 9/21/2018

Gifts of the Holy Spirit are? Understanding – Wisdom –Council –Piety – Fear of the Lord – Knowledge - Fortitude 9/21/2018

What is Article nine of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH” 9/21/2018

The Catholic Church is the one true Church established by? Jesus Christ 9/21/2018

Proof of is this is contained in what is known as the Four Marks of the Church 9/21/2018

The Four Marks of the Church Are? One –Holy- Catholic - Apostolic 9/21/2018

The Catholic Church is the one true Church established by? Jesus Christ 9/21/2018

Proof of is this is contained in what is known as the? Four Marks of the Church 9/21/2018

The Four Marks of the Church are? The Church is : One - Holy – Catholic and Apostolic 9/21/2018

The Church is One Because? It has one Faith, one Baptism, one Sacrifice and the same Sacraments 9/21/2018

The Church is Holy Because? Jesus Christ who is the Head of the Church made it holy the through the gift of the Holy Spirit 9/21/2018

The Church is Catholic Because? Jesus Christ has given the Church the fullness the means of salvation Correct and complete confession of faith A full sacramental life 9/21/2018

The Church is Universal Because? The mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel to all nations 9/21/2018

Who did Jesus Christ appointed as the first visible head of the Church? Peter 9/21/2018

The successor of Peter as Bishop of Rome is? The Pope 9/21/2018

The Pope is the visible head of the Church on earth. We call the Pope? Holy Father 9/21/2018

Who are the successors of the Apostles? The Pope and Bishops 9/21/2018

As with the Apostles the pope and bishops receive their power to teach, to sanctify, and to govern the faithful in spiritual matters from? Jesus Christ 9/21/2018

The pope and bishops receive their power to teach, to sanctify, and to govern the faithful in spiritual matters from Jesus Christ. This is known as? The Church Authority 9/21/2018

The Pope in union with the Bishops cannot err when teaching about? Faith and Morals. 9/21/2018

When the Pope in union with the Bishops teach about Faith and Morals they cannot err. This is called? Infallibility 9/21/2018

The Church as Jesus founded it will last until the end of the world The Church as Jesus founded it will last until the end of the world. This is called? Indefectibility 9/21/2018

The baptized faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, the saints and the angels in heaven are in united with each other, together in Christ. This is called the? Communion of Saints 9/21/2018

The (souls) Saints in heaven are called the? Church Triumphant 9/21/2018

The souls in purgatory are called the? Church Suffering 9/21/2018

Those who have died in grace, but are not perfectly purified, undergo a final purification where? Purgatory. 9/21/2018

The Baptized faithful here on earth are called the? Church Militant 9/21/2018

What is Article Ten of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS.” 9/21/2018

A personal act which offends God What is Sin? A personal act which offends God 9/21/2018

Sin spiritually harms the sinner and others. What does sin do? Sin spiritually harms the sinner and others. 9/21/2018

A thought, a word, a desire, or a deed. Sin can be? A thought, a word, a desire, or a deed. 9/21/2018

Being born with Original Sin means that we are born without? Sanctifying Grace This means that we are born deprived of the holiness and justice of God within us. 9/21/2018

Our own personal sins are called? ACTUAL SINS 9/21/2018

What are the types of actual sins? Mortal sin and Venial sin 9/21/2018

When is a thought, a word, a desire, or a deed a mortal sin? When we knowingly and in full consent seriously violates one of God’s commandments 9/21/2018

Are “Temptations” sins? Temptations are not sins. They become sins if we willingly act upon them 9/21/2018

What means do we have to overcome temptations? Prayer, sacraments and living the Ten Commandments 9/21/2018

What is Article Eleven of the Apostle’s Creed? “I BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY.” 9/21/2018

At the end of the world what will happen to those who have died? At the end of the world the bodies of all who have died will be raised and reunited with their souls 9/21/2018

What is Article Twelve of the Apostle’s Creed? “I Believe in The Life Everlasting .” 9/21/2018

What will Christ do at the General Judgment? At the end of the world Christ will come again and judge the living and the dead. Those who have lived the life God has demand will go to heaven for eternity. Those who have not lived the life God has demand will go to hell for all eternity. 9/21/2018