Studying Intonation Julia Hirschberg CS 4706 9/21/2018
Today Approaches to studying contour meaning Questions people ask Does contour X convey a different meaning from contour Y? Is contour X used more often in context Z than contour Y Despite what people say/think, not all phenomena X are uttered with contour Y What kind of evidence could we get? Found data Laboratory experiments: production, perception Corpus collection 9/21/2018
What features can we look at and how do we obtain them? Intonation labeling by hand Acoustic/prosodic analysis by automatic methods Pitch tracking, pause detection, intensity, duration, speaking rate extraction Computational linguistic techniques to extract transcript-based (text) features Part-of-speech Sentence length, … What techniques do we use for analysis? Statistical methods (Splus, Matlab) Machine learning techniques 9/21/2018
Some Sample Approaches Natural Corpus: Hedberg & Sosa 2002 Introspective, observational: Wilson 1993, Pierrehumbert & Hirschberg 1990/2 Laboratory -- Production/Perception: Syrdal & Jilka 2004 Laboratory – Brain Imaging (e.g. fMRI): Doherty et al 9/21/2018
A Prescriptive Approach: Wilson 1993 Declarative statements fall and yes-no-questions rise? Wh-questions fall? Small final rise signals ‘more to come’? 9/21/2018
Corpus Studies of Questions: Hedberg & Sosa 2002 How are yes-no and wh-questions uttered and how might we explain differences? Where is the nuclear stress? Where is the semantic ‘focus’? What is the ‘topic’? Are the ‘wh words’ accented or not? Corpus: 73 questions Who saw John?/Who didn’t see John? Did John leave?/Didn’t John leave? 35 whq’s and 38 ynq’s from the McLaughlin Group and Washington Week 9/21/2018
Intonational labeling (ToBI) from pitch tracks Topic/focus coding Analysis Intonational labeling (ToBI) from pitch tracks Topic/focus coding Frequency distributions of features with question categories Prosody of ‘locus of interrogation’ Wh word in wh-questions Fronted auxiliary in yes-no questions Results Ynq’s generally uttered w/ falling or level intonation, not rising (69%) Wh-q’s most often uttered with falling (80%) 9/21/2018
Conclusions/open questions: Wh-words (60%) in all wh-questions and neg aux in negative ynq’s (89%) most often uttered with L+H* accent (‘contrastive’ accent) -- why? Aux in positive ynq’s often deaccented (41%) or realized with L* (17%) accent – why? Conclusions/open questions: Why do ynq’s and wh-q’s sometimes rise and sometimes fall? Locus of interrogation is accented in wh-q’s and in negative ynq’s to “signal interrogative status of sentence” – but not in positive ynq’s “due to need to highlight a following element” 9/21/2018
Critique Is this a good corpus for this investigation? Size Genre What about the speakers? 9/21/2018
Syrdal & Jilka 2004 How are whq’s and ynq’s produced most naturally (for TTS)? Same initial hypothesis: whq’s fall and ynq’s rise in American English Different approach: production and perception studies Production: 8 (professional) speakers (5F, 3M) Read transcripts of actual dialogues 9/21/2018
Intonational (ToBI) labeling from pitch tracks of extracted questions Analysis: Intonational (ToBI) labeling from pitch tracks of extracted questions Results: Ynq’s rose in 83% of cases for females and 53% for males Wh-q’s always fell for females and fell 79% of time for male speakers; wh-q’s and statements generally fell Nuclear accents in ynq’s: majority L* 9/21/2018
Perception studies: acceptability judgments Forced choice, 12 listeners Stimuli: Pairs of ynq and whq’s with same voice/different intonation 17 natural (9 ynq’s, 8 whq’s) 12 synthesized 12 subjects (6 and 6) Judgments: Ynq: Natural speech: people preferred standard rise (L* H- H%) Synthetic speech: no results Whq: Natural speech: people preferred falling contours (L- L%) to rising (H-H%) and slightly to ‘continuation rise’ (L- H%) Synthetic: no preference 9/21/2018
Critique How many questions were produced? Are professional speakers a good choice? Read vs. spontaneous speech? For TTS? Why no results for synthetic speech? Comparison to Hedberg and Sosa 9/21/2018
Doherty et al 2004 How do people process intonation, e.g., in rising questions vs. falling statements vs. falling questions? She was talking to her father? She was talking to her father. Was she talking to her father. Research questions: Where is the ‘prosody’ portion of the brain? What other sectors is it ‘close’ to and what is their function? Do particular contours have particular locations? 9/21/2018
Note experimental condition! Method: functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of subjects presented with digitized recordings 11 subjects (4M, 7F) Note experimental condition! 150 triples, of which each subjects heard only 1 version She was talking to her father? Was she talking to her father. She was talking to her father. Monitoring task: Is this a question or a statement? Press one key for question, another for statement 9/21/2018
Interpreting the rising contour as a question? Results: Increase in activation when subjects made judgments about tokens w/ rising intonation -- but not falling, whether syntactic question or syntactic statement Why? Semantic processing? No – illocutionary force is same in rising and falling questions Acoustic processing? Maybe… Interpreting the rising contour as a question? Check lesion studies to see if people with damage in these areas can interpret rising contours… 9/21/2018
Critique No rising inverted questions? “Was she talking to her father?” 9/21/2018
Next Class How do we represent intonational variation? 9/21/2018