APPLIED REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO ANALYZE THE LAND COVER/LAND USE CHANGE AT TISZA LAKE By Yudhi Gunawan * and Tamás János ** * Department of Land Use and Region Development ** Department of Water and Environmental Management UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN
INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE to study the land cover change and fluctuation of the environmental conditions at the Tisza Lake and surrounding area using satellite imagery
Figure 1. Tisza Lake as the study area Tisza Lake is an artificial lake that was formed by the construction of the Water Power Station of Kisköre, located in the northern part of Hungary at 20º26’ to 20º52’ E and 47º43’ to 47º25’ N (UTM/WGS 84) Figure 1. Tisza Lake as the study area
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES After the collapse of the command economy and industrial structures, because of the change of energy source to nuclear power, the rising need of natural protection and the increasing purposes of tourism, the objectives of this lake have grown and therefore there are urgent demands for appropriate strategies to avoid contradiction among purposes.
MATERIALS AND METHOD Landsat TM5, 08-07-1987 Landsat ETM7, 20-08-2000 Orthophoto Topography Map CLC100
Unsupervised Classification METHODOLOGY Preprocessing - Image rectification and co-registration - Making subset Unsupervised Classification - Using ISODATA method - Applied to 7 LC/LU classes based on CLC100 Classification Comparison - Using accuracy assessment with > 250 points
Figure 2. Model maker to perform change detection METHODOLOGY Figure 2. Model maker to perform change detection Change Detection - Multi-date composite image method - Image differencing technique for modeling Investigation of the Changes
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Image Rectification and Restoration - Landsat TM, The RMSE is 13 m Figure 3 : Control point errors for Landsat TM co-registration - Landsat ETM, The RMSE 14 m Figure 4 : Control point errors for Landsat ETM co-registration
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Classification Figure 5: Unsupervised classification of Landsat TM
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 6: Unsupervised classification of Landsat ETM
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Classification Comparison Figure 7: Location of the 256 random sampling points shown in the Landsat ETM viewer (left) and CLC100 viewer (right)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1. Error Matrix Resulting from Classifying Training Set Pixels at Landsat TM
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2. Error Matrix Resulting from Classifying Training Set Pixels at Landsat ETM
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The overall accuracy of TM (26%) and ETM (38%) indicates a fairly low agreement with the reference CLC100 classification; - Paper based interpretation was applied in CLC100, Hungary and then it was transformed to digital form by scanning (Maucha, 2004) Assessing 2 levels of LC/LU categories CLC100 was not representative enough - The gap over 3 or 10 years
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 3. Kappa Index of Landsat ETM unsupervised classification
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 4. Kappa Index of Landsat TM unsupervised classification
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It might be because of the big change in land management and land reform in agricultural area. (Márkus, et al (2003) reported that in the 1990s, parallel with the political changes, the transformation of Hungarian agriculture also began, the need of conservation area and the expansion of urbanization.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Change Detection Table 5. The summary matrix of the change detection between Landsat TM 1987 and Landsat ETM 2000
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - Water-body (15%) relatively big drought during the 1990’s and then when the normal precipitation returned, most of the wetlands were covered back by water Wetlands - Forested Area (13%) due to the new environmental protection policy in Hungary
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Except Water body Forest (26%), Wetlands (14%) Since the Hungarian agricultural production exceeds the limits of the EU regulations, the less fertile soils are reannexed to natural conservation or the process of forestation has started Arable land Settlements;19% (Recreational Area, Closed Garden)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Misinterpretation on Settlements The mixed pixels Environmental analysis For the moment it could not be carried out due to time limitation, missing data or difficulties to obtain data of total suspended solids, heavy metals, sediment quality, etc related to land cover change.
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION The accuracy assessment was fairly low; - Other classification method should be applied for instance Supervised Classification The mixed pixels have to be overcome by applying Spectral Mixture Analysis and Fuzzy classification Increase the natural protection area (e.g wetlands, forest) The CLC100 is not representative enough; - Therefore further study has to be done using CLC50 that has been updated to the geographic condition of Hungary The environmental analysis has not been carried out as planned but further research is still going on