The ultimate in professional Voice Recording CallCatcher® The ultimate in professional Voice Recording
About VOICERECORDING.COM VOICERECORDING.COM is the manufacturer of the CallCatcher range of Voice Recording and Screen Capturing systems and distributes worldwide through distributors and resellers. Voicerecording hardware is provided by OptiLogix the innovative partners in OEM voicerecording hardware.
CallCatcher With the CallCatcher voicerecording systems, VOICERECORDING.COM is pleased to provide a comprehensive solution to customers who require long-term recording of inbound and outbound telephone calls. In a competitive and fast-moving business environment of today, the CallCatcher enables the recording of calls for many business purposes, including security, transactional analysis and performance monitoring.
CallCatcher Unlimited multi-system expansion License free workstation remote client tools Best voice and sound quality available in the industry Open software structure for customised LAN integrated applications Mixed analog, digital and ISDN configurations CLI/DDI enriched Call Detail Records Secure, encrypted recording storage and LAN audio streaming for remote users Local or LAN/WAN call playback and monitoring Call statistics and advanced system management reporting functions Extensive search, filter and record marking capabilities
Benefits of the CallCatcher Cost-effective voicerecording solution Choice of system configurations No limit on number of CallCatcher recording systems and telephone lines per site Can be accessed through your LAN / WAN for searching, playback and real-time monitoring Optional Screen Capturing to record all screen activity Modular & Flexible Live conversation monitoring Integrated archiving system Superior voicerecording quality Vast recording capacity User friendly
Applications Call Centre voice / screen recording, logging and monitoring Quality and service assurance Verbal transaction recording: Agent training and efficiency improvements Follow-up information Financial and stock dealing Telephone ordering applications
Features & Benefits Analog, Digital PBX and Digital ISDN-2 (BRI) / ISDN-30 (PRI) multi-channel voicerecording and logging 2 up to 256 ports per system Unlimited multi-system expansion Superior voicerecording quality Storage at 64, 36, 16 and 8 kbit/s high quality compression Encrypted and access secured voice file storage and playback Automatic labelling of time, date, call duration, dialled and identified telephone numbers Fully configurable recording parameters
Features & Benefits Built-in phonebook with import facility for your relational database Local and/or LAN/WAN call playback and monitoring Advanced user, application and security / access management Extensive search, filter and storage making capabilities Built-in call archiving for voicerecording archive management and retrieval CallCatcher API for customised client tools development
Incoming / outgoing call status
Storage / backup configuration
Port configuration
Search criteria
User management and security
Local and remote voicerecording management, searching and playback
Remote live monitoring
Call Detail Records and statistics
PBX SMDR integration (wizard based)
Screen Capture playback High resolution screen capturing with cursor and mouse recording at up to 25 frames / second in MPEG4.
Features Windows-2000, XP, 2003 and Vista Voice LAN streaming for real-time listening and monitoring Caller’s phone number (CLI) is automatically processed and linked with database information Mixed-mode line configurations (mixed analog and digital ports) are supported within a single system Programmable recording durations for incoming and outgoing calls High quality and high compression modes are supported Voice, line-signalling or D-channel activated recording
Features Phonebook support in which: You can sort and search on: You can import your own relation and address data base records CLI and dialled numbers are automatically cross-linked Extra notes can be added You can sort and search on: Date and time (period) Duration (length) Ports (extension or CO lines) Outbound or inbound calls Telephone numbers Remarks and markers
Product Specification Chassis 4U 19” rack mount industrial computer system (standard / mirrored) 7U 19” fault resilient computer system (with SCSI RAID-5 HDD) Chassis and voicerecording interfaces: CE, FCC and RoHs compliance Operating systems Windows-XP Professional or Windows-2003 Server Windows Vista Typical 4U industrial computer (IPC) configuration 3 GHz CPU, 1024 MB RAM, 250 GB hard disk, DVD R/W drive, sound card Number of ports per recording unit 4 to 96 analog, digital PBX or Basic Rate ISDN-2 ports 8 to 240 digital Primary Rate ISDN ports
Product Specification Audio Bandwidth 300 – 3400 Hz Coding (64kbit/s … 8kbit/s) V64 CCITT A-Law PCM V36 Hi-Q PCM V16 and V8 proprietary MP3 based All based on proprietary coding and ultra secure encryption Data and system security Multi-level and discipline user and password protection management. Voicerecordings are heavily encrypted
Product Specification Initial (hard disk) storage capacity 250 GB for approximately 66,000 hours of voice (V8) storage Expandable to 4 Tera byte (4 x 1.000 GB HDD drives) with 1 MILLION hours of voice (V8) storage Archiving / backup media Any type of drive letter based drives/media may be used for LAN based archiving Protocols Alcatel, Ascom/Aastra, Avaya Definity – Index – IP Office, Bosch, Ericsson, Intertel, LG, Matra, Mitel, NEC, Nitsuko, Nortel Meridian, Norstar, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Tadiran, Tenovis, Toshiba and other PBX digital extension line transmission formats Euro ISDN, Q.SIG and DASS-2 digital protocols Various analog line signalling variants with Caller ID