Iowa Gallery: a migration story Art Collections Panel Discussion Mark F. Anderson CONTENTdm Midwest IUPUI – 4/29/08
Iowa Gallery Umbrella University of Iowa Museum of Art School of Art Graduate Archive The Daily Palette
Iowa Gallery Umbrella University of Iowa Museum of Art School of Art Graduate Archive The Daily Palette
UIMA project timeline Aug 2006: Initial planning meeting Oct 2006: Project plan finalized Mar 2007: Everything falls apart April 2007: Back on track Nov 2007: Collection launched with Iowa Gallery May 2008: Collection update
“I’m pretty sure that Jackson Pollock mural wasn’t created during the Ming Dynasty.”
Challenges in migration Excel stuff: Hidden □ line break □ characters Accession numbers as integers Ex. 2004.10 became 2004.1 2004.1 stayed 2004.1
“Exceptional” items With a legacy collection, you never know what you’ll find: ≠,3153
Legacy terms AAT Wheelthrown stoneware Wheel-thrown stoneware Etc. stoneware (pottery)
Additional campus art collections
Iowa Gallery Iowa Gallery [] Univ. of Iowa Museum of Art [] Graduate Art Archive [] Daily Palette []