Panel discussion Date
General Notes: General Notes no RAP no RAS no double grade dump minimum asphalt content OT requirement for SP mixes increase lab molded density for SP mixes raise VMA disallow gradation through the reference zone gradation must stay below the reference zone
Use of Superpave Mixes (tons)
% Usage By Mix Type - 2017
RATES – residual (gal/SY) TACK BOND UNDERSEAL INTENDED USE New construction Rehab with multiple lifts Existing pavement is in good condition Where improved bonding is needed Thin lifts Milled surfaces Where complete sealing is needed Moderate to severe cracking MATERIALS Emulsions AC Non-Tracking Tacks – MPL approved Spray Paver Hot-Applied Non-Tracking Materials – MPL approved Seal Coat Binders Aggregate RATES – residual (gal/SY) 0.04 to 0.10 Consider manufacturers recommendations Adjust for existing conditions 0.10 to 0.22 Per Item 348 and adjust for existing conditions 0.25 to 0.40 Based on embedment of aggregate grade and existing conditions PAY ($) Subsidiary to Bid Item Pay BONDING* Bond Strength (psi) *for information only 40 psi minimum 50 psi minimum TRACK RESISTANCE Yes – Use TRAIL material No - for conventional tack Not applicable for Spray-Paver Not applicable for seal coat materials
Bonus / Penalty FY17
1.0 Payment for Deficient Sublots *Over the last 10 years Bonus 1.0 Pay Factor 11,691 Penalty $342M Sublots 335 Remove & Replace $9.8M