Here is your start page. If “Logon” appears, you’ll need to Logon before the system will allow you to look at any data. Do so by clicking on the “Logon” hyperlink.
If you’re not a current user, see Veronica or Mike If you’re not a current user, see Veronica or Mike. They can add you as a new user. In this example, Joe Newguy was just added as a new user. Now he wants to Logon. He clicked on “Logon” and is now entering his access information. He chose “newguy” as his User ID. The system set his initial password to “P@ssw0rd”. It will force him to change that default password before continuing.
After entering his User ID and default password, “P@ssw0rd,” Joe chose a new password and entered it twice, as shown above. Click on “Submit” to finalize the change.
You should see this alert after successfully changing your password.
Note that “Logon” was changed to “Logoff” Note that “Logon” was changed to “Logoff”. Click on “Logoff” to logout of the system. Now that Joe is logged on, he can look up a member. You can search for a member by entering a complete or partial SSN, EmpNo, or name. In this example, Joe wants to open up Mike Mitchell’s record. He knows that his EmpNo is 84120. Click on “Go!” to start the search.
Looks like 84120 not only matched Mike’s EmpNo, it also partially matched a couple other SSNs. Click on Mike’s entry to go to his page.
Here’s Mike’s page. Note the blacked out SSN and Beneficiary fields. If you hover your mouse pointer over them, they will appear. 2. Note the email link. Click on it to open up a new email to the member.
If you click on one of the Comments radio buttons, you’ll see the respective comments displayed in the textbox. In this example, Joe clicked on “Member” to see the “Member” comments. The next slide will show how to add comments.
To add a comment, enter it in the right textbox, then click the “ Add” button. It will transfer them to the left textbox. It also inserts the current user’s User ID and today’s date, as you’ll see on the next slide.
Note the inserted User ID & date. If you need to edit the contents of the left textbox, make your changes, then click on the “Save” button.
Since Joe has only General User access, here’s what happens when he clicks on “EDIT Member Data”. The next slide shows how a system administrator edits a member’s data.
Once logged on, system administrators and those with Limited Edit access can modify member data. Note the color code legend above. SAVEs are not permitted unless all fields with RED text labels are filled in. Limited Edit users (attorneys, etc) can only save the YELLOW fields. If they modify other than YELLOW form fields, only the YELLOW fields are actually saved. The other changes are simply ignored.
Click SAVE to save your edits. RESET returns the form to its original values upon opening. CANCEL returns you to the Member’s View page. A warning is given to users who attempt to change the member’s status to DECEASED, RESIGNED, or RETIRED. Dependent coverage ends on the last day of the current month for DECEASED and RESIGNED members. Coverage for dependents of RETIRED members ends immediately, since the member has the ability to change coverage based on the RETIRED status.
Let’s next check out the VIEW / EDIT Coverage Details page.
Current enr/dep view is in BLUE. Change view by clicking on corresponding radio button. Stands for Date of Death. Click on a corresponding button to record a dependent’s date of death. Buttons are offered to add Spouse and Child, as necessary Click to record a divorce. If a button appears, enr/dep is eligible for coverage in that area. In this example, Mike chose Medical, Vision, and Dental coverage for his entire family. Therefore, those corresponding buttons appear in each of his dependents’ line.
Here’s Joe, once again, trying to make some unauthorized coverage changes. Let’s see how a system administrator changes coverage.
New section opens. If the button reads “Save Modified Entry,” it means that the enr/dep currently has coverage assigned. It will read “Save New Entry” when current coverage does not exist. In this example, we need to change Jill’s Medical coverage. Click on the Medical button on her line. You’ll see that her line is highlighted in BLUE and the Medical button turns YELLOW.
Initiating/modifying life insurance coverage is slightly different. Values in the “Plan – Rate” dropdown lists are determined by the member’s age and status. In other words, the values for a NON-RETIRED 45-year-old member (and his/her spouse) will be different than those offered for a RETIRED 65-year-old member. As selections are made, the Total Cost will be reflected here.
Let’s now look at the “VIEW Claims” page. It shows all documents TPT sent to HSR that pertain to the member and his/her family. Since Mike has no such documents in the system, we need to look at another member’s file.
Names blacked-out for confidentiality. Click link to open up document.
Here’s the scanned-in document.
Clicking the Reports link in the header menu bar brings up the Reports Page. At the time of this presentation, only two such reports existed. New ones will be added over time. Let’s look at a few of them.
Select Police Dept, click Go! The report shown below opens on a new page.
Here’s the Summary report for all of the “Texas Active” members
This page is accessible ONLY to system administrators.
To add a new user, click “User Maintenance,” then “Add New”. Click “Go!” to open up page below. The Logon password for all new users is “P@ssw0rd”. Be sure to tell the user. As we showed before, the system will force the new user to change that default password. That’s a ZERO, not an upper case “O”.
To edit a specific user, select the name from the dropdown and click “Go!” to open up the page below. If the user forgets his/her password, click here to reset it to the default “P@ssw0rd” Set access level here Click “No” when user no longer needs access to this system.
The DropDown Maintenance section allows a system administrator to add/modify values contained within various dropdown lists. This one shows the options for “Member Type”. The Rate Table Maintenance section is just a placeholder for possible actions in the future.