Be part of the 7th Baltic International Congress Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergenc Medicine! With unique sessions and workshops, the scientific programme of the Baltic Congress will enhance your practical and theroretical knowledge in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care! Congress is organised in a close collaboration with ESA, ESRA, SSAI, WFSA, Lithuanian and Estonian professional societies.
TIMETABLE Thursday December 4th 18:30-19:15 Key Lecture 19:15 – 21:00 Opening & Welcome Reception Friday December 5th 08:30-19:00 Scientific Programme and workshops* 20:00 Gala Dinner* *(for additional payment) Saturday December 6th 08:00 – 17:00 Scientific Programme and workshops *
INVITED SPEAKERS: Daniela Filipescu, RO David K Whitaker, UK Marc Van De Velde, BE Philipp Scherpereel, FR Stefan De Hert, BE Jannicke Mellin – Olsen, NO Ruth Landau, USA John C. Marshall, CA Christian Maschmann, DK Michael Hiesmayr, AT Anne Berit Guttormsen, NO Torkjel Tveita, NO Göran Hedenstierna (SE) Olav Rohof, NL Raed Arafat, RO Jan Hazelzet, NL George Djaiani, CA Andris Klucniks, UK Barry Nicholls, UK Marco Ranucci, IT Andrejs Ivanovs, UK Mikhail Kirov, RU Samuel Perov, USA Rokas Tamosauskas, UK Peter Reinstrup, SE
MAIN TOPICS: Acute pain treatment Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia Chronic pain Clinical nutrition Emergency medicine Fluid management Intensive care Nursing in anaesthesiology, emergency and intensive care Obstetric anaesthesia Patient safety and clinical guidelines Paediatric anaesthesia and Intensive care Perioperative assessment of elderly patient Regeneration medicine Regional Anaesthesia Research and publishing
WORKSHOPS (for additional payment) US guided peripheral nerve blocks US guided centroaxial blocks Echocardiography Express- EHO in ICU US guided vascular access Simulation sessions ROTEM goal directed coagulation management US guided anterior abdominal wall blocks
Online registration can be done through REGISTRATION FEES: (valid till July 30th) Members of LT, EE, LV societies 150.00 EUR Residents, students, nurses from Baltic countries 100.00 EUR Nurses (only nurses session on Dec 6th) 50 EUR Other participants 200 EUR Online registration can be done through The Congress website:
GOOD NEWS: Abstract submission deadline extended until June 30th! Instructions in the Congress Website: Abstracts can be submitted online or via e-mail:
Congress website: Information: Congress Secretariat +371 67085089