Back ground of the Art Nouveau Movement The Art Nouveau movement was a decorative style of art that evolved from the end of the 1880s and lasted up to the beginning of the First World War (1910). 1890-1910 Belgium and France became the leading regions for the development of Art Nouveau The Art Nouveau movement was known as Jugendstil in Germany, Vienna Secession in Austria, and Modernismo in Spain. What were the economic and social background that led to the Art Nouveau Movement in Europe? The late 19th century was a period of relative peace and prosperity in Continental Europe Economic growth generated larger upper classes and upper middle classes that could support new and experimental directions in design Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
Back ground of the Art Nouveau Movement Art Nouveau was so called because it was named after a prominent shop in Paris called La Maison de l’Art Nouveau, which featured and promoted many of the latest ideas in art. In England, Art Nouveau was simply an aspect of the Aesthetic Movement, the term Liberty Style came into use taken from the name of the London shop that offered objects related to Art Nouveau. Art Nouveau work in Spain, Scotland and America had only a distant relationship to what had surfaced in Brussels and Paris Vienna Secession is a separate but parallel manifestation of Art Nouveau. Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
Style of the Art Nouveau Movement It began as a reaction against the historical emphasis that most art of the mid nineteenth century had. For a brief, brilliant moment, Art Nouveau was a shimmering presence in urban centers throughout Europe and North America. It was the style of the age--seen on public buildings and advertisements, inside private homes and outside street cafés--adorning the life of the city Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
History of Art Nouveau Movement artists created an international style that was very much of the modern age. Elements from this rapidly changing and developing period were combined with ideas of spirituality, fantasy and mythology to form a new style. The approach included the use of modern materials and techniques, as well as valuing traditional craftsmanship. Leading artists in Art Nouveau history include the painter Gustav Klimt, the illustrators Aubrey Beardsley and Walter Crane, jewellery designer Rene Lalique, architects Antonio Gaudi, Louis Sullivan, Henry Van de Velde and Victor Horta and glassware designer Louis Tiffany. Art Nouveau History - Mosaic Roof in Barcelona by Antonio Gaudi Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
Characteristics of the Art Nouveau Movement The relationship to the general curving and flowing forms of nature gave rise to the S-curves or whiplash curves – usually regarded as the most visible Art Nouveau motif The characteristics that make Art Nouveau design recognizable as unique development are A rejection of Victorian styles, historic imitations in revivals and eclectic combination of precedents A willingness to take advantage of modern materials (iron and glass), modern techniques ( industrial production), and such innovation such as electric lighting A close relationship with the fine arts, incorporating painting, bas relief and sculpture into architecture and interior design The use of decorative ornamentation based on nature forms – flowers, vines, shells, bird feathers, insect wings and abstract forms derived from these sources Curvilinear forms as dominant themes in both basic structural elements and in ornamentation Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Art Nouveau Movement Painting was not the main medium for the Art Nouveau style, as it was best embodied in decorative arts such as jewellery, glass and interior design. Painting did feature in the Art Nouveau Movement, but more prominent than painting was the graphic arts including illustration and poster design. The most well known painter in the Art Nouveau movement was Gustav Klimt. The style of the Art Nouveau movement was one based on elaborate ornamental motifs and natural forms, often involving leaves, flowers, vines and long female hair. The style often featured exotic details and showed influences from many decorative art sources from different parts of the world It was often erotic and the concentration on decorative pattern became an important step towards the future development of abstract art. Art Nouveau history has its roots in the Arts and Crafts movement in the UK, and the work of William Morris in particular, as well as representing a development from the earlier movements of romanticism and symbolism. Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Art Nouveau Movement Theories of Architecture and Interior Design Sofia Sebastian