Međunarodna istraživanja u području obrazovanja pomoraca


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Presentation transcript:

Međunarodna istraživanja u području obrazovanja pomoraca Boris Pritchard Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci Rijeka 2010

Sadržaj / Contents Osnovni pojmovi: obrazovanje, naobrazba, izobrazba i školovanje pomoraca; ‘stakeholders’, MET, VET, CBT, Međunarodne organizacije (IMO, IAMU, IMLA, AMRI, EU, ILO) sustavi školovanja pomoraca u svijetu uloga obrazovanja u razvitku pomorskog gospodarstva elementi istraživanja sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu projekti (DG TREN, METHAR, EASTMET, METNET, GLOMET) metodologija istraživanja sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu vrjednovanje mjesta i uloge sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu (Bologna , ECTS, VECTS) Nove tehnologije učenja, cjeloživotno učenje usporedba hrvatskog pomorskog školstva sa sustavima obrazovanja pomoraca u svijetu

MET: Ciljevi Razvijanje i razumijevanje pojmova obrazovanja, izobrazbe i školovanja pomoraca. Vrjednovanje uloge poznavnja sustava školovanja pomoraca u projetiranju programa obrazovanja. Spoznavanje uloge obrazovanja u razvitku pomorskog gospodarstva Razumijevanje elemenata sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu Razumijevanje i usvajanje metodologije u istraživanju sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu. Razvijanje sposobnosti kritičkog mišljenja pri vrjednovanju mjesta i uloge sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu. Usporedba hrvatskog pomorskog školstva sa sustavima obrazovanja pomoraca u svijetu.

1. Osnovni pojmovi & definicije Obrazovanje Školovanje Naobrazba Izobrazba Visoko obrazovanje i visoko školstvo Stručno obrazovanje Kompetencije Zvanja i svjedodžbe Certification MET, VET, CBT, MTC STCW standards and requirements stakeholders

MET - terms Higher education Vocational education and training Stakeholders in MET Benchmarking in maritime education CBT Distance learning EU – education and training The Bologna Declaration ECTS EU – DG TREN Harmonization (METHAR, MASSTER; SEAGULL; MARCOM; METNET; THALASSES; HANDIAMI, MASSOP

obrazovanje Proces svakog stjecanja, prenošenja i usvajanja znanja, razvijanja mišljenja i donošenja sudova te stjecanje vještina i navika kod učenika, studenta i polaznika, kao osnovnih subjekata u obrazovanju, radi njihova osposobljavanja za obavljanje određene djelatnosti (BP 2001)

izobrazba Posebno, specijalno, pbrazovanje za specifične namjene Redovito pod nadleštvom ministarstva pomorstva Izvode ga državne (fakulteti više škole, srednje škole) i privatne ustanove (centri za izobrazbu, MTC)

Obilježja pomorskog školstva i pomorskih stručnjaka Stalno usavršavanje i provjeravanje znanja Stalno potvrđivanjhe osposobljenosti na međunarodnom tržištu Trajna potreba za kontinuiranim obrazovanjem (IT, tehnološki razvoj, poslovni profit, efikasan pomorski prijevoz) Multidisciplinarnost programa i sadržaja “radno” znanje usmjereno k sigurnosti i zaštiti ljuskih života i materijanih dobara Visok stupanj svijsesti i odgovornosti za očuvanje i zaštitu morskog okoliša Sposobnost upravljanja ljudskim resursima u posebnim / opasnim uvjetima Multikulturalnost – brod kao multikulkturna, multietnička i multijezična zajednica

TRANSPORT - EUR-Lex transport network maritime transport transport policy competition policy marketing

The need for Innovation: A definition FP 6 – Framework, Instruments Maritime R&D Co-ordination Means Thematic Networks

Thematic Networks ▲ Thematic Networks bring together individual projects and researchers from industry, universities and research institutions. Their purpose is to co-ordinate separate research activities, allowing exploitation of synergies between complementary projects and to facilitate the dissemination, integration and exploitation of RTD results . ▲ In FP 4 about 2400 companies were participating 50% industry

2. Međunarodne organizacije IMO, IAMU, IMLA, AMRI, EU, ILO

3. Sustavi školovanja pomoraca u svijetu Tradicionalni sustav – “sandwich system” Stupnjevani studij Sveučilišni Stručni (vocational education and training) Cjeloviti sveučilišni studij

Tradicionalni sustavi – “sandwich” naglašeno prakticistički pristup učenju i usavršavanju kombinira teoriju i praksu u cjeloviti period plovidbene službe pomorca umeće nekoliko “školskih” faza / svaka u trajanju od 2 do 3 mjeseca Sustav polako zamire (UK, neke zemlje Afrike i Azije Suspostoji uz stupnjevani sveučilišni i stručni studij Trajanje: srednja škola + vrijeme za “sea service” + školske faze = 5 do 7 godina

Stupnjevani stručni i sveučilišni studij U većini zemalja Zapadne Europe (EU), SAD, Australija, Kanada, Indija, Filipini, Egipat, Nigerija trajanje: 3-4 godine (s plovidbenom praksom – 6 – 12 mjeseci) Stručno zvanje – akademsko zvanje: BSc (nekadašnji “dipl. inženjer”) Izvodi se na akademijama, samostalim visokim školama, koledžima, samostalnim fakultetima, sveučilištima


Cjeloviti sveučilišni studij Francuska, Španjolska, Grčka, Japan, Kina, Poljska, Rusija, Bugarska, Slovenija, Rumunjska, SAD Trajanje: 3 – 5 (7) godina Akademski stupanj: BSc + preduvjet za prvo ovlaštenje (simulatori – tečajevi - sea service) Izvodi se na samostalnim pomorskim sveučilištima, samostalnim pomorskim fakultetima, visokim školama, odjelima sveučilišta, u sastavu tehničkih sveučilišta diplomski i poslijediplomski studiji 3. i 4. godina studija – prevladavaju predmeti prava, ekonomije, zaštrite okoliša, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, IT

Što je zajedničko? Svi studiji zadovoljavaju standarde i minimalne uvjete STCW 95 – neki ih u mnogome nadilaze Svi studiji naglašavaju neodvojivi spoj teorije i prakse (“radno” znanje, working knowledge, praktične vježbe, studentski projekti) Programi pripremaju studenta za rad na moru i kopnu Sloboda oblika obrazovanja (sva tri sustava u nekim državama), ali s trendom da se stječe akademsko zvanje “BSc”

Obrazovanje stručnjaka za kopno Raznoliki modeli. dva osnovna trenda 1. Doškolovanje pomorskih časnika 1-2 godine: stupanj BSc doškolovanje kao 2. faza stupnjevanog studija – dopunska znanja (ekonomika, organizacijske znanosti, pomosko pravo, osiguranje, logistika i management u brodarstvu i lukama, državna uprava, sigurnost plovidbe, pomorski nadzor, zaštita okoliša itd.) 2. Stupnjevani ili cjeloviti 3- ili 4-godišnji studij specifičnih područja: ekonomsko.-organizacijske znanosti Pomorski tehnički sustavi Tehnologija iskorištavanja morskih resursa (marikultura, iskorištavanje morskog dna, oceanografija, kartografija)

4. Elementi istraživanja sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu Survey of national MET systems, schemes and programmes and Survey of national certificate of competency structures and validity Survey of relevant syllabus contents and teaching methods Survey of nationally available advanced MET facilities Survey of qualifications and careers of lecturers in national MET Institutions Survey of national MET administration and links of MET with national ET system Country survey of the applicability of MET for shipboard positions and shore-based positions in the maritime industry Survey of national provision for procedures and methods by which MET adapts to new requirements Country survey of number and qualification of persons who choose MET for a temporary or permanent seafaring career vs the number of training places in national MET institutions

5. Međunarodni projekti EU IAMU DG TREN, METHAR, EASTMET, METNET national IAMU GLOMET MET institutions

6. Metodologija istraživanja sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu EU (DG IV Transport and Energy, 4th Framework Programme) Projekti EU i IAMU Prikupljanje podataka o nacionalnim sustavima obr. Pomoraca Ocjena stanja hrv. pomorstva i usporedba sa svjetskim sustavima Utvrđivanje postojećih i budućih potreba Vrjednovanje podataka Ankete (questionnaires) round-tables Konferencije, skupovi Stručna literatura

Revised questionnaire for number and qualification of MET applicants, MET graduates and student places Please identify the number of applicants for MET in 1996: ______ applicants with finished compulsory general education and ______ applicants with finished higher secondary education. Please identify the number of students having completed MET in 1996: students completed an unlimited certificate course without academic degree ( ______ deck, ______ engine, _______ polyvalent ), students completed a limited certificate course without academic degree students completed an unlimited certificate course with academic degree students completed a limited certificate course with academic degree ( ______ deck, ______ engine, _______ polyvalent ) and ______ students completed MET with an academic degree but without certificate ( please specify type of degree _____________________________ ). Please identify the maximum capacity of first year MET student places available in 1996: places available for unlimited certificate courses places available for limited certificate courses ______ places available for maritime academic degree courses in MET without certificate. (METHAR)

METNET Thematic Network on Maritime Education, Training and Mobility of Seafarers 4 METNET – ending point important conclusions and tangible results 29 4.1 Increasing the supply to MET and seafaring 30 4.1.1 Why do young people not choose seafaring as a career? 31 4.1.2 Why do ship officers leave seafaring? 31 4.1.3 What could and should be done to attract more young people 32 from EU countries to, and retain them longer in, seafaring? 4.1.4 The image of the shipping industry 34 4.1.5 The attitude of the shipping industry to shipboard personnel 37  4.2 Enhancing the quality and attractiveness of MET – 41 making MET more efficient and more effective 4.2.1 The 4 E concept of MET 41 4.2.2 MET syllabi and courses for students developed by METNET 43 4.2.3 Courses developed by METNET for the updating of lecturers 45 in the use of modern technology 4.3 Facilitating and promoting professional and intra-European mobility 46 4.3.1 Professional mobility 46 Ship-ship mobility Deck-engine mobility Ship-shore mobility 4.3.2 Intra-European mobility 49 4.4 Dissemination of results – METNET Days 50 4.5 Cooperation with East European and Mediterranean accession 53 and non-accession countries 4.5.1 Portoroz Resolution 53 4.5.2 Lisbon Resolution 55

5 Summary of main recommendations from METNET on MET/human resources 5.1 Recommendations on increasing the recruitment (supply) 58 and retention of seafarers - joint tasks for MET institutions, industry and administration 5.2 Recommendations on enhancing the quality and employability 60 of seafarers – tasks for MET institutions 5.3 Recommendations on facilitating the mobility of seafarers – 62 tasks for MET institutions and administrations 5.4 Recommendations on the involvement of accession countries 63

6 Proposals for follow-up actions on MET/human resources in FP 6.1 From dissemination to exploitation of METNET results – 65 the need for a pan-European approach 6.2 Specific priority actions for further enhancing attractiveness of 68 seafaring, MET quality and professional mobility 6.2.1 Launching an awareness and promotion campaign 69 for employment in the maritime sector 6.2.2 Developing a test for MET applicants who can be expected 70 to have “sea stability”  

6.2.3 Retraining officers on fishing vessels and navy officers 71 for the merchant marine and upgrading ratings on merchant marine ships to officers 6.2.4 Mapping career paths and developing a European MSc degree 71 programme for holders of unlimited certificates of competency and BSc or equivalent degrees 6.2.5 Specifying training programmes in administration, 72 management and leadership for senior shipboard personnel 6.2.6 Enhancing the effectiveness of simulator training for ship 73 officers 6.2.7 Making optimum use of national MET resources 74 6.2.8 Intensifying efforts for furthering safety culture in shipping 75 6.2.9 Improving the exploitation of modern information and 77 communication technologies (ICT) in MET and on shipboard 6.2.10 Developing textbooks for Europe-wide use at MET institutions 78 6.2.11 Educating and training MET lecturers and students for mobility 78 within Europe 6.3 Towards a more comprehensive approach to maritime personnel 80

7. Vrjednovanje mjesta i uloge sustava pomorskog obrazovanja u svijetu IMO requirements The Bologna Process ECTS, VECTS In-House programmes

8. Nove tehnologije učenja CBT cjeloživotno učenje – distance learning Internet e-learning

Istraživanja na pomorskim fakultetima (Rijeka) 9. Hrvatsko pomorsko školstvo vs sustavi obrazovanja pomoraca u svijetu Pomorstvo Pomorski zbornik Naše more Istraživanja na pomorskim fakultetima (Rijeka) Individualna istraživanja (BP, PK, DZ, Zavod za navigaciju - Rijeka itd) Zahtjevi brodara, agencija (management) pomorski sindikati Stakeholders in Croatia

Razvoj pomorskog obrazovanja u RH Pomorsko obrazovanje kao dio cjelovitog sustava obrazovanja – status (maksimalistički vs minimalistički zahtjevi) Stupnjevani studij – trend u svijetu Pomorski obrazovni sustav i usklađivaje sa svjetskim sustavom izdavana ovlaštenja (IMO STCW 95) – proces dovršen – potrebne pravodobne mjere poboljšanja Programi i metodologija nastave : Uskladiti odnos teoretskih vs. praktičnih znanja (preporuke IMO-a i usporedba sa srodnim ustanovama MET u Europi) Orijentacika prema praktičnim problemima razvoj hrvatske pomorske privrede Problem plovidbene prakse (sea service) – najveća prepreka za stjecanje ovlaštenja Školski brod(ovi)? Usporedba hrvatskih ustavova MET sa svjetskim / europskim (ponuda i potražnja pomoraca, ocjena privlačnosti pomoračkih zanimanja; interes za pomoračka zanimanja); ulaganje u kadrove (dobna struktura; problem stjecanja i obnove STCW ovlaštenja za nastavnike); visok ugled hrvatskih pomoraca i pomorskog školstva; opremljenost (simulatori, školski brodovi, centri, radionice, laboratoriji) Osnovni programi - financirani od strane države Programi on-bord traininga Uloga stručnih udruga Ocjena prilagođenosti programa stvarnim poslovima na brodu i kopnu, tehnološkom napretku i IT te potrebama gospodarstva (brodari, luke, špedicije, agencije) I dalje održavati otvorenost pomorskog obrazovnog sustava tehnološkim i drugim promjenama - izrada dugoročnog i srednjoročnog prokjekta razvitka pomorskog obrazovanja

Hrvatsko pomorsko školstvo – povijest Na razini kvalitete vodećih svjetskih pomorskih zemalja SWOT (threats, weaknesses): prečeste promjene zakona o školstvu (srednjem i visokom) u RH (strenghts, opportunities): pomorske visokoškolske ustanove RH – među prvma pružile mogućnost stjecanja akademskog stupnja (studij 3 i 4 godine) Studiji za brod i kopno (nakon plovidbe) Trendovi u svijetu: BSc – tri godine – stručna i akademska zvanja u jednom (Nizozemska, Njemačka, Španjolska, Francuska, Švedska, Bugarska, UK itd.) Izjednačiti pomorca s akademski obrazovanim građanima Iskusni pomorski časnici – najbolji stručnjaci za odgovorne stručne i rukovodne poslove na kopnu (terminali, agencije, administracija) Zbog potreba manjih i slabijih brodara (ograničene CoC) – zadržan dvojni sustav: BSc degree i srednja škola + specijalizirana izobrazba (in-hous & on-board training)

References Pritchard, B. Zec, D. Komadina, P. (2007) ‘On Recent Developments in Maritime Education and Training in Croatia’, The 10th European Manning & Training Conference, Dubrovnik Zec D., Komadina P. (2006) Recent changes in European MET systems – Influence on the Accident Prevention at Sea, 7th International Conference "The Human Element in Safety and Survival at Sea", Šibenik Butman, B., Harbach, J., The accreditation of worldwide marine engineering programs, IAMU supported project, 2006 Komadina, P. Rudan, I., Frančić, V. (2004) Higher Maritime Education within the Framework Declaration of Bologna. In Pomorski zbornik, No. 42, Hrvatsko udruženje za unapređivanje pomorstva, Rijeka, 33-44 Perčić, U. (2008) magist. rad Halldin, S. & Kuusisto, E. (2004) Joint Final Report - Estonian Maritime Academy. Education system of Latvia for use with diploma supplements of the year 2004. Zade, G. (2003) Foreword to Final Report, METNET, WMU, Malmo Pritchard, B. (2001) Pomorski obrazovni sustav. Strategija razvoja pomorstva RH za 21. stoljeće. Zagreb, VladaRH, 93-104

Zec, D. , Pritchard, B. (2000) Academic approach vs Zec, D., Pritchard, B. (2000) Academic approach vs. STCW 95', Solving Maritime Education and Training Issues - Charting the course into the 21st century, World Maritime University, Malmo, 38-47 Zec. D, B. Pritchard, P. Komadina (2000), Toward a Global Standard MET System - An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of present MET Systems, IAMU Journal, June 2000, No. 1, Istanbul: 61-68 Lisowski, J. & Sniegocki, H. (1999) The Finnish and Polish Credit Transfer Systems for Maritime Studies. Global J. of Engng. Educ., Vol. 3, No. 3 . UICEE Pritchard, B. (1992) Novija kretanja u svjetskom pomorsom školstvu. Pomorski zbornik, Rijeka METNET (Thematic Network on Maritime Education, Training and Mobility of Seafarers), Final Report for Publication, World Maritime University, WMU, Malmö, 2003 METHAR (Harmonization of European Maritime Education and Training Schemes), Final report for Publication, WMU 1999-2002 GLOMET (A Study of Global Maritime Education and Training Systems), Final Report, , IAMU & JICA, Tokyo, 2004 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers, IMO, London, 1995, as amended Wagtmann, Maria Anne (2010) List of Literature concerning International Maritime Human Resource Management. University of Southern Denmark Assoc.

maritime education, research & industry maritime human resource management 1.  Introduction to sea- & land-based HRM in relation to organisations’ daily work and strategies 2.  The Role of the Structure and Organisational Culture 3.   Recruitment, selection and retention of employees, including psychological assessment tests 4.   Issues related to multinational labour forces 5.   Temporary International Assignments for Land-Based Personnel 6.   Education and training of employees 7.   Performance management 8.   Wage and benefit strategies 9.   Unions and Employers’ Associations and the International Legislative Framework for Work at Sea (including “Fair Treatment of Seafarers” and ISPS Code implementation) 10.  Occupational health, safety, security and other ethical issues 11. Cases for Internet- or classroom-based case solving and discussion   To date, many colleagues, including persons from Australia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA have suggested articles or other works for inclusion on the list. Maria Anne Wagtmann, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Maritime Research and Innovation of the Danish Maritime University Tel. +45 6550 1536 Fax +45 6550 1091 Email Addr. Niels Bohrs Vej 9, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark