REFLECTION Friday, 21 September 2018 jonathan peel sgs 2009
The journal: value What went well… Even better if… We tend to do this subconsciously each time we teach. Trainees are obliged to create a reflective journal of all aspects of teaching. The journal: value jonathan peel sgs 2009
Mirrors Reflection is not a one way process. How can we develop two way reflection, and build on it? As a mentor we must share our trainees reflection and assist them in developing their voice as teachers. We need to use our experience to help them to unravel their problems. Mirrors jonathan peel sgs 2009
What goes in? EVERYTHING! Encourage them to reflect on their hopes, fears, experiences (both good and bad) and also encourage them to write things that they might not wish to discuss openly in the staff room environment. If they do not, they can not be helped. What goes in? jonathan peel sgs 2009
Much research points to reflection as a major factor in raising levels of paedagogy throughout the whole school environment. As a mentor, please remember that good reflection on your practice, designed to assist your trainee, can raise your own levels of awareness about your own practice. OFSTED have praised our efforts to raise the level of reflection in this school. We need to do more and we need to formalise the process… RESEARCH jonathan peel sgs 2009
“BLOGOSPHERE” (sorry) A web space for electronic journal keeping. Please encourage all trainees to use this area and use it yourselves on a regular basis (monthly?) to comment on their reflection. All trainees will see each others’ work and all mentors can comment. As Senior Mentor, I will try to review the reflection of each trainee prior to monitoring visits and other discussions. I suggest you use a web based account like BLOGGER, run by Google. blogger dashboard You need a googlemail address (free account) and a willingness to participate – besides it serves as ICT evidence! “BLOGOSPHERE” (sorry) jonathan peel sgs 2009
To get the most from this area, trainees should be encouraged to share. Water-coolers are reinvented by this process. Many problems are replicated in other schools across both primary and secondary level. Different approaches emerge. We should aim to develop genuine dialogue in this area – trainees can then use pages from this journal to show the development of thought processes in their folders. Shared problems jonathan peel sgs 2009
We are all adults, we should be able to recognise the potentially delicate nature of these journals. Read and comment, but please do not discuss openly. The blogs should be open to trainees, mentors, Senior Mentor and EBITT director only. We want to avoid any perception of authority figures that might hinder genuine, honest reflection – another strand that comes from research… CONFIDENTIALITY jonathan peel sgs 2009
Assessors want to see a large quantity of reflection in this time Assessors want to see a large quantity of reflection in this time. Trainees might discuss initial fears and responses; initial perceptions of their schools; the many unforeseen events and so on. In this month, please try to support their efforts closely. Once the habit is formed, it will be easier to maintain it throughout the process. 1st month jonathan peel sgs 2009
“blog on” - consequences Choose a recent moment of difficulty or uncertainty in your teaching. Write it on a piece of paper with your thoughts and pass it to your neighbour. Read the “blog” and consider what advice/affirmation you can give to the point made. Write it down, return and discuss. A reflective dialogue has started! “blog on” - consequences jonathan peel sgs 2009
jonathan peel sgs 2009