Elements of Satire
A technique in which a writer pokes fun or criticizes a person, group, institution or event using certain literary devices. Usually witty. Almost always sarcastic or ironic. Examples of satire on TV: SNL, Family Guy, South Park, the Simpsons, Daily Show, etc. What is Satire?
Harsh/Bitter: The satirist wants to criticize, scold, punish someone or a group of people through his work. Light Hearted/Silly: The satirist wants to poke fun at someone or a group of people through his work. Usually, in this case, the audience laughs as much at themselves as others. Satire Scale
A satirist’s thesis is usually implied: Meaning you must pay attention to clues. Techniques Irony Puns and wordplay Hyperbole Sarcasm Euphemisms Understatement Juxtaposition
Irony: When something is not as it seems (appearance vs reality) Verbal – speaker says one thing and means another. Situational – an odd twist; turns out differently than what was expected. Dramatic – The audience is aware of the truth while others (characters) are not. Irony: When something is not as it seems (appearance vs reality)
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. A play on words. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. I'm reading a book about anti- gravity. It's impossible to put down. Puns
Deliberate and often extreme exaggeration done for an effect. Hyperbole Deliberate and often extreme exaggeration done for an effect. “The shot heard round the world.” “So hungry I could eat a horse.”
The opposite of hyperbole. Understatement The opposite of hyperbole. Making something serious seem unimportant or trivial. This is a form of irony.
By doing this, the speaker can point out flaws. Juxtaposition Placing two ideas side by side or close together (can work with visual or textual satire). By doing this, the speaker can point out flaws.