Addressing Infant Mental Health in Maternal Mental Illness MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE, MAY 2017 Anne McFadyen
Addressing Infant Mental Health in Maternal Mental Illness WHY? HOW?
What do we mean by maternal mental illness? Psychosis Depression Anxiety Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Eating Disorder Personality Disorder Substance Misuse Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What impact do these have on the baby, and on the relationship? Good evidence that baby is an active participant Brain development in context of relationship Mum’s mental health affects baby’s development eg Depression associated with language delay eg Impact of emotional neglect BUT NOT NECESSARILY ENDURING OR INEVITABLE DAMAGE
Still Face (Tronick)
More information on our Healthy Start, Healthy Scotland Campaign, including the Briefing Paper and Action Plan for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, can be found on our website. You can also phone us for further information on 0131 220 2910.
Promotion and Prevention LEVEL 2 VULNERABLE LEVEL 3 LEVEL 1 UNIVERSAL Promotion and Prevention LEVEL 2 VULNERABLE LEVEL 3 Distress Disturbance Prevention and Care LEVEL 4 Disturbance Disorder Target population (refers to the mother and fetus/infant/ child, and other family members) Whole population Vulnerable populations, e.g., teenage pregnancy, socio-economic deprivation, domestic abuse, adverse childhood experiences, history of being looked after or accommodated, families of children born with disability In parents: mild to moderate mental ill health, e.g., alcohol and substance misuse, depression and anxiety disorders managed in primary care In infants/children: fetal alcohol effects, mild neurodevelopmental delay or disorder, prematurity, attachment disorder, mild to moderate mental ill health In parents: moderate to severe mental ill health, e.g., current or past severe mental illness, alcohol and substance dep, complex personality difficulties In infants/children: fetalalcoholsyndrome, moderate to severe neurodevelopmental delay or disorder, prematurity, attachment disorder, moderate to severe mental ill health
“So the midwife said to me … that only half its brain’s developed and that the next half depends on us. You only get one shot of being a wee baby……”