Broadband PPDR frequency situation in Europe Evolution to Broadband / CCW 2016 Amsterdam Risto Toikkanen / TCCA Radio Spectrum Group 11.05.2016
BB PPDR spectrum in global domain The ITU updates its Radio Regulation (RR) book in World Radio Conferences – intergovernmental agreement The Conferences also adopt Resolutions on specific topics not taken in the RR book allocation tables WRC-15 confirmed the 700 MHz mobile allocation for EMEA originated from WRC-12 WRC-15 updated Resolution 646 - adding Broadband to PPDR radio landscape Resolution 646 recommends wide global range 694 – 894 MHz for BB, keeps existing 400 MHz for EMEA & APAC Regional allocations inside 700 – 800 MHz moved to ITU-R Recommendation M.2015 Europe needs update M.2105 once European decision confirmed Such updates are done in ITU-R Study Groups and Working Parties between the WRC’s 3GPP standardisation defines LTE bands such as Band Class 14, 28, 31, 68, … BB PPDR decisions made outside Europe: USA band 14: 758 – 768 // 788 – 798 MHz UAE (band 68 under work in 3GPP): 698 -703//753 – 758 MHz South Korea inside band 28: 708 – 718//773 – 783 MHz Europe/CEPT is just about to confirm the ranges 698 – 736//753 – 791 and 450.5 – 457.7//460.5 – 467.5 MHz
European spectrum regulation – who decides? BOTTOM-UP PROCESS: CEPT 48 countries form CEPT – European Conference of Postal and Telecom Administrations The Electronic Communications Committee – ECC – of CEPT creates Decisions (and Recommendations, Reports) Member countries can decide whether to implement an ECC Decision or not – most of them do Studies are often initiated by a System Reference Document (SRDoc) from ETSI TOP-DOWN PROCESS: EU European Commission can issue EC Decisions when agreed by the Member States Decisions are agreed in the EU Radio Spectrum Committee – i.e. by the Member States EC Decisions are mandatory to the Member States (e.g. the recent 700 MHz Implementing Decision) Required technical studies are done in CEPT, initiated by Commission’s study mandate to CEPT The EU also produces strategic level spectrum legislation - Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, Framework Directive, Authorisation Directive ... Proposal always comes from the Commission Then agreed by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers (the trilogue process) MOST SPECTRUM ALLOCATIONS ARE CREATED BY AN ECC DECISION
BB PPDR spectrum work done 2010-2016 ETSI System Reference Document TR 102 628, published in 2010, set the basic requirements Law Enforcement Working Party (LEWP) of the European Council & ETSI TC TETRA/TCCE calculations detailed applications load matrix & capacity calculations (need 2 x 10 MHz for BB data) ECC set up Project Team FM49 for BB PPDR studies in 2011 PT FM49 WG FM ECC Report 199 published in 2013 (identified 700 & 400 MHz bands) Co –existence studies started in ECC in 2014 for both 700 and 400 MHz ranges PT SE7 WG SEECC Report 239 (700 MHz) & Report 240 (400 MHz) in 2015 Concluding report for Decision preparation started in parallel with the co-existence studies ECC PT FM49WG FM ECC Report 218 published in 2015 ECC Decision drafted in late 2015 PT FM49WG FM ECC Plenary meeting draft ECC Decision (16)02 Meanwhile CEPT/ECC produced CEPT Reports 53 & 60 in response to the Commission’s 700 MHz mandate and agreed European Common Positions to WRC15 Agenda Items 1.2 (700 MHz) and 1.3 (PPDR) ECC DEC(15)01 defined the mobile operator duplex band 703-733//758-788 MHz and up to 20 MHz Suppemental Downlink in the duplex gap
Broadband PPDR Decision ECC/DEC(16)02 Was in Public Consultation in March – April: debate on TV signal protection – WG FM late May – ECC Plenary late June Sovereignty of Member States: Allocations done by national decisions Flexible harmonisation concept: LTE technology Flexible business models from own to outsourced Flexible spectrum ownership models – dedicated/commercial/hybrid Frequency ranges 698-736// 753-791 MHz in three subranges 450.5-457.5//460.5-467.5 MHz in two partly overlapping subranges Allows only max – 42 dBm spurious emission below 694 MHz design challenge for 698 – 703 MHz handset ECC Decision (16)02: Harmonised technical conditions and frequency bands for the implementation of Broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) systems
Frequency ranges in ECC/DEC(16)02 700 MHz band allocations: C B: 703-733 B: 758-788 A A: PPDR 698-703 // 753-758 B: PPDR 703-733 // 758-788 (+ commercial) C: PPDR 733-736 // 788-791 450 MHz band allocations: PMR uplink 450-460 PMR downlink 460-470 452-457.5 462-467.5 450.5-456 460.5-466 Band 31
700 MHz mobile bands overview U.S. 700 MHz bands (many) PS PS APAC & LatAm LTE band 28, 2 x 45 … … in 703-748 // 758-803 700 MHz European 700 MHz bands, commercial cellular and PPDR: SDL 738-758 EU band 28, 2 x 30 ... ... In 703-733 // 758-788 EU band 20 A B: 703-733 C A B: 758-788 C Uplink (base station receive) Downlink (base station transmit) A: PPDR 698-703 // 753-758 B: PPDR 703-733 // 758-788 (also commercial) C: PPDR 733-736 // 788-791 (also M2M) 700 MHz 800 MHz
Where are we now? 700 MHz auctions have started Germany and France sold all 2 x 30 MHz to operators Finland to follow soon, then will Sweden do the same? LTE standards need further work The 698-703//753-758 MHz range has only APAC band class (- 25 dBm) The 450 MHz allocations do not match fully with band class 31 Country level spectrum decisions to be made UK has decided to use existing mobile operator networks France has decided 698-703//753-758 and 733-736//788-791 MHz Germany considering …
Thank you! Questions? Harmonised technical conditions and frequency bands for the implementation of Broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) systems Approved DD June 2016