U.S. Involvement in World War I
Convoys Groups of merchant ships sail together Protected by warships Used to protect against German U-boat attacks British and Americans
American Forces American Expeditionary Forces- “Doughboys” AEF Led by General John J. Pershing Gave Allied Forces an advantage “Over There” Carried the burden of the war Russia out of war-Russian Revolution Allied Forces exhausted
Major U.S. Battles Second Battle of the Marne (Allied Victory) Germany offensive that fails America aids France in counterattack Meuse-Argonne Offensive (Allied Victory) Largest battle in U.S. history (1.2 million soldiers) Biggest operation by the AEF Depleted the Central Powers
German Armistice By the end of 1918 German front was collapsing Austrian-Hungarian and Ottoman Empire were non-existent Soldiers deserted, mutinied or refused to fight November 11, 1918-Germany surrenders
Casualties Nearly 5 million Allied soldiers and 8 million Central Powers soldiers were killed in the fighting. In addition, 6.5 million civilians died during the conflict.
Heroes of World War I Sgt. Alvin York Single-Handedly captured German machine gun battalion Congressional Medal of Honor Captain Eddie Rickenbacker American ‘Ace”-26 kills Woodrow Wilson