Homer’s The Odyssey Background Notes
Who is Homer?
No, not Homer Simpson…
An ancient blind poet The “bard” who composed the Iliad and the Odyssey between 900 and 700 B.C.
Homer did not compose each epic all at once; he told them in a series of short episodes that could be recited in an evening. Editors, not Homer himself, organized the epics in 24 books.
What exactly is an Epic?
The Epic Poem A long narrative poem that tells the adventures of a hero The first epic poems were not recorded. They were memorized and recited for hours. Delivered by professional poets and often sung for entertainment, a history lesson, or a lesson in morals
Characteristics of an Epic A physically impressive hero (usually famous) A quest or journey A vast setting involving much of the known physical world Descent of the hero into the underworld Supernatural Forces Glorification of the hero at the end
The gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece are important characters. They take sides in the conflicts and help the humans.
Characteristics of the Epic Hero EPIC HERO - a larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society. Characteristics: 1. An epic hero is superhuman. He is braver, stronger, smarter, and cleverer than an ordinary person. 2. The epic hero is on a quest for something of great value to him or to his people. 3. The villains that try to keep the hero from his quest are usually uglier, more evil, and more cunning than anyone we know in ordinary life. 4. The epic hero is often of mixed divine and human birth and so possesses human weaknesses. 5. The divine world (the gods) interferes with the human world.
Heroes During Homer’s Time Heroes were a special class of aristocrats, in between gods and ordinary human beings. No matter what pain they may have experienced, they always displayed CONFIDENCE .
The Iliad Setting: 10th year of the Trojan War, Greeks vs. Trojans Theme: War Important Characters: Helen, the “face that launched a thousand ships” Menelaus, Helen’s Greek Husband, and Agamemnon, his brother Paris, the prince of Troy Climax: Trojan Horse (Odysseus’s idea)
The Trojan Horse
The Odyssey Setting: 10 years after the end of the Trojan War Theme: A Long Journey A Hero In trouble: Odysseus, a Greek soldier trying to find his way home to Ithaca, where he is king People of Ithaca have forgotten about him His war-hero status is not important anymore When he left twenty years ago, his son, Telemachus, was a baby He did not want to leave his wife, Penelope
Invocation to the Muse An “invocation” is a call for help or support. In ancient times, poets or artists would call upon a MUSE to help them write or create. A MUSE is a person or thing that inspires you to create. Ancient poets, like Homer, would start their poems with an invocation to the Muse, or a call to help them create a great poem.
“In Medias Res” Means: “In the middle of things” The Odyssey does not begin at the beginning; it starts with Telemachus at 20 years old trying to figure out what to do about his missing dad.