Period 2, 5 & 6 We will examine heroes of the 1920’s Chapter 13.3 Notes Charles Lindbergh Steamboat Willie
The Changing Family The birthrate had declined Due to increased availability of birth control Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic Household life was made easier Ready made clothes, sliced bread, canned food New inventions made cleaning easier Washer machine, vacuum cleaner
Chapter 13.3 Notes High School enrollment increases Prior to 1920s high schools were for college bound students Schools established vocational training Taught immigrant children English
News Coverage Increases Educated people read more Magazines like Reader’s Digest and Time began Radio New words “airwaves”, “tune in” People could hear the news as it happened
Sports Heroes Gertrude Ederle- First woman to swim the English Channel Babe Ruth- Home run record holder 60 in 1927 Andrew “Rube” Foster- Established the “Negro National League” Helen Wills- 7 time US Open champion in tennis
` Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic $25,000 for the first solo flight Took off from New York in Spirit of St Louis It took more than 33 hours to cross the Atlantic
Interview with Lindbergh Why might Lindbergh not be able to fly his plane again? What did Lindbergh suggest was more important than luck? When was the dangerous time for flying? What was Lindbergh afraid of doing when he landed in Paris? Why was he wearing a borrowed suit? What choice had he made?