FOREIGN RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR: 1904-1905 – Russia lost 1st time a non-European power defeated a major European power Russian fleet nearly destroyed Treaty of Portsmouth – Japan got Manchuria from Russia
DOMESTIC BLOODY SUNDAY – Jan. 1905 – while Nicholas ran away Russian soldiers massacred protesters in St. Petersburg outside the Palace
DOMESTIC REVOLUTION of 1905 -worker strikes in cities -peasants revolted & demanded land -minorities called for independence -terrorists targeted officials -assassins cheered as heroes
DOMESTIC OCTOBER MANIFESTO – Nicholas promised creation of the DUMA (elected national legislature) – would approve laws Except when the Duma met for the 1st time, Nicholas II dissolved it because it criticized the government
DOMESTIC He appointed Peter Stolypin to be Prime Minister, who sought to restore order Ordered trials of terrorists to occur within 24 hrs. of arrest & executed immediately upon conviction 1,000 suspected terrorists were killed in less than a year
DOMESTIC Stolypin was later assassinated in 1911 after an attempt to kill him failed 4 years earlier (bombed his house)