National Science Learning Network development day: Evaluation Workshop Pauline Hoyle National STEM Learning Centre and Network
Aims and outcomes of the workshop To consider how SLPs can work with STEM Learning to address the issues identified in the external evaluation of the Network Outcomes To agree processes for improving issues identified in the external evaluation
Isos evaluation of National STEM Learning Network Main findings SLPs established as a source of high quality STEM CPD SLP have greater awareness of, and confidence about reaching, delivery targets SLPs have had successes in delivery to primary schools and through networks and Good uptake of CPD aimed at technicians and priority schools. SLPs engagement from secondary schools and post-16 institutions was proving very challenging.
Overall impact of Network CPD Almost 9 in 10 CPD participants reported CPD had a very high or high level of impact overall Schools that make strategic use of regional and national CPD are likely to achieve better results for Ebacc 2 sciences than schools that do not use NSLN CPD the chart on the left shows the survey responses of 117 CPD participants, who were asked to identify the level of overall impact of the CPD that they had accessed. the chart on the right shows one of the analyses we did to compare patterns of usage of CPD from different parts of the Network with school standards, using the same categories of usage as the super-users evaluation (e.g. SU = super-user). The picture this presents is not entirely clear-cut, and is complicated by fluctuations due to changes in KS4 assessments and measures. It suggests, however, that schools that are making more strategic use of both regional and national CPD achieve better results than non-users, and that this pattern is consistent across different levels of usage.
Impact on participants Participants strongly agreed or agreed that the CPD had fulfilled their aims ( 97%) improved their confidence, knowledge and skills( 98%) improved their practice(98%) 76% of participants identified impact on their career development and progression – this is lower than the impact on their practice, as might be expected given there is a less direct and immediate link between the CPD and impact of this nature. Nevertheless, this is encouraging, given it is a higher proportion than the identified impact of this type in the super-users evaluation (60%).
Impact on colleagues/institutions 93% shared learning with colleagues 74% reported improvement in their practice 87% demonstrated the value of subject-specific CPD. Less impact reported on strategic areas i.e. refining subject priorities and evaluating teaching techniques
Impact on pupils 71% impact on pupils’ engagement in science, 63% on their progress & attainment, 49% on the likelihood of further study.
Benefits for schools leading SLPs Raises the profile of the lead institution, their potential partners and establishes their leadership role Helps SLP to recruit and retain staff Helps to develop individuals within the SLP through access to high quality CPD Develops STEM teaching and learning within the host school SLP lead schools - achieve better results in science
Benefits for those leading CPD Impacts on their confidence, skills and teaching ( 95%) Impacts on their career development and progression ( 91%)
Areas for improvement Areas that the network needs to improve: Improving national communications so schools seek out their local SLP together with planned, forward-looking communications within the Network Central booking system Planned approach to Network’s CPD programme Areas that SLP need to develop Sustaining connections with schools/networks to support strategic use of CPD Greater awareness of the importance of SLP brand and reputation Strategic deployment of those trained to lead STEM CPD Effective use of Impact toolkit to show impact of CPD
Questions for discussion Which of the issues highlighted are highest priority for improvement? For each needing improvement How can SLPs improve practice in address the issue? What can the central Network management do to address the issues?