The Odyssey Unit Introduction Mr. Jun
Basic Background Information The Odyssey is an Ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer around 900 or 700 B.C. epic: long narrative poem about a hero who embodies a culture/civilization’s values Second oldest western written work ever! (second only to another book by Homer, Illiad) Captures an epic hero’s 10-year journey back to Ithaca in Greece after fighting in the Trojan War Fictional, but weaves historical events into story Product of Greek oral tradition Long poems were memorized and recited Poems perfected over years
Who is Homer? Poet who lived around 8th century B.C. No definite historical evidence for his existence Might be a legend Some believe he was a blind poet from the island of Chios, others believe “he” is a collection of poets There was no written history during Homer’s time, so he might have been a rhapsode Someone who memorized and recited poetry, history and mythology (religion for the Greeks at the time)
The Illiad The epic poem that precedes the The Odyssey Poem about a 10-year war between Greeks and Trojans outside the city of Troy Poem is set during the final year of the war War starts when Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta, runs off with Paris, a prince of Troy Greeks band together to get revenge Greeks send 1000 ships across Aegean Sea to attack Troy Achilles, the greatest Greek warrior, is part of siege
The Illiad continued… Odysseus devises plan to leave an enormous wooden horse filled with Greek soldiers at Troy’s gates Greek soldiers not in horse hide to trick Trojans into believing they retreated Trojans think the horse is a peace offering, or sign of surrender, and bring it into the city Greek soldiers in the horse come out of horse while Trojans are celebrating and open gates for army Trojans are slaughtered and Troy is burned to the ground
The Odyssey Background Information Greek heroes: considered to be aristocrats (higher class) Above ordinary men but below the gods Perseus beheads Medusa
The Odyssey Background Information Continued… The narrative structure is not chronological Odysseus, the protagonist and hero in The Odyssey, wants to go home to Penelope and Telemachus, his wife and son, but must struggle against or with: unfair authorities, especially the gods nature monsters choice disrespect from civilians (people who are not soldiers) a soldier’s transition back to “normal life” hopeless, fatigue, sadness inner balance and peace his own foolishness and that of others
The Odyssey Background Information Continued… gods: Athena, goddess of wisdom Poseidon, god of sea and earthquakes The reader can interpret gods as reflections of Odysseus’s identity, problems, self, etc. Athena helping Odysseus can mean that he is intelligent and clever Poseidon disrupting Odysseus’s journey can mean that he is not mentally and emotionally stable enough after the war to return home monsters: Polyphemus, the Cyclops Calypso,, Circe, the nymphs Scylla, six-headed monster The Sirens, women on an island who lure men