Office for Domestic Preparedness: Supporting Homeland Defense Kerry L. Thomas Program Manager State and Local Program Management Division 9/21/2018
Why are we here? 9/21/2018
Roadmap Background Equipment Training & TA Exercise Support Mission 9/21/2018
9/21/2018 ODP Background 30 April 1998 - Office of Justice Programs charged to improve WMD incident response Develop and administer State and local training assistance programs State and local equipment assistance programs Authorization FY 98 - FY 02 DOJ Appropriations USA Patriot Act (PL 108-88): blanket authorization of ODP first responder assistance 30 April 1998 - Attorney General delegates authority to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) to develop and administer training and equipment assistance programs for state and local emergency response agencies OJP established the Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support (OSLDPS) to develop and administer a national Domestic Preparedness Program Other than the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici program, neither OSLDPS nor its programs have formal authorizing legislation. OSLDPS operates under authority provided by the FY98, 99,00, and 01 Commerce, Justice, and State appropriation bills. 9/21/2018
ODP Mission What: Develop & implement a national program 9/21/2018 ODP Mission What: Develop & implement a national program Why: Enhance the capacity of State and local agencies to respond to WMD terrorism How: Equipment Acquisition Technical Assistance Coordinated Training Support for Federal, State, and local exercises 9/21/2018
Building Capacity 9/21/2018
9/21/2018 Laying the Foundation States/territories work with responders & public health 3-Year Domestic Preparedness Strategies 50 States District of Columbia 5 U.S. Territories Based on suite of assessments Threat & Vulnerability Capabilities and Needs OSLDPS, FBI, and CDC worked collaboratively to develop the State and Local Assessment Tool DOD is currently piloting same tool for DOD installation force protection use Using this tool, State and local law enforcement, response, public health agencies, and state administrative agencies - identify jurisdiction threats and risks - identify capabilities and needs of the response community - identify capabilities and infrastructure needs of local public health agencies - provide feedback to be included in overall risk capabilities and needs assessments - OSLDPS collaborates with States Once OSLDPS assembles and analyzes these plans, they will present a comprehensive picture of equipment, training, exercise, and technical assistance needs across the nation. Anticipate receiving most of these strategies by 31 Dec 2001. OSLDPS will work directly with each state and territory to develop and implement individual training, exercise, equipment, and technical assistance programs to meet the requirements laid out in the Three-Year Strategies 9/21/2018
Meeting the Challenge… Through Partnership 9/21/2018 Meeting the Challenge… Through Partnership Respond to specific State and local requirements Work with communities to conduct assessments of State and local needs and capabilities Use assessments to guide state strategy development and execution Work with the operators at the tip of the spear Feedback through meetings and conferences Respond to specific State and local requirements - each locality is different and has different needs. A one size-fits-all solution is not the recipe for success. Would be like a doctor treating a patient without a diagnosis So, OSLDPS works with communities to conduct assessments of State and local needs and capabilities, in essence diagnosing the sprained ankle that impedes progress Armed with these diagnoses or assessments, OSLDPS can then tailor program development and execution to the needs and requirements of the community to heal the sprain and get the patient back to running marathons. Most importantly, throughout the whole process, OSLDPS works with the people who know what happens and will be involved when the rubber meets the road - the firefighters, policemen, emergency managers, emergency services personnel, and local decision makers. OSLDPS also hosts National and Regional training workshops and conferences to focus policymakers on WMD issues: National Stakeholders Conference (August 1998 and May 1999). 1st State Terrorism Policy Summit (NGA/NEMA). Executive Session (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University) (Semi-Annual meetings since 1999). Periodic Regional Policy Conferences (NGA/NEMA). Executive Training for the National Sheriff’s Association. 2nd State Terrorism Policy Summit (NGA/NEMA) Jul 9-10, 2001. Chantilly Stakeholders Conference, May 1999. NLD DPP Kickoff Conference, Mar 2001. 9/21/2018
Equipment Support Increase response capacity to WMD terrorism through: 9/21/2018 Equipment Support Increase response capacity to WMD terrorism through: Direct funding to purchase equipment Equipment operation and maintenance training Nationwide caches of pre-positioned equipment 9/21/2018
Equipment Grant Funding County and Municipal Programs – discontinued FY 1998: $12M 41 Jurisdictions FY 1999: $31.7M 157 Jurisdictions State Agency Program – formula grant FY 1999: $53.8M 50 States FY 2000: $2.9M 6 Territories FY 2000/2001: $145.3M 56 States & Territories FY 2002: $301.7 56 States & Territories NLD Program FY 2001: $14.6M 52 Cities 9/21/2018
Equipment Categories Detection Decontamination 9/21/2018 Equipment Categories Detection Decontamination Personal protective equipment Interoperable communications Explosive device mitigation and remediation WMD technical rescue General support Medical supplies/pharmaceuticals Security enhancements and target hardening 9/21/2018
Equipment Purchase Assistance 9/21/2018 Equipment Purchase Assistance Agreements in place with: Defense Supply Center Philadelphia Contact: Bill Litz, (215) 737-4452 Marine Corps Systems Command Contact: Charles Bell, (703) 784-5897 Grantee access to Federal purchasing programs Benefits: Competition = fair & reasonable pricing Expedited equipment purchases Streamlined procurement DSCP: Bill Litz, (215) 737-4452 MARCORSYSCOM: Charles Bell, (703) 784-5897 9/21/2018
Equipment Technical Assistance 9/21/2018 Equipment Technical Assistance Established in partnership with Pine Bluff Arsenal NO COST to jurisdiction Mobile teams Technical info and training on equipment: Calibration Operation Maintenance 9/21/2018
Pre-positioned Equipment Program 9/21/2018 Pre-positioned Equipment Program Goal: sustain ongoing efforts by replenishing assets Positioned in strategic locations Currently 2 “pods” – 1 operational, 1 training To field additional pods by end CY 2002 Pre-staging for high-profile events 9/21/2018
Other Equipment Efforts Inter Agency Board Equipment purchase lists derived from Standardized Equipment List Equipment Reuse Program DOE/DOJ/HPS partnership Surplus radiation detection instrumentation Training, maintenance and calibration services 9/21/2018
Training Program Comprehensive training curriculum 30+ Courses NO COST Awareness Performance Management & Planning NO COST Based on accepted professional standards Complement existing certifications Coordinated through Federal Inter-Agency Design & delivery through specialized institutions Mobile and in-residence 9/21/2018
National Domestic Preparedness Consortium Center for Domestic Preparedness New Mexico Tech Texas A&M Univ. Nevada Test Site National Exercise, Test & Training Center 9/21/2018 Louisiana State Univ.
Other Partners International Association of Firefighters National Governor’s Association National Sheriffs Association Pine Bluff Arsenal National Terrorism Preparedness Institute US Conference of Mayors US Public Health Service 9/21/2018
CoMNET and Live Response Programs Consequence Management, News, Equipment and Training (CoMNET) News-magazine program Multiple news and feature stories “Nuts and bolts” information Live Response Audience call-in program Panel of response experts 4th Wednesday of each month, 2-3pm EST Available through various networks (EENET, FETN/LETN) Webcast at 9/21/2018
Training Initiatives Training Resources and Data Exchange Inter-Agency partnerships Requirements analysis Tasks by discipline Criticality Existing training Training Guidelines under review Distance Learning efforts 9/21/2018
Course Review and Certification Process Consortium site conducts pilot(s) Notifies ODP for review ODP selects panel of SMEs Consortium site implements changes SMEs review course recommend changes ODP verifies changes Course Fielded 9/21/2018
Technical Assistance On-site technical assistance: General: Developing and enhancing response plans Information Management: Helpline, Information Clearinghouse, Listserv State Strategy Development: focused TA to help states develop and implement strategies NO COST to State and local jurisdictions 9/21/2018
Technical Assistance ODP Helpline Information Clearinghouse 800-368-6498 Staffed 9 AM - 6 PM EST on business days Info related to ODP programs and services Referrals to ODP program staff Non-emergency assistance with WMD technical questions Information Clearinghouse 9/21/2018
National Exercise Program Top Officials (TOPOFF) Congressionally mandated May 2000 Largest Federal, state, and local exercise of its kind Involved 3 separate venues and many federal agencies Simulated simultaneous chemical, biological, and radiological attacks around the country Lessons learned for all levels of the response community Currently planning TOPOFF II in 2003 Federal-State-Local exercise series National Security Special Events 9/21/2018
State and Local Exercise Program Assistance to State and local jurisdictions Exercise design Exercise development Exercise execution Exercise evaluation FY 2001 Funding: $3.99 Million FY 2002 Funding: $37.89 Million Includes contractor assistance and or grants to reimburse jurisdictions for exercise-related costs Overtime Consumables Travel Consultant costs NLD Completion Exercise manual and toolkit 9/21/2018 800-368-6498 Questions? 800-368-6498 9/21/2018