Properties of Solids
Physical Vs. Chemical Rxns.
Phys. Vs. Chem. Props.
Types of Solids
Props of Solids Phys./Chem. Rxns Buoyancy Density Phys/Chem Props Types of Solids $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
The mass per unit volume of a given material 1-100 1 - 100 The mass per unit volume of a given material $100
What is density? $100 Select a New Category 1-100A 1 - 100
The ability of a solid to be pounded into thin sheets. 1-200 The ability of a solid to be pounded into thin sheets. $200
1-200A 1 - 100 What is malleability? Select a New Category $200
The ability to be pulled into thin wires. 1-300 The ability to be pulled into thin wires. $300
1-300A 1 - 100 What is ductility? Select a New Category $300
The tendency to break or crack. 1-400 The tendency to break or crack. $400
1-400A 1 - 100 What is brittleness? Select a New Category $400
1-500 The ability to be stretched or compressed an then return to its original shape. $500
1-500A What is elasticity? 1 - 100 Select a New Category $500
The starting ingredients for a chemical reaction. 2-100 The starting ingredients for a chemical reaction. 1 - 100 $100
2-100A 1 - 100 What are reactants? Select a New Category $100
Everything to the right of the arrow in a chemical reaction 2-200 Everything to the right of the arrow in a chemical reaction $200
2-200A 1 - 100 What are products? Select a New Category $200
2-300 A solid that forms in a chemical reaction that is insoluble in the reaction mixture $300
2-300A 1 - 100 What is a precipitate? Select a New Category $300
These are found to the left of the arrow in a chemical reaction 2-400 These are found to the left of the arrow in a chemical reaction $400
2-400A 1 - 100 What are reactants? Select a New Category $400
Some clues to chemical changes 2-500 Some clues to chemical changes $500
2-500A 1 - 100 What is fizzing, foaming, color change, odor, production of heat, formation of a precipitate? Select a New Category $500
Definition of buoyancy 3-100 Definition of buoyancy 1 - 100 $100
3-100A 1 - 100 What is the measure of the upward force that a fluid exerts on a an object that is submerged? Select a New Category $100
Archimedes Principle states this 3-200 Archimedes Principle states this $200
3-200A 1 - 100 What is the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? Select a New Category $200
This determines whether an object will sink or float 3-300 This determines whether an object will sink or float $300
What is average density? 1 - 100 What is average density? Select a New Category $300
A 4.5 N object is placed in tank of water. If the water exerts 3-400 A 4.5 N object is placed in tank of water. If the water exerts a force of 4.3N on the object will the object sink or float? . 2 1 $400
What is the object will sink? 1 - 100 What is the object will sink? Select a New Category $400
3-500 1 A 30 cm cubed chunk of platinum weighs 6.3N. It is carefully submerged in a tub of molasses. One cm cubed of molasses weighs 0.013N. The weight of the molasses displaced by the platinum is this 2 3 $500
3-500A What is 0.39N? 1 - 100 Select a New Category $500
The formula for density 4-100 The formula for density 1 - 100 $100
What is density = mass/volume? 1 - 100 Select a New Category $100
A grease separator used by chefs is based on this 4-200 A grease separator used by chefs is based on this $200
4-200A 1 - 100 What is density? Select a New Category $200
4-300 A substance with a mass of 2g and a volume of 20 cm cubed has a density of this $300
4-300A 1 - 100 What is .1g/cm cubed? Select a New Category $300
4-400 In general, how the densities of a material in the solid, liquid & gas phases compare $400
4-400A What is a material in the solid phase is the most dense and a material in the gas phase is the least dense? 1 - 100 Select a New Category $400
A common exception to the rule from this category for $400? 4-500 A common exception to the rule from this category for $400? $500
4-500A 1 - 100 What is water? Select a New Category $500
Ice melts at room temperature 5-100 Ice melts at room temperature 1 - 100 $100
What is a physical property? 1 - 100 What is a physical property? Select a New Category $100
An apple turns brown when it is peeled 5-200 An apple turns brown when it is peeled $200
What is a chemical property? Select a New Category $200
Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature 5-300 Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature $300
What is a physical property? 1 - 100 What is a physical property? Select a New Category $300
5-400 Rust is orange $400
What is a physical property? 1 - 100 What is a physical property? Select a New Category $400
5-500 Copper forms a blue-green patina after being exposed to the air for a long period of time $500
What is a chemical property? 1 - 100 What is a chemical property? Select a New Category $500
Diamond is an example of this 6-100 Diamond is an example of this 1 - 100 $100
What is a crystalline solid? 1 - 100 What is a crystalline solid? Select a New Category $100
Rubber is an example of this 6-200 Rubber is an example of this $200
What is an amorphous solid? 1 - 100 Select a New Category $200
Sugar is an example of this 6-300 Sugar is an example of this $300
What is a crystalline solid? 1 - 100 What is a crystalline solid? Select a New Category $300
Metal is an example of this 6-400 Metal is an example of this $400
What is a crystalline solid? 1 - 100 What is a crystalline solid? Select a New Category $400
Oobleck is an example of this 6-500 Oobleck is an example of this $500
What is an amorphous solid? 1 - 100 What is an amorphous solid? Select a New Category $500
Final Jeopardy Buoyancy
The weight of gasoline displaced by wax if a 10 cm cubed block of wax weighs 0.085N. The wax is submerged in a container of gasoline. One cm cubed of gasoline weighs 0.0069N.
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What is 0.69N? Great Job!