Technology Integration
Levels of Integration Technology Literacy Adapting Transforming Technology Literacy Adapting Transforming
Levels: Technology Literacy (L) For technology sake Curriculum is the topic for the technology Now that we have learned about ____, lets do a PowerPoint For technology sake Curriculum is the topic for the technology Now that we have learned about ____, lets do a PowerPoint
Levels: Adapting (A) Same curriculum with new tool (technology) Same teacher-student roles Cramming too much into lesson Same curriculum with new tool (technology) Same teacher-student roles Cramming too much into lesson
Levels: Transforming (T) New show in town (Totally revamped lessons) Useful to others Authentic, collaborative, engaging Student is producer of new information New show in town (Totally revamped lessons) Useful to others Authentic, collaborative, engaging Student is producer of new information
Examples of Levels Literacy: Report on a battle of the civil war in PowerPoint with rubric focus on technology skills. Adapting: Same report in PowerPoint with focus of rubric on content. Transforming: Commemorate a moment of the war by presenting your choice supported by facts. Literacy: Report on a battle of the civil war in PowerPoint with rubric focus on technology skills. Adapting: Same report in PowerPoint with focus of rubric on content. Transforming: Commemorate a moment of the war by presenting your choice supported by facts.
Levels of Integration Technology Literacy –For technology sake Adapting –Same thing…new tool Transforming –New show in town Technology Literacy –For technology sake Adapting –Same thing…new tool Transforming –New show in town
Looking at Levels Click on the Online survey link next to Wheres the Flashlight activity from the website –Classify the following student tasks as a literacy (L), adapting (A), or transforming (T) uses of technology. –Use one of the tools listed on the website to share your thoughts. Click on the Online survey link next to Wheres the Flashlight activity from the website –Classify the following student tasks as a literacy (L), adapting (A), or transforming (T) uses of technology. –Use one of the tools listed on the website to share your thoughts. Note: When looking at these examples you will need to make an assumption as to the evaluation of the product – technology or content
Levels of Integration Technology Literacy –For technology sake Adapting –Same thing…new tool Transforming –New show in town Technology Literacy –For technology sake Adapting –Same thing…new tool Transforming –New show in town